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An Honest Man

by Hypergraphia 1 review

There are some things you just can't tell your little brother. (One-sided Seto/Mokuba.)

Category: Yu-Gi-Oh! - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst - Characters: Mokuba Kaiba, Seto Kaiba - Published: 2007-02-24 - Updated: 2007-02-25 - 447 words - Complete

An Honest Man
For Izumi.

Mokuba tells you everything, but you don't tell Mokuba everything. There are some things you just can't tell your little brother.

When he asks why you won't let him invite a girl from school to supper, you say that supper is for family only. It's the only time you see Mokuba without distractions from work getting in the way. You say that he can buy lunch at school for the girl if he wants, and you'll even give him the money. He's disappointed, yeah, but he'll get over it. He's only twelve. It's just a crush.

When Mokuba turns thirteen, he wants to invite the girl to his birthday party. You say no. Birthdays are for family only. He says you must be joking. You say you're not. He says if that's the way you're going to be, he's not going to come home on his birthday. He says you can eat cake and ice cream by yourself.

He's almost fourteen when he gets his heart broken for the first time. He runs to you, of course, and you hold him while he cries. You tell him he's lucky to have gone this long without getting screwed over by a girl, but he says it doesn't matter-- it sucks anyway. You pat his shaking shoulders and murmur your agreement. Girls can be horrible creatures. Brothers can be horrible, too, but you don't tell him this.

When he passes his entrance exams for a prestigious high school, you offer to take him out to lunch to celebrate. He accepts, and in your mind he's finally repaying you for that missed birthday party so long ago. You don't tell him this, because you hope he's forgotten how angry you were when he made good on his promise and didn't come home. You never told him that you wanted to hit him when he got home and it was nearly one in the morning. You never told him how jealous you were of that girl, how you were sure she wasn't worthy of Mokuba.

He's twenty when he invites you out for a walk in a thunderstorm, and tells you that he's figured out that you're a freak. You say you're almost surprised that it took him this long. He goes white and his face twists with his fury. He screams over the thunder that you're to stay away from him from now on. That you're not his brother anymore, because he doesn't want a brother who dreams of kissing him.

He's twenty and illuminated by lightning when he turns and walks away from you, but not before you see his tears masquerading as raindrops.
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