Categories > Original > Poetry > Romance Poetry

Fateful Day

by alloreli 2 reviews

A person mourns for a lost love. Can be read from either a guy's or a girl's POV

Category: Poetry - Rating: G - Genres: Angst, Romance - Published: 2007-02-26 - Updated: 2007-02-26 - 163 words

There's no one here to save me
Not since that fateful day.
There's no one here beside me
Since you walked away.
There's no one here to catch me
Or pick me up when I fall down.
There's no one here to laugh with me
Or bring a smile from a frown.
Without you, I am lost,
And I don't know what to do.
Though you won't remain with me,
To you, I will always stay true.
Someday, you may come back to me,
So for that day I wait.
It's possible I may see you again,
Even if only by a chance of fate.

A.N. The first two lines came to me when I was awake in the middle of the night and couldn't go back to sleep. I actually only fell asleep after I finished writing the first half. In fact, I finished it, but then I didn't like the ending so I rewrote it. Please R and R! ~alloreli
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