Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Im Not OK ... It's A Thing Called HIGH SCHOOL

Chapter 14

by leitchy 0 reviews

a party, drunkedness and some other little things.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst, Drama, Humor, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-02-27 - Updated: 2007-02-27 - 772 words

It was the end of the week. The end of a school day, and by the end of the night, probably the end of my life also. Tonight, we were actually going to that party. All because Mikey wants to go and hang with Sam. To be honest, I'm scared. There are gonna be 'cool' kids there and they are going to tease us, like usual. Make our lives hell. That's what they do if you are different. I pulled on my black jeans, cons and my black and white striped hoodie. I straightened my dark hair and did my make up, which consisted of eye liner, mascara and black eye shadow. If the couldn't find something to pick one me for, I would be surprised.

"Am's. You look fine. Can we go?" Gerard groaned as I touched up my hair. "Look, I don't wanna be the laughing stock of the school!" I said, grabbing my mobile that was charging and shoved it into my pocket. We walked out to his car, and I realized Mikey was in the front seat, looking very jittery. "Mikey, She's gonna love you." I said, hoping to calm him down. "Right, we are on our way to the party. Soon, you, me and Mikey will be cool." Gerard said from the driver's seat. I sighed. It was going to be a long night.

Sam came over and greeted us as we walked in the door. "Hi Mikey. I really don't get how you and that creep can be related." She sneered and pointed at Gerard. I knew I didn't like this chick. Gerard glared at her. "Come on Amy. We will have fun." He took my hand and we went off, hoping to find Frank or one of the others hanging around. Pretty soon we came across Bob and Frank. "Hey guys!" I said, leaning against the wall. "Where's Ray?" I asked them. Bob shrugged. "He went off with some cute girl he has been eyeing for a while. I didn't get to see who she was though." Frank said, sipping at some beer and then pulling a face. I laughed. "Not nice?" I asked. He shook his head. "Thank goodness you're here though. That lot in the popular crowd have been giving us dirties all night!" "You know what? I'm going to go see if I can find Ray. I'll be back." Gerard said, pecking me on the cheek and walking off before I could say anything.

"Gee! I thought you were going to give up drinking?" I whispered angrily as he downed his fourth shot of vodka. And that was after all the beer he had drunk. I had found him sitting in the living room with the jocks. They didn't seem too excited by his presence, but were too drunk to do anything about it. "You told me last year you were going to." He groaned. "I don't ... I don't have to do ... do what you want." He said, holding his head. "I don't feel so good." I took his hand and led him to the bathroom, holding his hair back and running his lower back as he poured the contents of his stomach into the toilet bowl. "Oh Gee." I held him close to me as he sobbed, probably from the raging headache that was forming. I drew lines up and down his back with my fingernails, trying to get him to stop crying. When the tears had subsided, I took his hand. "We are going to find Frank, and he will drive us home."

"Frank? Can you take us home?" I asked him as he helped me carry Gerard out to the car. He nodded and we put the seatbelt around him. "I thought he was going to give up drinking." Frank said. I nodded sadly. "So did I Frank, so did I."

I woke up the next morning cradling Gerard in my arms. Thank goodness we weren't at my place. My parents would definitely have killed me this time. Gerard groaned and rolled over, clutching his head. "Amy. Eugh. I feel like crap." He said. I was angry with him, but I knew it wouldn't last. He could make me forget about anything with those gorgeous hazel eyes. "Gee, you promised us that you would stop drinking. It's not good for you." I said, hoping he would realize I was doing this because I loved him. He looked up. "I thought I had, but it was too tempting." He replied. "Promise me you'll give it up again. OK?" I asked. He nodded making me smile. Maybe this would go well.
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