Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Thnks fr th Mmrs

The Hangover Part 2

by KitKathy4Real 3 reviews

A drunken night at a Fall Out Boy concert.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Published: 2007-02-27 - Updated: 2007-02-27 - 371 words

Lara quickly sat up coughing and choking. Her head was pounding and it hurt to cough. When she finally stopped coughing she flopped back hitting a super soft pillow. She automatically checked her breathe.
"Ugh, sour apples?...shit, sour apples. What happened last night?" She thought hard as she reached for the emergency gum in her bra. One problem-"Oh my God, where's my bra?"
Lara sat up quickly again, opening her eyes just as the door opened. Doc and Peter Wentz stood at the doorway. They stared for a second before Doc called out,"LAdy parts, Lara! Lady parts!"
'Shit!"Lara shrieked and grabbed for covers and found an arm,"Shit!"
She fell off the bed, tangled in sheets from the waist down. Doc pushed Peter away from the door and shut it behind her.
"What's going on?" Lara whipped her head around, cricking her neck, to look at the bed. Andy hurely was looking around squinting from the bed that lara was just in. Naked.
She screamed again and stood up, pulling as much covers with her as possible revealing Andy's manhood.
"Oh my..."Doc exclaimed in awe from Lara's side.
Peter burst in the next moment, making Andy and Lara screm.
"Oh, Andy! Put it away!" Pete cried, covering his eyes. Doc threw him some boxers.
Finally, when everyone's parts were fully covered and everyone had calmed down, Lara spoke."What's going on? Why did I wake up naked next to the drummer of Fall Out Boy?"
"Ummm...How about an easier question?" Pete said from the doorway.
"Can we talk about this after showered and over some Jammy Dodgers and soliders maybe?"
"What?" Peter and Andy said in unison.
"breakfast." Lara said quickly.
"Oh...yeah, why not?" Andy shrugged. He stood up and walked over toward the two girls. He held a hand out to Doc."I'm Andy Hurely."
Doc smiled and took his han,"I'm impressed, vegan boy." She glanced down south and smirked. Andy blushed and stepped back.
"The bathroom is down the hall, if you want to wash up. Pete'll get you some towel and clothes."
Lara slapped Doc's back as they walked out of the room giggling.
k. Thats it for now. reviews?
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