Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Heritage

Chapter 3

by wimvincken

This is a real harem story. Not the ones you can find everywhere about a bunch of kids having a go with Harry and Harry with them, but an official harem like the old Sultans from Turkey ages ago wi...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Humor, Parody - Characters: Bellatrix, Blaise Zabini, Cho, Draco, Dumbledore, Fleur, Ginny, Harry, Hermione, Luna, Molly Weasley, Moody, Narcissa, Padma, Pansy, Parvati, Professor McGonagall, Tom Riddle, Tonks, Umbridge, Voldemort - Warnings: [?] [X] [Y] - Published: 2007-03-01 - Updated: 2007-03-02 - 5406 words

Chapter 3
A/N: Editor: The Resident

Hiphook grinned. "Do you feel better, Master Potter-Black?"

Harry felt no dread, no terror, no anger or fury or resentment. He felt perfectly content. Marrying Millicent Bulstrode, the ugly, smelly and fat girl of Slytherin, who liked to giggle with that irritating sound that tears through your head like the wail of a pig?

Why should he feel bad about that? What a stupid question. But he felt the need to do something extremely repressive against Sirius when he saw him, afterlife or not. Harry's magic flared up and the lights in the office flickered.

"I feel good," Harry said with flaming eyes. "Is there anything more?"

Hiphook grimaced. "I'm afraid that there is more, Master Potter-Black."

"What is it?" Harry asked in an even way.

"Well... there is the family binding contract number 1171-Z," Hiphook said gently.

"And what is the family binding contract number 1171-Z?" asked Harry lightly.

"Well, Orion Black saved Albert Parkinson's life in 1961, and a life debt was created. It is filed at Gringotts under the number 198776-J. That meant that Orion Black could ask Albert Parkinson anything he wanted, because Albert Parkinson was the head of the Parkinson family. Orion Black demanded to hand over the most valuable possession the Parkinson family had to offer. Albert Parkinson refused and Orion Black brought the case to Gringotts as breach of a life debt, analogous as a breach of contract. Before Orion Black could push the case to its end and let Gringotts take the most precious possession from the Parkinson family, he died. Gringotts decided that time, that the Parkinson family must hand over their new born daughter over to the first Head of Family, who would come available, and that is you."

Harry stared at Hiphook. "You mean to say Pansy Parkinson?"

"Yes, they have only one daughter, and by definition that is the most precious procession that the Parkinson family has," Hiphook said.

Harry looked thoughtfully at Hiphook. "Maybe we can wait for several years until I become... let's say... wiser and riper?" he asked.

Hiphook laughed. "That is hard to do," he said with a grin. "The notifications are already sent to the Parkinson and Bulstrode families."

"Aha... I see. Well... yes, that is right. Is there anything else, Hiphook?" Harry asked calmly. Maybe he could run back to his relatives and kiss his uncle on his cheek and offer them to live at the Dursley's as a personal house elf of Dudley.

"I think that you don't comprehend it in full, Master Potter-Black. You don't marry Ms. Parkinson; it is not an arranged marriage, but you take her as your property," Hiphook smirked.

"Property, Master Hiphook?" Harry asked. He did not feel surprised, but he thought he should have.

"Yes, Master Potter-Black. She is your property," said Hiphook.

"Property? Is that not the same as a slave?" Harry asked.

"Yes, Master Potter-Black. She is your personal slave. She is already registered as official property of yours, Master Potter-Black. You are responsible for her. When she does something illegal, you are responsible."

Hiphook laughed when he looked at Harry's face.

"Well, that is all about the contracts of the family Black," Hiphook said. "Then you need to take your rightful seat at the Wizengamot, and take control of the investments of the Black family in the magical world and you need to visit the vaults with the numbers seven, sixteen and 2087," Hiphook murmured.

Harry nodded.

"Then we have the next heritage, and that is the heritage of the Potter's family," Hiphook said.

"For this, I need to be adult," Harry smirked. "I have to wait for a year."

"Well, technically you are an adult, Master Potter-Black. As the Head of House Black, you are an adult, and that means that your heritage of the Potter's family comes automatically to you," Hiphook said.

"Also the fact remains that you are the last of the Potter line, thus you become Head of House Potter at sixteen, as is normal in the Wizarding world."

"Are there any other surprises with this heritage?" Harry asked bitterly.

Hiphook looked at Harry. "I think you may need another Calming Draught, Master Potter-Black."

"Why should I take an extra Calming Draught, Master Hiphook?" Harry asked unsurprised.

"Well, let me begin with telling what the Potter's heritage contains, shall we?" Hiphook proposed.

Harry nodded and looked bleakly at the goblin. He was not curious anymore.

"Let's see," Hiphook said, taking a parchment in his hand. "Aha, here we go."

He looked at Harry before continuing to read.

"When you become the head of the Potter family, you need to take a seat in the Wizengamot, there is the Potter's mate charm, there is the arranged marriage with file number 1896-H, the family binding, contract number 87271-Y, you need to take control of the family investments in the magical and Muggle worlds, and you need to take control of the vaults 156, 1799 and 2609. That is it, Master Potter-Black," Hiphook smirked and looked expectantly at Harry.

"I am not interested in the story behind the arranged marriage, but I want to know with whom, and please tell me what the Potter's mate charm is, and what the family binding contract contains," Harry said listlessly.

"Well," Hiphook said cheerful. "The family binding contract number 87271-Y is a life debt, which is not claimed. The life debt is between you and a certain Ginevra Ginny Weasley. According the law, Ginevra Weasley or her legal guardian supposed to offer you something as payment of the life debt. Then both parties need to notify Gringotts or the Ministry that the life debt is being paid in full. Both parties have maximum one year to complete this procedure. In case the life debt is not paid in full after the year, the most prized possession will be transferred to the Head of House; in this case that is you, and the most prized possession is Ginevra 'Ginny' Weasley herself."

Hiphook looked at Harry. "Maybe you would like some more Calming Draught, Master Potter-Black?"

Harry was staring at Hiphook with wide eyes.

"You want to tell me that I have a second slave?" Harry said flabbergasted. "Ginny?"

"Yes, Master Potter-Black. You have two slaves and one fiancée at this moment," he smirked.

"At the moment?" groaned Harry.

"Yes, Master Potter-Black. There is also the arranged marriage, contract 1896-H, which promised you a wife at the moment you become adult, and that is now. Your second fiancée is a certain Lavender Brown," Hiphook said and waited for a moment.

Harry frowned, and took the offered mug and downed in one gulp the calming draught.

"And what about the Potter's mate charm?" he asked.

"That is a special charm, which will show you your soul mate. The charm was activated the moment you became sixteen years old, and you will see the result after twenty-four hours, but not more than thirty," said Hiphook.

"Ah, before I forget. As Black and Potter's Head of Families, you are expected to marry within one month," Hiphook smirked. "Gringotts offers you its congratulations, Master Potter-Black."

Harry could only stare at Hiphook with large eyes.

"And we have also the family binding contract number 800171-W with a certain individual Peter Pettigrew. This is also a life debt contract which is broken and the payment date is expired. We were trying to learn what the most precious possession was from this individual, but could not find anything. This individual has no known relations, no possessions; he does not even have an account with us, neither a vault. He is the last of his line, and he does not want to be found," Hiphook said.

"We are continuing to monitor Mr. Pettigrew, and when something shows up, we will cash it for you, Master Potter-Black. Let me summarize everything for you, Master Potter Black," Hiphook said with a large smirk on his face.

"You will marry Miss Millicent Bulstrode and Miss Lavender Brown within a month. You will receive Miss Pansy Parkinson and Miss Ginevra 'Ginny' Weasley as your personal properties immediately. Do you understand me so far, Master Potter-Black?"

Harry nodded listlessly.

"The notifications to the Head of Families for Bulstrode and Brown are already sent. Gringotts' soldiers and Ministerial Aurors are on their way to collect your properties, Master Potter-Black," Hiphook said, anticipating an emotional reaction from his rich client.

Harry looked wide-eyed at Hiphook, and nodded.

"A Gringotts employee will teach you how to manage your properties, Master Potter-Black. The name of the employee is a certain Bill Weasley. I believe he is a brother of your property, Master Potter-Black."

Still no reaction from the young Master... Hiphook looked disappointed. Maybe he had too much of those Calming Draughts. He would take care that the next initiation of a Head of House would use weaker Calming Draughts.

"Then we have the last issues about the Black family, and those are the latest breaches of contracts," Hiphook said.

"There is a certain Bellatrix Black, who married a Rodolphus Lestrange. That marriage did not deliver an heir to the Lestrange family. That marriage needs to be taken apart. Because there is no Head of House for the Lestrange family, the Head of House of the Black family needs to do the honour," Hiphook said.

Harry nodded.

"Then we have the next breach of contract, and that is Narcissa Black and Lucius Malfoy. Gringotts learned from the Ministry records that Draco Malfoy is not the son from Lucius Malfoy, but a son of Rodolphus Lestrange. That is a breach of contract, and the marriage must be taken apart."

Harry nodded again, and said nothing.

"Are you alright, Master Potter-Black?" Hiphook said hesitating.

"Yes, Master Hiphook, I feel excellent." Harry grimaced.

"Alright then, Master Potter-Black, I shall continue. You need to pay Rodolphus Lestrange 50,000 Galleons and you must pay Lucius Malfoy 175,000 Galleons. You need to declare their marriages null and void."

Hiphook moved two parchments and a quill toward Harry. "Sign above your name at the bottom of the parchment, please. When you sign, the marriages will be immediately cancelled and the money required is being transferred to the vaults of Rodolphus Lestrange and Lucius Malfoy. They will receive notifications immediately after registration at the Ministry, which will occur immediately after you sign."

Harry took the quill and signed both parchments. The parchments glowed briefly and disappeared under his nose.

At that moment, a goblin knocked on the door of the office. Hiphook looked up, disturbed, and nodded shortly. The goblin entered the office and addressed Hiphook and Harry.

"There is a wizard who demands to speak with Master Potter-Black, Master Hiphook. What shall we do with him?" the goblin said.

Hiphook looked at Harry. Harry turned to the goblin. "What is his name, sir?"

The goblin looked pleased by being addressed as 'sir'. "His name is Dumbledore," the goblin answered.

Harry addressed Hiphook. "Is it possible to let Dumbledore wait in an empty room, Master Hiphook?"

Hiphook nodded and turned to the goblin.

"Let him wait in the master conference room, Bersak," Hiphook ordered.

Bersak bowed and left the office.

"This is excellent, Master Potter-Black," Hiphook said satisfied. "Now it is waiting for your properties and you can go on your way."

"On my way, Master Hiphook?" Harry asked.

"Yes, of course, Master Potter-Black. Do you want to stay here? We are a bank, where we do business, we are not a hotel."

"Tell me at least if I have any free or empty properties, and how to access those properties," Harry said.

"Yes, Master Potter-Black. You have the Black and the Potter mansions. You can move into one or both of them. They are supplied with house elves, and the properties are in excellent condition. We can supply you with the necessary portkeys to access your properties if you require. But before you can go, you must wait for your properties, Ms. Bellatrix Black and Ms. Narcissa Black to arrive." Hiphook smirked. "You need to take them with you."

Harry looked flabbergasted at Hiphook.

"You, as Head of the Family Black, are responsible for Bellatrix and Narcissa Black after you had them divorced from their husbands, Master Potter-Black. They have no source of income, and they do not live anywhere anymore. As we speak, Gringotts employers are bringing both women here so that you can collect them."

Bersak knocked on the door of the office again, and Hiphook indicated that he could come in.

"Master Potter-Black's properties have arrived," Bersak said.

Hiphook looked at Harry questionably.

"Let them wait with Dumbledore," Harry said with a grimace.

Hiphook looked at Bersak and nodded. Bersak bowed and left the office with haste.

Hiphook looked at Harry curiously. "Tell me, Master Potter-Black, how does it feel to be the head of two ancient families?"

"Do you really want to hear my opinion, Master Hiphook?" Harry asked.

"I see that the Calming Draughts have finished their work," Hiphook said, smiling.

"Yes, Master Hiphook. Their effects have worn off. I don't fee dreadful anymore; I am not even shocked. One day, I am a poor student with hardly five Galleons in my pocket, being hunted down, misused and attacked, and the next day I am rich beyond belief with two wives and two slaves, and maybe another wife following with the Mate Charm from the Potter family, two unwanted female family members who hate my guts, and the Order of the Phoenix wanting to imprison me. I feel cheery." Harry grinned.

"That is a day out of the life of Harry Potter, Master Potter-Black. In a way it is good that my god-father is out of my reach, because I would do something that would be very painful for him," Harry said.

"Why did I never receive any account overview from you, Master Hiphook?" Harry asked icily.

"We place all account reports in your mailbox at Gringotts, Master Potter-Black. It is not our duty to see if you empty it or not," Hiphook answered calmly.

Harry nodded.

Bersak knocked and entered the office after an approving nod from Hiphook.

"There are certain wizards and witches who wish to speak with Master Potter-Black," Bersak announced.

"Who are they?" Harry asked.

"A certain Mr. Arthur Weasley, Mr. Ron Weasley, Mr. Remus Lupin, Ms. Nymphadora Tonks, Mrs. Molly Weasley and Ms. Hermione Granger. They are all upset for some unknown reason," Bersak said, puzzled.

Harry smirked. This will be good. "Put them together with Dumbledore," Harry said.

Bersak looked flabbergasted at Hiphook, who only nodded. "Place them there," he said.

Another goblin entered the office.

"Master Hiphook, Mr. and Mrs. Bulstrode and Mr. and Mrs. Brown are here. They demand to speak with Master Potter-Black," the goblin said.

Harry smirked. "Can you put them into a separate conference room, please?"

Hiphook laughed loudly. "Do as he says," Hiphook ordered, and the goblin left the office.

"Master Hiphook, when Bellatrix and Narcissa Black arrive, can you put them into a separate conference room, please?" Harry asked.

Hiphook nodded.

"I'd like to visit the first conference room," Harry said.

Hiphook grinned. "Of course Master Potter-Black, it will be my pleasure to accompany you to the conference room," the anticipating goblin said.

Hiphook rose from his chair, and waved his hand toward the door of his office.

"Shall we?" he said.

Harry nodded, stood up and walked out of the office, closely followed by a smirking goblin.

Man and goblin walked through the empty corridors, deep under the ground, toward the conference rooms. None of them said a word. The goblin, head of his family, companion of three wives, father of seven sons and three daughters, account manager of two of the largest accounts at Gringotts, walked in anticipation next to the human, his main customer. The human, lethargic, overwhelmed, trounced, miserable and fatalistic, head of two families, fiancée of two young women, owner of two slaves, walked extremely aggravated next to the goblin.

After ten minutes of walking, they reached a large hallway, which had six doors, all of them closed. At the end of the hallway, they saw ten goblin warriors standing guard in front of the two last doors. When Master Hiphook and Potter-Black approached the two doors, Harry became aware of the noise coming from the last door, and he smirked.

"I assume that the last door is your master conference room, Master Hiphook?" Harry asked.

Master Hiphook smirked and nodded.

The goblin and human approached the door, the goblin warriors stood aside to give them entrance, and Master Hiphook opened the door.

Immediately, the cacophony of voices screaming and calling stopped and was replaced by complete silence. All persons in the master conference room were looking anxiously at the door. Master Hiphook entered the room, closely followed by Harry and five goblin warriors. Harry smiled at Hiphook when he noticed it, relieved.

Everyone in the room looked in surprised at Harry, and then noticed the dangerous looking goblin warriors with drawn weapons at the ready.

Harry could see that Mrs. Weasley was working herself into frenzy, Dumbledore started to say something and Hermione was already half standing from her chair, and he held up his hand.

Harry noticed that Pansy was sitting in the corner and her face was red and swollen, looking very depressed. Ginny was sitting with her mother, looking scared and confused; it seemed to Harry that she did not understand fully what was going on.

"I have something significant to say," Harry said. "And I don't want to be interrupted. If you try to interrupt, I'll let my warriors confine you," Harry said calmly.

He could see that Hermione started to say something.

"Is that clear?" he roared.

Hermione gulped.

"My day can't be worse then it already is," Harry said slowly.

He looked at red-eyed Ginny, then to Pansy, and back to Ginny.

"Did you know, Ginny, that you owe me a life debt?" Harry asked.

Ginny looked at Harry, confusion written on her face, wondering about the question, but she nodded hesitantly.

Harry looked at Arthur Weasley, then at Molly Weasley. "Are you aware, that a life debt is automatically registered at Gringotts, and is accessible by the Ministry as well?"

Arthur nodded, and Molly, obviously confused, looked questionably at her husband.

"Are you aware," Harry continued, "that a life debt needs to be paid back within a year?"

Arthur Weasley nodded again.

"Are you also aware, if the life debt is not paid back within a year, that Gringotts decides that you must pay me with your most precious property the moment I become an adult?" Harry asked calmly.

Arthur looked at Harry in shock, and then briefly at Dumbledore, then he looked at the floor; he was visible becoming red.

Molly looked at her husband. "Arthur?" she asked.

Arthur looked up miserably with tears in his eyes.

"But you are not seventeen yet, Harry," Arthur said in a broken voice.

"I am here at Gringotts, receiving the inheritance of two families," Harry said. "I am the Head of the families Black and Potter, and as Head of Family, I am automatically declared an adult," Harry said angrily.

Harry heard the gasps of many people present in the room, but paid no attention. He focused his attention at Arthur.

"Are you aware that you breached a life debt contract, and that you already paid your most precious property?" Harry said irritably.

"Because of your stupidity, your daughter has no rights anymore, is not a witch, or person, or even a human, and belongs to someone else as his personal slave?" Harry said furiously.

Arthur seemed to shrink, his shoulders dropped and his head hung, the beaten expression of a desperate man. Ginny's eyes widened and looked at Harry, then at her father.

"Arthur!" screamed his Molly. Her face became dangerous red and she started to breath heavenly.

"Albus thought it better to wait," muttered Arthur.

"Albus?" Molly shrieked. "What does he have to do with this? My daughter is a slave? Over my dead body!"

Dumbledore winced and looked very uncomfortable.

"Molly," he said calmly. "I can explain," Dumbledore said.

"Did you listen to Dumbledore, Arthur? Why didn't you tell me what was going on?" Molly shrieked in panic.

She looked suddenly at Dumbledore. "Did we lose our daughter?" she asked desperately.

Dumbledore looked ashamed and nodded. "I'm afraid that..."

"Did you have anything to do with this?" roared Molly.

"I'm afraid that I advised Arthur to wait..." began Dumbledore.

"You what?" cried Molly.


An amused Hiphook cast a booming spell to get everyone's attention.

"Let me explain Ms. Weasley's case," Hiphook said.

"Your husband did not follow the law, Mrs. Weasley, and he failed to register the end of the life debt. In that time, he was supposed to negotiate with Harry, or his legal representatives, and he failed to do that for some unknown reason," Hiphook said, looking pointedly at Dumbledore.

"What I understood of the case was that your husband went to Dumbledore for advice, and Dumbledore seemed to advise him to wait. This caused a violation of contract, and Gringotts was forced to choose the most precious thing of you, namely your daughter. "

Hiphook turned to Ginny.

"Ms. Weasley, I am sorry to tell you, but all legal and magical rights are taken from you, and you are reduced to a property, a personal slave you may call that, of Master Potter-Black."

He stepped back, anticipating the drama to follow.

The silence was deafening.

"Am I a slave?" asked Ginny hesitantly.

"Why did you tell Arthur to wait, Albus?" asked Molly Weasley.

"It was better so at that time," Dumbledore answered.

"You mean for the greater good?" asked Harry.

"That's right, Harry," Dumbledore said. "For your own good and safety Harry, you need to come with me and return -"

"My daughter is a slave and that is for the greater good, you said?" screamed Molly, her face redder then ever. Magic was radiating from her, the large meeting table in the centre of the room started to tremble, and people in the room started to look anxious.


A very amused Hiphook cast the booming spell again.

"Master Potter-Black is here to claim his properties," Hiphook said. He turned to Pansy.

"Ms. Parkinson, I declare here and now, that you are Master Potter-Black's personal property. Your free will and magic is bound to Master Potter-Black, all of your possessions, rights and duties have been revoked, and your name is Pansy Potter-Black." A flash of bluish light enclosed Pansy, and faded away shortly.

Pansy did not react; she had not moved a finger since Harry and the goblins came into the room, and she kept staring at the floor.

Hiphook turned to the scared looking Ginny.

"Ms. Weasley, I declare here and now, that you are Master Potter-Black's personal property. Your free will and magic is bound to Master Potter-Black, all of your possessions, rights and duties are being revoked and your name is Ginny Potter-Black." The flash of blue enclosed her.

Ginny looked furiously at her father, then Dumbledore, then at Harry, and back at her father.

"You bloody fool; because of your stupidity and blind trust of an old manipulating maniac... you reduced me to a slave!" Ginny roared. She pulled her wand from her robes and pointed it at her father. She wanted to curse her father, the man who caused her this hardship, because of his stupidity. Suddenly hands grabbed her wand and remove it out of her fingers.

"No magic here," said a goblin warrior evenly.

"No! I am going to kill you!" Ginny screamed. Her face was red, and a murderous expression was on her face. She had all the intent to kill her own father, and Harry had had enough.

"Enough, Ginny," said Harry with clear voice.

Ginny froze in the middle of her rant, eyes wide and desperate, staring at Harry.

"Come here," Harry said.

Like a robot, Ginny stood woodenly up and walked to Harry. Harry grabbed her face with his both hands and looked her into her eyes.

"I am so sorry, Gin. I was not aware of this slave thing, neither that you would become my personal slave. I promise you vengeance on Dumbledore, and to treat you with respect, esteem and care," Harry whispered.

Ginny looked at Harry with a tear-stricken face, and nodded, crushed. She was not able to rebuff, and she felt bound to do anything he said. She felt her own will melting away when she was near him, and she was terrified when she realized that she was forced to do his bidding. She knew that Harry would never force her to do anything against her will, but the loss of her independence, her free will, her everything... it wore heavily on her heart. She was nothing more than his possession.

"Wait a minute," Ron Weasley said angrily. "What are you doing with my sister, Potter?"

Immediately two goblin warriors jumped to Ron, and before anyone realized what was happening, the red haired boy lay stretched out on the ground, two dangerous looking spears pointed at his neck.

"Let him go," Hiphook said.

The two warriors released Ron immediately and stepped back.

Ron stood up, looking murderously at Harry, and stumbled back to his chair, murmuring at him self, and his face typical Weasley red.

Ron turned to his furious looking mother. "Will you let him take Ginny?" he said. "He gets everything, and when he wants something he does not have, he simply takes it, like our Ginny," he wailed at his mother.

Hermione looked extremely annoyed and hit him in his ribs with her elbow.

"Shut up, you moron," she whispered furiously. "You are more stupid than I already thought," she continued to whisper at Ron.

Ron's mother looked briefly at her youngest son. "Shut up, Ron," she said with a low voice. Ron gulped and was quiet.

"Pansy, come here," Harry said gently.

Pansy's face rose up immediately like a toy, and walked woodenly to Harry, stopping in front of him. The girl looked miserable and crushed; she had no will anymore to continue existing.

"Pansy, look at me," Harry said.

Pansy looked at Harry immediately; Harry could see that she wanted to do anything but. She knew that she was not pretty, or even attractive; she knew that she was one of the ugliest girls at Hogwarts. She always treated that Potter brat with disdain and hostility; she expected to have a lot of problems and unhappiness in her life. Some saliva seeped from her mouth; she was not aware that her mouth hung open again. Her mother told her so many times to shut it when she was with company.

"I will treat you with respect, friendliness and openness," said Harry. "I have no control over the circumstances, and your personal misfortune is connected with mine. We clearly don't like each other, but we will learn to live with it."

Pansy looked briefly at Ginny, who stood next to Harry, looking extremely unhappy and put out. She nodded vaguely and moved next to Ginny, looking at the floor again. She missed her parents so much, she could cry... but her stubborn personality refused to show anyone - in particular those ill-fated Gryffindors - that a Slytherin would cry.

"Remus Lupin," Harry said in a loud voice.

Remus was feeling himself in a daze. He was trying to follow what was going on, and to a degree, he understood. He felt horrified because of what he remembered Sirius talking about several times what was waiting for him; he suspected that Harry found out as well, but the hard way. Remus remembered that Sirius had begged Dumbledore to keep the status quo, and let him be the refugee on the loose, because that would be much more preferable than to become Head of his family.

Remus started to suspect what Sirius had done to Harry. That would be something terrible!

"Remus Lupin!" shrieked Harry again.

Remus was brought out of his stupor and looked up at Harry, staggered.

"Harry?" he asked uncertainly.

"Were you aware of the things that Sirius did to me?" Harry asked.

"No," Remus said. "I expected that Sirius would make you the main benefactor of the Black inheritance. I didn't know more. The only thing I know was that Sirius pleaded Dumbledore to keep the status quo as a person in exile, he truly did not want to become a Head of House of the family Black."

"Do you know what Sirius did to me?" Harry said.

Breathless, Remus shook his head slowly.

"He adopted me, and made me his heir," Harry said in an unkind voice. Everyone gasped and Remus paled. "Oh my god," Remus said.

"That you can say," Harry said cynically.

Harry turned to Dumbledore.

"You old coot, you are an old manipulating bastard, and you caused all this shit to happen with me and the Weasleys," Harry said brutally.

Dumbledore winced.

"You gave Mr. Weasley the advice not to close the life debt, and he was so stupid to listen to you. Mr. Weasley knew that if he did not act within a year, an infringement of the life debt contract would take place. What did you suggest to Mr. Weasley that time?"

Dumbledore looked at Harry, but said nothing.

"Professor, what did you suggest?" Harry repeated his question unwearyingly.

"He told me one day after you saved Ginny, that the likelihood you would reach the age of maturity was very small," Mr. Weasley said gravely. "Dumbledore asked me to wait with closing the life debt contract until it was time."

Each person looked at Dumbledore, who had the decency to flush.

"Did you know that I was mistreated at the Dursleys?" asked Harry calmly.

Dumbledore looked thoughtfully at Harry. "I thought that you were exaggerating," he said.

"You thought... that means that you changed your mind?" Harry asked with his eyebrows lifted.

"There is no evidence that you were ill-treated, Harry. I didn't want to meddle in family affairs, and on purpose, I let you have a happy and loving family life with your blood family," Dumbledore said.

Harry grumbled. "Did you think I was physically abused at my relatives?" Harry asked calmly.

"Of cause not," Dumbledore said immediately.

"I was, and I am," Harry said agitatedly.

"Were you aware, that my uncle was hitting me in my ribs, and repeatedly on my head?" Harry said evenly.

"I chose not to interfere with house matters, which involved a normal punishment," Dumbledore said bluntly.

"Do you call that 'normal punishment'? Physical abuse? Do you think locking me up in the cupboard is 'normal punishment'? Maybe you think that being hit by a frying pan is normal manners, my hand pressed against a very hot pan with boiling water, and kept there for several minutes, or being starved for days, no food or water, or being locked up in the closet which was my room? Is that 'normal punishment'?"

"Harry, I am sure that..." began Dumbledore.

"You think that I am exaggerating, professor? Why didn't you believe me, or look at the signs of mistreatment of a child? A half-starved child of eleven comes to your school; he is the only one who arrived at Hogwarts looking like that, isn't that so, Professor?"

Dumbledore would not meet Harry's eyes.

Harry's look hardened. "As the head of the Potters and the Blacks, I am notifying you that I will report my reservations to the proper authorities. I will hire the required experts to investigate, and come up with the truth. When you are culpable or partly responsible, I will make sure that you will be ruined."

At that moment the door opened and Bersak entered the room. He approached Hiphook and they began to whisper with each other. Bersak bowed to Hiphook and left the room with haste. Hiphook looked pointedly at Harry.

Harry raised his eyebrows and waited until the goblin said something.

Hiphook sighed. He had much enjoyment currently, but even for him, this became too much. The poor Master Potter-Black, he thought.

"Master Potter-Black," began Hiphook with a sigh. "I have more news," he said.

Harry looked defiantly. "What is it now, Master Hiphook?"

"We discovered that you inherit also from the Gryffindor house, and the Potter's Mate charm found your third wife."
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