Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > A Living Dance Upon Dead Minds
A Living Dance Upon Dead Minds
(#) Cerediwen 2007-02-21
ooh...a twist...I really so love this parallel universe idea! I wish i'd had it now!A Living Dance Upon Dead Minds
(#) im_dead 2007-02-21
i'm really excited for this story, i've always loved the concept of parallel universes, and judging by the prolouge i think this story will be fantastic, can't wait for the next chapter.A Living Dance Upon Dead Minds
(#) ZippersOverYou 2007-02-21
I promised myself I wouldn't review every chapter but...I've always sucked at promises. This chapter was, in two words, bad ass. I absolutely adore the gritty way you portrayed Gerard...if I knew him better, I could let you know you nailed it but I don't so I can only guess you nailed it. Expect another review from me tonight 'cause there's one more bad ass chapter for me to get through.A Living Dance Upon Dead Minds
(#) ZippersOverYou 2007-02-21
Damn...i can't count. I guess this was the last chapter...well,needless to say, update soon.A Living Dance Upon Dead Minds
(#) SafeFromRobotsDAMN 2007-02-22
OMG! this is sooooooo cool!...i'm getting caught up!
sorry you're ill :(...but jelous that you missed school!! :)
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