Categories > Books > Cirque du Freak > Family Reunion

New Arrivals

by tracy2509 7 reviews

Darren meets his sister again set during the fifth book

Category: Cirque du Freak - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Humor, Parody - Characters: Darren Shan - Warnings: [!] [?] - Published: 2007-02-25 - Updated: 2007-02-25 - 881 words

"Yeah, Chapter 2 " .:whoops with glee in the background:.

Disclaimer: I do not own the Saga of Darren Shan or any of it's characters .:sobs:.

Chapter 2

New Arrivals

Finally, I can relax. I was beginning to think that we'd never get here She sighed happily. They had just arrived at Vampire Mountain an hour ago and they were now settling for the night.

After the gruelling ten hour march yesterday she was more than ready to drop unconscious from exhaustion. I wonder what Marcus would have done if I had dropped down after that episode of hell. She smiled as she thought of her mentor having to carry her rest of the way. She looked over at the coffin across from her and had to admit that even the idea of him carrying her was farfetched. Knowing him he would have just chucked me in the stream to wake me up She thought unhappily.

She was lying in a hammock that Seba had given her earlier. She refused to sleep in one of those things that everyone here seemed to prefer more than beds. She just couldn't understand how anyone could want to sleep in a coffin. It was completely ...morbid.

But then again maybe it was just her being awkward. But she couldn't help it! She had always been stubborn, it ran in the family.

Family She thought, I don't have one anymore.

Maybe that's why everyone I've met seems so cold 'cause no ones got a family here.

Her thoughts drifted back to when they first arrived.

The guards at the gate had snorted when they spotted her standing behind Marcus.


"Great, we've got another one."

"As if one wasn't bad enough when Larten brought his along."

"You do know Marcus that the princes aren't going to be ecstatic about having another kid in the mountain"

At hearing this Annie burst out "You mean there's other kids here", she turned to Marcus "You said that I was the only one"

"I thought you were", Marcus muttered Oh joy, Marcus thought two kids in Vampire Mountain. This place is going to be reduced to rubble by the end of council.

After what seemed an eternity, they finally got let through the gates of entry and into the caverns of Vampire Mountain.

Once they were inside Marcus checked that Annie was following behind him. After he made sure she wasn't wandering off, he turned and headed straight for a man at the end of the hall. An old man dressed completely in red.

"Seba, I need a room for two, and a hammock 'cause Madam here refuses to sleep in a coffin."

At hearing this Seba turned round "Firstly Marcus Escobar, as quarter master of Vampire Mountain I have other duties to attend to besides finding a room for you, and secondly if you want something you could at least have some decency to ask for it politely.

At hearing this Annie burst out into a fit of laughter "Maybe the stay here won't be so boring if Marcus is getting told off all the time!"

Marcus' back stiffened at the laughter. Glad to know she's finding this so funny-note sarcasm evident

"Marcus, do you not think you should introduce me to the person behind you?" Seba asked. "Unless, of course the laughter I just heard came from a talking cape."

Marcus blinked " Talking cape?" Looking down he realised that his cape was hiding his assistant from view.

Oh, right 'talking cape' mentally snickering to himself he pulled the cape aside to reveal a chuckling Annie.

"Ah, so that is where the laughter came from." Seba smiled at Annie "...and you are?"

"I'm Annie"

"Is there a last name to go with that?"

Before Annie could answer Marcus interrupted " I don't think that really matters. Now could you please find us a room and get my assistant a hammock. I'd like to get some sleep."

Seba sighed exasperated "Marcus Escobar you really need to learn some manners." Stooping slightly he looked at Annie "It seems we shall have to continue our conversation later." Standing he turned to Marcus and said" Follow me"

.:End Flashback:.

Everyone had treated her like an outsider, like she didn't belong.

Well not Seba, he seems nice, She mused ...and he did say before he left that the guards were telling the truth about another kid being here. Although he is a few years older than me

She turned over in her hammock

I wonder what he's like. Seba never told me his name, he just said that him and his mentor had some trouble with the princes...I hope this kid's like Darren, if he is then we should get along... Well that's if I see him, Seba did say that he'd be lucky to have the time to play... something about him having to do the trials of initiation. Then again, the festival is supposed to start tomorrow and he'll have a break so maybe I will get to see him..

Her last thought before she fell asleep was about the trials Will I have to do them?...

Finally the end of the chapter .:wipes sweat from brow:.

Anyway if you want me to continue with this story, you know what to do.

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