Categories > Original > Romance > A pirates love for me

A pirates love for me

by jacklover 3 reviews

When Jack arrives in Tortuga after many hardships and disasters he finds the most unlikely comrade but will he be able to resist the temptation that she brings? And what scerts is the mysterious wo...

Category: Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Warnings: [R] [V] [X] - Published: 2007-02-25 - Updated: 2007-02-26 - 1054 words

Jack's head hung low as the great black horse plodded into the deserterd streets of tortuga. Rain pelted down from the hevens. Dripping of his triangular hat and onto his rough coat drenching both beast and rider. Lifting his head slighty Jack wearily patted the beast's neck it had served him well. Sighing he climbed down the horse shifted causing him to slip and fall flat on his back jarring his shoulder painfully on the hard worn streets of the pirate port. Groaning the errant captain clambered to his feet. He normally would have shot the creature for causing him pain but tonight he didn't have the heart besides the horse would fetch a good price on the black market. For it had been the pride and joy of a govener that lived upp in the hills of the jagged rock. Grabbing a fist-ful of the wiry soaked mane of the animal. Jack yanked the beast into a small grove of bushes. He picked up a battered piece of rope and tied it around the horse's neck and nose. He used the best knots he could think of. Attching the free end of the rope to a sturdy shrub Jack gave the horse one final pat. If by some miracle te beast was there in the morning he would sell it to the first willing bidder. He had gone through all hell to steal a mount hardy enough to survive the long trek to Tortuga. Shivering violently Jack walked slowly to the nearest bar.

Tahj had watched the arrival of the man from a safe distance. Even at this distance she could tell that he had suffered greatly he mirroed her on saddness. After losing almost everthing the high-strung girl had fought on. Shaking her wet tangle of silky black she discarded the evil images that hovered in her mind. And replacing them with imagees of her home in harmony. Back when everthing was perfect. She sighrd something in her heart told her that she must help the pirate. As strange as the aura was that hovered aroung him. Swinging down from the balcony where she had perched. Tahj untied the horse from it's prison (with much difficulty) and led him silently to the stable that housed her own mount. Speaking quickly to the manager. She left the poor tired, hungry, cold, wet beast in the charge of the stable hands. Stepping out into the pouring rain once more. Tahj went in searh of the pirate.

Jack shouldered the door of the inn open. A blast of hot air hit him in the face. breathing in deeply he inhaled the scent of strong alchol. Pirates sang drunkly and bar maid scampered around trying to clean up mugs, ale and vomit that had found it's way onto the floor. The timbers above his head creaked and sawdust ell into his eyes when he looked up. It was as if someone was bouncing aroung furiously on a bed upstairs. Jack snorted weaving his way around the crowded tables to the bar. He was stopped a few times by over drunk pirates trying to tell him some foolish tale. Of some great tresure or some mad adventure. A few months ago he would have eagarly listened to all of them. But a crazy tale was what had brought him here in the first place. Jack staggerd up to the inn-keeper "I'd like a room mate" The inn keeper raised an eyebrow Jack thought for a while and after a long silence he added "please" "alrighty how long are ye planinn' ta stay" Jack shrugged he had not thought of that yet "dunno mate" the inn-keeper sighed alrighty then double bed" "prefreably" "I'll see what I can do fa ya" Jack nodded in thanks words didn't seem to form on his lips. Turining on his heel Jack headed striaht for an abandoned table. Keeping his head cast down Jack didn't see where he was going. He ran into a girl and knockd her over "oh I'm so sorry love" Jack said holding out a hand. "The fault was entirely my own" the girl repiled taking his hand he yanked her up. Their bodies connected for a momment longer than nessisary as dark brown eys met deep violet.

Jack cleared his throat "Jack Sparrow at your service milady" he smiled down at her neither one moving "Tahj I have heard of you before your the famed
Captain Jack Sparrow aren't you?". Her voice had a hint of aurthority she reminded him greatly of Elizabeth "not anymore love" his voice was full of sorrow. Tahj stepped away from his body he was sorely disappointed at the loss of contact. He soon reailised that he had been holding his breath "I don't mean to be rushy but why?" Jack jumped her pure cyrstal voice broke into his thoughs. "Why what?" Tahj smiled Jack thought he might melt on the spot not only was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen with her purple eyes, jet black hair, fine chisled feautures, olive skin and fine eyebrows but when she smiled her whole face lit up. "come talk ta me former Captain Jack Sparrow" she walked gracefully over to the deseted table. Jack cocked his head to one side well your a beauty if I ever did see he thought. Stalking over he sat directly across from the pretty maiden and studied her carefully through half closed lids "so what happened?" Tahj asked to break the silence she shifted uncomfortably as Jack's eyes fell on her chest. Tahj wonderd why she was drawn to the pirate if the stories about him were true. She shuddered most stories of him were about venturing to distant lands and claiming ancient tresures. But there were others as well stories of him charming widowed and married ladies into his bed. Tahj concluded that she would be on her guard at all times. Jack had begun to twirl his moustache "so?" Tahj asked again "well" Jack sighed "I spose i'd better start from the beiginning" Jack smiled his golden teeth glinted in the candle light and his dark eyes flashed at the thought of another story. Heat spread over Tahj sh looked him striaght in the eye and kept her face expressionless "Well it all began at............"
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