Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Heritage

Chapter 2

by wimvincken

This is a real harem story. Not the ones you can find everywhere about a bunch of kids having a go with Harry and Harry with them, but an official harem like the old Sultans from Turkey ages ago wi...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Humor, Parody - Characters: Bellatrix, Blaise Zabini, Cho, Draco, Dumbledore, Fleur, Ginny, Harry, Hermione, Luna, Molly Weasley, Moody, Narcissa, Padma, Pansy, Parvati, Professor McGonagall, Tom Riddle, Tonks, Umbridge, Voldemort - Warnings: [?] [X] [Y] - Published: 2007-02-27 - Updated: 2007-02-28 - 3522 words

Chapter 2
A/N: Editor: The Resident

"Freak, what did you do to Vernon... open the door!" a shrill female voice was shrieking from the other side of the door.

"Because of your unnaturalness he has a pig's tail, make it go away!" the voice continued to shriek.

Harry was awake now from the noise and was not amused. He'd been in the middle of a very interesting dream. He looked outside through the window, and saw that it was still dark. He assumed his Aunt had come home and found her husband and son laying half in the kitchen. He wondered how his Aunt was going to move her whale of a son and husband to their bedrooms, and he smirked.

"Open the door!" his Aunt shrieked.

Harry smirked and took his wand. He murmured a silencing spell at the door. That locking spell worked fine, and he followed it with a silencing charm. Life was becoming better by the hour, and the night wasn't even finished.

Silence, wonderful silence... Harry let himself fall back onto the bed and tried to continue to sleep. All of a sudden he looked at his battered alarm clock. It was three o'clock in the morning, and he looked tiredly around his room. Still no owls! That was very odd. He looked at Hedwig, who was in her cage again, who had most likely come back from hunting while he was asleep; the window was still open. She seemed to be blissfully asleep, and Harry did not want to bother his best friend.

Harry was lying in bed, and was trying to remember his last dream with Ginny and the dark skinned witch. Now, that was a much better dream then that gloomy Voldemort. Well, that murky Dark Lord was also the only one who'd wished him a happy birthday, the rest of his friends appeared to have forgotten him... or that bloody headmaster was behind the news blackout. He wished that Dumbledore's bed would be filled with dung right this moment, Harry thought gloomily.

The morning started with the morning sun, which was shining through his window. Harry woke up gradually and whimpered softly. Oh Merlin, he needed to go to the bathroom and quick! Harry stumbled out of bed, took his wand, and pointed it at the door. He cancelled the silencing and locking charms and opened the door. He looked outside, but saw only his uncle with a pig's tail and his cousin lying at the bottom of the stairs. His aunt had not been able to move them, they were much too heavy, he assumed and he smirked.

Harry ran to the bathroom and relieved himself. He returned to his room swiftly and looked around. He needed a cleaning charm, because his room smelled like a pigsty and looked like a horse stable.

"Scourgify" He started to clean his room.

When he was ready, he sighed. He was famished and thirsty. Harry didn't have the nerve to go down below and get into trouble again. Even with his wand, he did not want to have a raging encounter against the muggles downstairs. Maybe he could summon food himself, Harry thought.

Harry wondered why he still had not received any owls from the Improper Use of Magic office. Maybe Dumbledore was blocking all owl traffic to his room apart from Hedwig? That would be logical, but shouldn't he have gotten a visit from the Aurors when he continued using magic?

Harry had no idea. What should he do now? The Order was guarding this house, and they would probably not let him leave it. He had no food, and was hungry and thirsty; maybe he could go to the kitchen and simply take it, with his wand in his hand.

Harry walked out of his room downstairs into the kitchen. He stepped on his uncle, but didn't see his aunt. He went to the refrigerator and looked to see if there was something to eat. Yes, salads, cheese, chicken and bread. That looked like a perfect match for his stomach. Harry grabbed everything he could carry and hurried upstairs with the food.

Harry realized that this was the first breakfast he'd had in more then a week. He ate until he had the feeling that he would burst if he ate another bite.

Harry suddenly looked up and saw a large brown barn owl flying into his room with a bulky and official looking missive bound to its claws. Harry's heart pounded. That was the notice from the Improper Use of Magic, Harry thought shakily. He looked closer at the package and released his breath, feeling relieved. That looked like an official package from Gringotts, and not something from the Ministry. What did Gringotts want with him? Harry opened the large packet. In it were a thick wooden plate and a letter.

Mr. H. J. Potter,

This letter is a demand for your presence in order to receive your inheritance.

We at Gringotts have been informed that you have reached your sixteenth year of age. This means that you are being called upon to receive your birthright.

As we have reported to you in your last monthly account statement, you are required to present yourself at our offices at no later than twelve o'clock this afternoon.

We wish to inform you that should you not appear, you will be in violation of the Inheritance Act of 1651, and we would be forced to report you to the proper authorities.

Included in this communication is a portkey tablet, which will bring you to my office at exactly twelve o'clock.

With friendly greetings,

Master Hiphook

Head of the Inheritance Department, Gringotts,

Harry looked at the wooden plate. The plate reminded Harry of a shield, but with no markings on it. He looked at his battered alarm clock, it was eleven thirty. He had only thirty minutes! Harry assumed that the wooden shield was the portkey, which would be activated at exactly twelve o'clock.

Harry reread the letter again. Birthright? What did they mean by inheritance? And didn't he have to be seventeen? That was the age of adulthood in the magical world, according Hermione.

What did the letter mean by monthly statements? He'd never received any statements. Who received those statements from Gringotts then? Harry's battered face darkened. That double cursed shite of a Dumbledore, who else?

Well, whatever that inheritance was, he would go and see for himself. The portkey was a cool idea, because those birdwatchers outside would never let him go to Gringotts.

Harry was brought out of his stupor by the sound of roaring. Aha, the two whales were awake! Above the roaring he heard the hysterical voice of his aunt. Harry quickly rose from the broken chair, snatched his wand from the table and whispered a locking charm at the door. He briefly wondered when he would get into real trouble from performing so much underage magic, but dismissed it immediately. He could hear someone pounding up the stairs. He assumed that was his uncle. Immediately he heard a crashing sound against the door and his uncle roaring in rage.

He was right, that was his uncle. Harry smirked and mumbled a silencing charm at the door, and walked hastily to his closet. He needed to dress in normal clothes and not in the rags he owned. But what clothes could he wear at Gringotts? He had nothing special... his school robes! Harry leaped to his trunk and searched for his best school robes. He found them, got changed, and placed a good cleaning charm on his robes. He was so grateful that Hermione had forced Ron and him to learn all those charms. At that time last year Ron and he had both thought that it was such nonsense to learn those stupid charms.

He glanced at his alarm clock. He had one minute to go! Harry cast an extra locking charm and cancelled the silencing charm. His uncle was still roaring, but he heard a different voice above the roaring as well... that was a female voice and completely unlike his aunt. That was the voice of Tonks! Oh Merlin, the bird watchers had woken up at last.

Harry grabbed his wooden shield and hoped that he was on time. Suddenly the roaring stopped... and he heard the noise of a heavy body falling. They'd stupefied his uncle, Harry thought. He glanced at his alarm clock, twelve o'clock! The door slammed open and Tonks and Moody stormed into his room with their wands drawn and at ready. Harry held out his hand with his middle finger up. Take that, he thought and he smirked. He hoped that his portkey would work soon; otherwise he would be in big trouble. Tonks saw the finger and started to laugh, but she missed the edge of his cot, and fell straight onto her nose.

Moody smirked at sight of Harry with his raised middle finger and aimed his wand at Harry.

"Stupefy" he roared. Harry could see the expression of anticipation on Moody's face.

The red ray of the spell flew toward Harry, and the portkey kicked in. His room disappeared and was replaced by a spacious office with a large desk. Behind the desk sat a regal looking Goblin, looking flabbergasted at Harry's hand. Harry, who had his hand with his raised finger still stretched out, pulled his hand quickly back and smiled sheepishly.

"Mr. Potter, I assume?" the Goblin asked, confused by his actions.

"Yes, Sir. At your service," grinned a relieved Harry. "That was very close."

"Excuse me?" the Goblin asked confused.

"The members of the Order of Phoenix were in the process of stopping me from coming to Gringotts," Harry said with a hint of a smile on his face. "My school vacation was not as... relaxing as I expected it to be."

The Goblin nodded confused.

"Excuse me, Mr. Potter, let me introduce myself. My name is Master Hiphook, and I am the Head of the Inheritance Department in Gringotts. We have some business to complete, and because time is money in Gringotts, and I see that you are busy yourself, let us start."

He pointed to the chair.

"Please have a seat," he said.

Harry walked to the chair and sat down. He placed the letter he had received that morning from Gringotts on the desk. He saw that in front of Hiphook lay a pile of papers and to Harry's right were some bottles, a small box and several stone cups.

Hiphook grinned. "Those are several types of calming draughts and the box contains muggle pills with the name Valium," he said, looking amused.

"Calming draughts?" Harry asked with a smile. "Valium?" he frowned.

Hiphook laughed. "Yes, you might need some," Hiphook said.

"This is about the inheritance, Master Hiphook?" Harry asked.

"Yes, Mr. Potter. It is about the inheritance," the goblin said.

"How is that possible, Master Hiphook? I am only sixteen years old, and I won't be legally adult until seventeen," Harry said.

"That might be true, Mr. Potter, but this is more complicated," Hiphook said.

"First of all, Mr. Black's demise triggered his Last Will, which is registered at Gringotts under file number 1605. In his Last Will, it is stated that you were adopted by Mr. Black three weeks before his death. That makes you his son, and you inherit everything. That makes you the last male of the Black family line, and that means that you are the Head of the Black family."

"He adopted me? You mean to say that I was adopted by Sirius?"

The Goblin frowned.

"Were you not aware that you were adopted, Mr. Potter?"

"No! I had no idea," Harry exclaimed happily. Sirius adopted me! Harry felt warmth creeping throughout his body, and thought back to the time he'd spent last Christmas with Sirius. Oh Sirius, he thought, remembering fondly how Sirius mangled all the Christmas songs and jumped around the Christmas tree like the crazy house elf Dobby. If you were here, I would hug you so hard you'd have problems breathing. He missed him so much.

"Well, let's start from the beginning," Master Hiphook said.

"According the last will of your parents, Mr. Potter, Mr. Black was assigned to be your godfather. As your godfather, he was your magical guardian. As your magical guardian, he had the freedom to adopt you without your permission if he chose to do so. Obviously he did, and you are now officially Mr. Potter-Black, or if you prefer, Mr. Black."

Harry looked amazed and a huge smile appeared on his face.

"There is a 'but', Mr. Potter-Black," Master Hiphook said, looking attentively at Harry.

"A 'but', Master Hiphook?"

"Yes, Mr. Potter-Black. Because Mr. Black died, this makes you the current head of the family," Hiphook said.

"Please, Master Hiphook, call me Harry. Potter-Black sounds so... complicated," Harry said with a smile.

"Of cause, Mr. Potter-Black, it would be an honour," Hiphook gave a feral smile.

"What is the problem, Master Hiphook?" Harry asked puzzled.

"There are some outstanding issues with the Black account," Hiphook said. "As head of the Black family, you have certain duties to fulfil," he said.

"Duties?" Harry asked.

"Yes, Mr. Potter. I will list them for you," Hiphook said with a smile.

"First of all, you are the head of the Black family, and this must be publicly announced. As head of the family, there are some issues with broken contracts, which demand your attention. I come back to that later. Secondly, it is your duty to take your rightful seat in the Wizengamot. Thirdly, you have to enact the arranged marriage contract number 1511-A, fourthly, you have to enact the family binding, contract no. 1171-Z, fifthly you need to take control of your investments in the magical world and finally, take control of Vaults seven, sixteen and 2087."

Harry looked wide eyed at Hiphook.

"Mr. Potter-Black, why don't you take some calming draught... or maybe a Valium? The water is in the blue bottle," Hiphook said with an understanding smile.

"What do you mean by arranged marriage?" Harry asked.

"I don't know, Mr. Potter-Black Sir, file number 1511-A is closed, and it can only be opened by the rightful Head of the Family," Hiphook said. "And because you are not Head of Family yet, I can't tell you yet,"

"But you said that I am the Head of Family?" Harry asked puzzled.

"Only when you accept the position," Hiphook smirked.

"Well, what happens if I don't accept this?" Harry asked, hoping that he could get away with that.

"In that case, the next in line is a Mr. Malfoy," Hiphook said formally. "You will be his ward, because you are adopted after all, Mr. Potter-Black."

"I will be the ward of Lucius Malfoy?" yelped Harry.

"Yes, Mr. Potter-Black. In that case you would be Mr. Potter-Black-Malfoy," Hiphook said innocently.

"Cut that Potter-Black business and stop calling me that," Harry said irritatingly.

"And I will never be a Malfoy. I accept the position as the Head of the Black Family."

"I need your blood, Mr. Potter-Black," Hiphook smirked, moving a piece of parchment and a small knife over his desk to Harry.

Harry rolled his eyes and wanted to tell Hiphook off for this childish name calling, but looked at the paper instead. "I assume you want me to bleed on this paper?"

Hiphook grinned. "Bleed only on the bottom line, where you see your name, Mr. Potter-Black."

Harry took the small knife, made a small cut in his finger and pressed the finger to the parchment. He saw a small red stain above the print of his name. The parchment glowed briefly red, and disappeared from in front of him. Harry looked at Hiphook in surprise.

Hiphook nodded understanding. "Yes, it still looks amazing after all those years I've worked here. The document is now being copied, and sent magically to our files and the official family registrar at the Ministry. You have officially become the Head of the Black family. Look at your chest above your heart; there you can see the family crest. That is the magical sign that you are the official Head of Family."

Harry looked at his chest and indeed, he saw a small shield printed on his robes, and he frowned. That was his best school robe!

"Do not worry, Master Potter-Black, that shield is not physically there, it is an imprint of your magical bond with your family and your status in the bondage. Everyone will see what your status is."

"That is much too much information, Master Hiphook. Why is it suddenly Master? Are you irritating me on purpose? I told you already to call me Harry," Harry said irritated.

"My excuses, Master Potter-Black, of cause I will call you Master Potter-Black," Hiphook smirked. "The 'Master' in front of your name is your title and indicates that you are the head of a family. Everyone in the magical world must address you as Master now. I am also a Head of Family, Master Potter-Black, and I insist that everyone call me by my honourable title, except my wife and children in private."

Harry sighed.

"Tell me now about the arranged marriage. Isn't that something old fashioned and a little outdated?" Harry said calmly.

Hiphook looked at him briefly, and then he bowed over the desk, took a cup and poured a calming draught in it.

"Please, Master Potter-Black. We are not finished, yet. Why don't you take a sip of this excellent draught, and you will feel much better. It has a strawberry taste to it," smiled Hiphook.

Harry took the cup and sipped hesitantly. After only one sip he felt much better then before, and emptied the cup with one gulp. Calm spread through his being, and he felt quite nice and at ease.

"This is really nice, Master Hiphook," Harry sighed. "Very comfortable," he said satisfied, and relaxed in his chair.

"Thank you, Master Potter-Black. This draught is much healthier then the muggle equivalent," Hiphook said, still smiling.

"Let's continue with business, shall we, Master Potter-Black? You want to discuss the file 1511-A," Hiphook said formally.

He took a thick file from the pile and opened it.

"This file is file number 1511-A," he said pointedly.

"Cygnus Black married Violetta Bulstrode in 1915. There was a section in their marriage contract that would force the first born son or the head of the family to marry a member of the Crabbe family. They did. That agreement was registered as family agreement number 154-J. When Pollux Black and Irma Crabbe married, they had the same family agreement included in their marriage contract, except their oldest son or heir of the family line would marry a Bulstrode again. They did not.

Instead, Cygnus married a Druella Rosier, because at that time, Helena Bulstrode, the only daughter available for marriage, died one day before the wedding. At that time it was not seen as a breech of contract, because the duty could be transferred to the next generation. However, the next generation was a problem, because they had only two daughters, Bellatrix and Narcissa Black. The next in line was Orion Black, who married Walburga, and they had two sons: Regulus and Sirius Black.

Regulus Black died before he could marry a Bulstrode, and Sirius Black was imprisoned and not available. When Sirius was freed, he was supposed to become Head of the Family, and marry a Bulstrode, when there was one available. Sirius Black died as well, and he adopted you as a Black, and that means that you are the Head of Family for the Black family, and that honour will come to you, Master Potter-Black."

Hiphook paused theatrically, and smirked. Harry was trying to follow the line of Hiphook's story, and was looking at Hiphook expectantly. He supposed he should feel anxious, but instead he felt heavenly peaceful, almost serene. This had to be good.

Hiphook continued his story.

"There is a daughter available for the Bulstrode family, and her name is Millicent Bulstrode. She is your betrothed, who is mentioned in file number 1511-A."

Let's see, what could he remember about Millicent Bulstrode? She was sixteen, female, a Slytherin, she was the ugliest girl in Hogwarts, had something that looked like pickles on her face, a strange smell surrounded her and she made usually strange sounds when she walked. Oh yes, and before Harry could forget, she was fat as well, and she waggled and jiggled; she was not able to walk normally for whatever reason.

Slowly Harry paled.

"Maybe you'd care for an extra cup of our best calming draught, or maybe it is time for a Valium, Master Potter-Black?" asked Hiphook politely.

Harry could only glare at Hiphook, and said nothing.

"A calming draught it is," Hiphook said. He took the other stone cup, poured some dark bluish liquid in the cup and placed it in front of Harry.

"Millicent Bulstrode?" shrieked Harry shocked.

He took the stone cup and downed the total contents in one gulp. Maybe he needed something stronger?
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