Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry and I

Harry and I

by Black_Widow13 2 reviews

What if Harry had a twin, but only just found out after the Dursley's adopted her? No one knew about her either! Just thought id write this for no reason. Rated for language that my friend added in...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure - Characters: Harry - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2007-02-21 - Updated: 2007-02-22 - 2261 words

Chapter One

/This is what I think would happen if Harry found out he had a sister, twin, that NO ONE ever knew about./

I sat on my bed in the orphanage. I have long black hair and green eyes. I also feel as if I have something more. Strange things happen to me. And I live in a homeless shelter. It was the American Love Home For The Homeless. I was brought here two years ago by an American who thought I had no home. But I did, the cardboard box was my home. I sighed. I missed the streets of London. And the fact I would never know my parents. I have been adopted 8 times. But I messed it up so bad for myself that they all brought me back. They told me I had no manners and wasn't "lady-like." I also regreted being bad to a few families, some were accually nice and treated me like an actual daughter. But Im not the type to take things lightly and just messed it up so they brought me back. Now no one wants me. Except this one family from England. The Dursley's. They had a son and a nephew, but they wanted a little American daughter. All I was gonna do though was piss them off and they wouldn't want me anymore. They were supposed to come get me today. I don't want to meet them though. After looking at the picture, I knew their type. Fat and proud. I noticed there was only one fat ugly boy in the picture, about 18, so that must be the son. A knock on the door disturbed my thoughts.
"Amanda," came the warden's voice. "They are here."
"Great." I heaved a deep breath.
I walked out in the living room and saw my future family. The man was fat and had a vein on his neck. I didn't like him already. The woman was thin and had a long neck. She looked pretty sneaky and suspiciouce about things. She turned her head to the dusty antiques and snorted. The over clean snotty type. One boy was fat and stared at the fake fruit on the table. Over-eater. The other boy was the one I didn't see in the picture. He was thin and looked firmiler. He had jet black hair that was messy and toad green eyes. I liked the looks of him and had a sense that we would get along just fine. But the others...
"Hello." said the man. "I am Vernon, but you can call me Uncle Vernon or Dad."
"Hi." I said.
"Petunia." said the lady holding out her hand, thinking twice, and drawing it back.
Vernon nugged the fat boy to say his name. "Dudley." the boy said with a smirk on his face.
"This is our nephew Harry." said Vernon.
"Hey." I said lifting a shoulder.
I noticed Harry studying me. I felt an atracttion already. Not like a love one though. Just a natural one.
"Well," said Vernon clapping his hands together, making me jump. "I'll get the papers filled and we'll go to London and get you some living items."
I sat on the couch,waiting for them to finnish so that I can make their life miserable. Harry and Dudley sat next to me. Dudley took some of the fake fruit and stuffed it in his jacket. Fat Stupid Fool. I thought. Harry sat there silently and looked at me. I felt a tiny bit invaded.
"Do you have any idea who you parents are?" asked Harry.
"No." said I.
Harry smiled a small smile and then got up. "Come here." he said.
I followed him to the hall. "Can you talk to snakes?" he asked.
I looked at him, surprised. "No." I said. Who the hell was this kid and why was he talking about snakes?
"Do strange things happen to you?"
He knew! He knew about me. "Yes."
Harry gave a small nod and grabbed a piece of paper. He scribbled something on it then got another piece to scribble on.
"You're pretty young to be a phycologist." I said.
"What? Oh I don't have a job." said Harry. "Well, I guess I do."
"What is it?" I asked.
"I'm a...uh...cop." said Harry stuffing the papers in his pocket.
"A 17 year old cop?" I was suspicouse.
"A very special cop." said Harry.
"Time to go." came Vernon's voice.
He made Harry walk in front of him and pushed him in the car. "Now, boy, you will go and do the chores when we get home."
Vernon got in the driver's seat and told me to get in the back next to Harry. Petunia gave me a smile and told me they'll buy me a ticket for the plane. It was a night plane. I would be at the house tomarrow morning. I did not want to go. But I was forced to go. Can't wait to get back either. I packed only the stuff I wanted and needed most. But I also wanted to see how Harry knew me. I'd never seen him in London. So why and how did he know me? How did he know I was special? I looked at him. He was looking out the window at a white owl. The owl was beautiful.
"Uncle," said Harry. "Can we stop for a quick bathroom break?"
Vernon stopped the car at a Burger King. Harry hopped out of the car and ran inside. The white owl flew out back. The Dursley's took no notice of the owl. They acted as if the owl didn't exist.
"So you're 17?" said Vernon.
"Yes." I answered looking out the window to see the owl.
"Harry's age," said Vernon. "When's your birthday?"
I looked at Vernon through the mirror. "No one knows. They determined that it was in July."
"Oh, no exact date?"
"No, they said around the 20th to the 31st."
"Oh I see. So really close to Harry." Vernon narowed his eyes as if to get a beter look at me. "Let's make it the 22nd ."
That was three days away. That made me happy. But what would they do for my birthday? They didn't seem to like Harry, their own flesh and blood, so what if they didn't like me?
When Harry came back, I noticed that he didn't have the papers in his pocket anymore. I watched the owl fly from the back of the building, papers attached to it's leg. That was a delivery owl of some sort, and Harry was using it. Maybe it was his owl, or a friends owl. I didn't think on it much as we reacheed the airport.
They parked the rental car outside and grabbed my trunks and their trunks. Or at least, Harry grabbed the trunks.
"I'll carry my trunk." I said to him and grabbed it.
I also grabbed Dudley's trunk and walked through the door behind Vernon. Vernon pushed Harry ahead and set the trunks down by a sign. I set mine and Dudley's trunk next to them and followed Harry and Petunia to the waiting room while Vernon and Dudley went to get the tickets. Harry and I sat down but Petunia stood up and wouldn't touch anything. Clean freak. I thought. Vernon came back and handed me my ticket.
"I'll hold on to yours boy." he said to Harry.
I walked to the gate and got on the plane. Vernon pushed Harry into a seat and told me I could sit werever I wanted. So I sat next to Harry. Petunia lifted her head in the air and whispered to Vernon. Vernon looked at me and Harry and narowed his eyes again. He whispered back to Petunia.
"So," said Harry. "Any siblings?"
"No." I answered. What was he getting at anyway?
He nodded his head and looked out the window. I looked at the screen ahead of us. It was playing a movie called Alice. It was a horror parody on Alice and Wonderland. I thought it was pretty good. But it made the baby behind us cry. I got a little tired after Goonies and drifted off to sleep.

I woke up around six in the morning to the flight attendant saying it would be fourty minutes until landing in London. Back home at last! I couldn't wait to see London again. I wanted to see if Samantha was still around. She used to live near me and we were the best of friends. It had been a year ago that I last saw her though.
We got out of the plane. It was hot outside so I took off my jacket. We went into the lobby and Vernon went and complained about service a while before we went into our car. It was a nice car and I could see why the Dursley's were proud of themselves. But it didn't give them a right to treat Harry badley.
They were taking me shopping to get clothes and different stuff. They said I could pick the store. So I picked the one I used to steal from near Samantha's house. She lived in an apartment with her dog and used to let me stay there when it wasn't fit for me to stay in my cardboard box.
They drove me to the store and I passed the old apartment. Samantha was outside with her dog, Rico. Rico was a black lab. Samantha saw me and waved. I waved back. Vernon said he'd give me $100 for this store then we would try a place that they went sometimes. I looked at there clothes and said to myself that whatever I got at their store would not be worn or I would fix it my way.
I watched Samantha cross the street as I went in the store.
"Girl!" she yelled. "I missed you."
"I missed you too." we hugged a moment and she asked me what I was doing with those guys.
"I been near their part of the neighborhood and they are proud shit. They think they're all that but they abuse that black haired boy." said Samantha.
"I got adopted by those fools." I said picking out a black and red mini skirt and some black and red knee-highs.
"I see you still got style." said Samantha.
"Americans called me "goth and emo" whatever that is." I said.
"Haha! That's stupid. Them americans and their labels."
I spent my all my money. Sense this was a cheep store, I had enough clothes to drown in. Vernon's eyes popped out at how much i got and Petunia snorted at the style. I waved by to Samantha and got in the car with thirteen bags.
"That is quite a lot o' clothes you got there." said Vernon.
"Yep." I said.
"You have quite a taste in clothes." commented Petunia.
I flashed her a smile and waved one last time to Samantha. Then we passed where I used to live. The box was still there.
"I used to live in that box." I said to them.
Vernon looked at me. "That's a big box. What happened during cold and bad weather?" he asked.
"I stayed with my friend and her...parents." Samantha didn't have any parents, but I wasn't gonna tell them that.
We finally arrived at the house. Number Four Private Drive. It was a nice house and very plain. Very expected and predictable.
Harry and I walked inside. It was a very clean. Almost too clean. Harry showed me to my new room. It had two beds in it. "It's also my room." said Harry. "We just added the second bed."
I stepped on a lose floorboard, but ignored it. I went over to one closet, but Harry stopped me.
"That side is mine, this is yours."
I got the bigger side. Typical Dursley's. Samantha said they were snotty, but not this snotty. I put my stuff in there and Harry said if I needed him he'd be under the stairs in the cupboard. It was like he was hiding something. Something he didn't want me to find out. Oh well. I thought. I would find out sooner or later.
I walked downstairs. Petunia was cooking and Vernon and Dudley were watching tv. I looked out the window. There was that white owl. It was flying to Harry and my bedroom window. I ran back up the stairs. The owl was on the window sill waiting for Harry. I walked up to it slowly. It didn't seem frightened. So I took the papers it was carrying from it's beak. One was adressed to me. How was that possible! I didn't send anything. It said from Minerva McGonagall. I didn't even know who that was! I didn't open it. Another was from Hermione Granger and the last from Ron Weasley. Who are these people? I asked myself. Then Harry walked in. He grabbed the letters from my hands and read the ones from Ron and Hermione first. Then he read the one to me.
"Amanda," he said. "You are...sit down."
I looked at him and he handed me a drink. I didn't bother where he got it from. I suddenly felt drowsy. I drifted off slowly as everything got black. The last thing I saw was Harry as he pulled out a stick from his pocket.
/I've had an idea like this for a really long time and thought that I might as well write it, right? So I hope you enjoy this story!/
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