Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Silver and Cold

Heartache Every Moment

by Cerediwen 5 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama, Fantasy, Horror - Characters: Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way - Published: 2007-02-24 - Updated: 2007-02-24 - 1116 words

A/N: I'm sorry this update has taken so long but I really needed to get this chapter right and it's taken me a hell of a lot of thought to work out the best way of staging it. I hope you forgive me and enjoy...well ish.
Disclaimer: I don't own and Mikey I am eternity sorry for killing you...

Chapter 39
Oh, We Dance In Misery

Mikey screamed in pain as the dagger disappeared into the small of his back, blood already pouring from his failing limbs as she continued to torture him. She smiled cruelly as she withdrew the dagger and then slid behind him so the cold of the steel was pressed back against his neck.
"Does it hurt Mikey?" She almost teased, twisted excitement glowing in her stormy eyes.
He gritted his teeth against the pain as she forced his neck further back with the dagger but still shivered when he felt the blood run down from the shallow cut - insignificant against the wounds that decorated the rest of his body. "What do you think fucker?" He almost snarled but was rewarded by a hard kick in the back of his left leg, nearly sending him sprawling forward onto the knife.
She threw her head back and laughed as he swore again, and as quick as lightening she'd darted in front of him, the blade still pressed to his neck. Drawing another knife from her belt she ran the frozen metal down his cheek, leaving a trail of crimson behind it. Flicking the dagger she caught it perfectly again and grinned manically at him. "You scared Mikey?" She asked quietly, turning serious for a minute "You scared to die?"
He bit his already bleeding lip "I'm scared of leaving my brother." He told her honestly, looking her straight in the eyes "But I guess he and Frank'll be dead soon so I won't have to wait long."
Melaina giggled, turning back into the maniac who was slowly murdering him. "If you send me a postcard from Hell I might make your death quicker." She teased, as she moved the other knife closer to his heart.
Mikey swallowed the bile that was already rising in his throat and then laughed, forcing a grin as he retorted "You're gonna go to Hell anyway freak so you'll see for yourself."
Melaina's eyes flashed but she just laughed the comment off and pressed the blade against his heart, but as she plunged the knife into his chest she stopped half way and flashed him a grin, well aware of the pain she was causing him even past his stony silence. She could see it in his young eyes as his brain screamed out in agony. "Kill me." He almost choked "Why won't you fucking kill me?"
She shrugged and withdrew the dagger, a river of blood following it out as Mikey's vision began to redden. Then she threw the knives to the ground and grabbed him by his shoulders, causing a gasp of hurt to escape his lips as she dragged him towards the glassy surface of the lake in the mansion grounds. She watched his eyes widen as, unable to stop her as his limbs gave in he was dragged further into the water, his brother's former lover dragging him down.
The last thing he saw before he died was the rays of the sunlight as the first light of dawn came over the trees.


There was a smile decorating Melaina's face as she entered the palace, a dripping body draped in her arms. The grin was mirrored by the faces of the guards as they opened the dungeon doors for her and saluted their Empresses. The grin was turned into hate as Tiberius saw his Mistress stride down the corridor that he had just been about to dash down and pass on a message from one man's beautiful daughter. But Melaina's grin didn't falter, even when Tiberius was reluctant to open the door to her own dungeons for her. But it did falter as she stepped into the cell that held her former lover and his best friend. And as she heard the gasp of anguish from both men as she dropped the body onto the cold floor it broke. So as all three pairs of eyes watched the body fall and heard the sickening crash as it hit the floor a tear began to roll its way down her face, signally that she had finally realised what she'd done. She'd broken the eternal bond. The bond between brothers, between best friends and it lay shattered at her feet as the elder of the two siblings looked up at her with tears streaming down his cheeks and oh so empty eyes.
"You killed him." He stated slowly, not looking across at Frank who had turned to stone against the wall, his eyes frozen with shock. "You killed him." The second time it was louder, more angry and the outcry of a floundering heart.
She nodded, still numb as the realisation coursed through her. But she didn't have time to be numb for seconds later his hands were around her neck as he knocked her back against the wall.
"You killed my brother!" He screamed at her as Mikey's hollow eyes stared emptily up at them both. "You fucking killed him!"
Melaina's eyes widened as her air supply was cut off. "I...I..." She stuttered, horrified by the way the tables had just turned.
"Bring him back!" Gerard yelled at her as he knocked her head hard off the stone wall behind them "Bring him back." A river of tears was still pouring down his white cheeks.
"I...can't." She choked, desperate for air as black spots began to appear on her vision. She closed her eyes and when she opened them again they were pleading with him. He glared down at her and time seemed to go in slow motion as he withdrew his hand from her neck.
"I should have killed you." He snapped, spitting at her feet as he knelt down next to his brother, brushing the hair off his bloodless face. He looked up at her and gulped, trying to hold back the tears "Get fucking out of here."
To his surprise she obeyed almost immediately and fled from the room, slamming the door behind him and Frank. Looking back down at Mikey Gerard let out a scream of anger as his tears began to flood again.


Oh it's heartache every moment, from the start 'til the end. It's heartache every moment, with you. Deeper into our heavenly suffering our fragile souls are falling. It's heartache every moment, baby with you

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