Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Heritage

Chapter 4

by wimvincken

This is a real harem story. Not the ones you can find everywhere about a bunch of kids having a go with Harry and Harry with them, but an official harem like the old Sultans from Turkey ages ago wi...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Humor, Parody - Characters: Bellatrix, Blaise Zabini, Cho, Draco, Dumbledore, Fleur, Ginny, Harry, Hermione, Luna, Molly Weasley, Moody, Narcissa, Padma, Pansy, Parvati, Professor McGonagall, Tom Riddle, Tonks, Umbridge, Voldemort - Warnings: [?] [X] [Y] - Published: 2007-03-01 - Updated: 2007-03-02 - 4054 words

Chapter 4
A/N: Editor: The Resident

Hiphook looked unenthusiastically at the black haired boy.

"Also both sisters Black have arrived and they are waiting for you are in conference room number three," he whispered.

Harry nodded resignedly.

"You referred to the Gryffindor house? Why did you not mentioned this earlier, Master Hiphook?"

"We had no file about this remarkably well-known family, Master Potter-Black, but the Ministry had. At the moment that you became adult, the Ministry records released the information to us, and we are here to implement it. I think it is better that we return to my office and tell you the details about this inheritance," Hiphook whispered.

Harry looked at all the people still in the room, and was considering his options. There was also the thing of that damned Potter's Mate Charm, which seemed to have found his third wife. What a hassles.

Harry was still considering his options, when Hiphook leaned over at him. "Your third fiancée is waiting in conference room number 7, Master Potter-Black. What do you want to do?" he whispered.

Harry looked sideways at Hiphook, and he got the feeling that the Goblin was enormously amused.

"Master Hiphook, it seems that you are amused," Harry whispered. "Is there any reason why you are so much pleased?"

Hiphook grinned. "It is a once in a life time occurrence for any Goblin to have such show being executed in front of him," whispered Hiphook back, "and I do amuse myself how things are coming to a climax," he said.

"Can you be so gracious to talk to the parents of my two fiancées to be patient, Master Hiphook?" Harry asked. "I will visit my third fiancée, because I don't know who she is," Harry said.

Hiphook nodded and grinned at Harry, he left the room. Harry looked at the people in the room. He saw that Mr. Weasley was sitting alone in the same corner Pansy sat earlier, and that Mrs. Weasley was in an intense discussion with Tonks and Remus, Dumbledore had a discussion with Ron and Ginny and Pansy were hesitatingly talking with each other. He saw tears in Pansy's eyes, and Ginny was trying to convince her about something.

Harry slipped out of the conference room quietly and walked to the door with the number 7 on it. He opened the door and entered the dimly lit room and looked around. A woman sat on the chair with her back to him. Harry could see that she wore a stylish light blue robe, and she had long red brown hair.

"Excuse me, my name is Harry Potter," Harry said.

The woman turned and he recognized Hannah Abbott!

"You are the result of the Potter's Mate Charm?" he said surprised.

Hannah nodded seriously.

Harry was confused.

"How does such a Mate Charm work?" Harry asked puzzled.

Hannah looked baffled at Harry. "Do you want to say that you don't know how the Mate Charm works?"

Harry nodded.

"You are the Head of the House of Potter, are you not?" Hannah asked.

Harry nodded again.

"As the Head of Potter's family you needed to know at least how the charm works, or someone supposed to explain it to you. If your fiancée must do that for you, then you have your priorities wrong," she said coolly.

Harry smiled uncomfortable.

"Yesterday I was a fifteen-year-old boy," Harry began. "I had hardly five Galleons and two pounds sterling in my pocket, also nothing to eat. Today I was Head of Family Black and Potter, have three fiancées, two slaves, two grudgingly family members to care for and filthy rich. Five minutes ago, I discovered that I am also Head of Family from the Gryffindor line and Merlin knows what fiancées, slaves or other naughtiness is coming to me. This morning I also discovered that there was a Potter's Mate Charm existing, and I did not have time to study such charm, and I have nobody on earth to ask about it. I hope this gives you an idea why I did not know what such charm is, and how you are being chosen to become my fiancée and why I should accept you as a fiancée," Harry said evenly.

Hannah looked intently at Harry for several seconds without responding, and then she nodded her head understandably.

"I understand, "said Hannah. "Three fiancées, you said?"

"Millicent Bulstrode and Lavender Brown," Harry said simply.

The eyes of Hannah went wide after hearing the names, and looked at him dubiously.

"Arranged marriages from the Black- and Potter sides," Harry answered.

Hannah nodded again attentively. "And the slaves?"

"Pansy Parkinson and Ginny Weasley," Harry said evenly. "Broken Life debt contracts from both sides of the families," he said.

"And you have me from the Potter's side," Hannah answered.

"How is the Mate Charm working then?" Harry asked.

"When I was born, my mother cast the Mate Charm on me. On many other girls of other families was such charm placed as well. The Mate Charm is not active, until a Head of House Mate Charm is triggered. The charm is searching between all the girls who had received the Mate Charm and selects the best possible wife for the Head of House. The Mate Charm is as binding as an arranged marriage," Hannah ended.

"How do you know that you are selected by the charm?" Harry asked mystified.

Hannah showed Harry her open hand, and Harry saw a tattoo of the Potter's family crest. "This crest was magically placed on my hand, the same one is on my back."

Harry looked amazed at the Potter's crest.

"My parents went to the Ministry and they double checked. The marriage register showed my name in a pending marriage contract, the sign of an arranged marriage.

"Do you agree with this arranged marriage, Hannah?" asked Harry.

"Yes, of cause I agree with this marriage," she said without hesitation. "I am raised to accept such arrangement. If I would not be chosen by the Potters, then my parents would make an arrangement with some other family," Hannah said.

Harry looked astonished at Hannah. "Do you know that this kind of things only happen in books with the muggles," cried Harry. "No muggle is doing things like this for hundreds of years, maybe even longer," Harry said, still amazed.

Hannah looked at him fascinated. "Did your family not tell you about the habits and traditions of the wizardry world?"

"My family is only muggle, with no knowledge at the entire wizardry world," Harry answered quietly. He did not want to go into explaining all his personal Shite. He looked at Hannah, and he decided that she looked very attractive in a classical sense. Harry knew that would not say much about the character of a person, but what could he do about it? What choices did he have? One thing for sure, he needed a very large house to store all of his slaves and future wives somewhere, and a lot of house elves, and when he would not have any elf, he would hire staff.

"What we are going to do now?" Hannah brought him out of his stupor.

"I need to speak with the Goblins again, and receive my next bad surprises," Harry said with a sigh. "What are you going to do?" Harry asked Hannah.

"I have seen what I wanted," Hannah said decisively. "I'm going home and ask my parents to complete the details," Hannah said.

Both of the youngsters stood up. Hannah moved closer to Harry.

"Can I give you a kiss?" Hannah asked shyly.

Harry moved closer to Hannah and slowly placed his lips tenderly at Hannah's. He kissed her lightly... he saw that Hannah had her eyes closed. The feeling of her soft and warm lips did breathtaking things with his body, and he felt waves of warmness and enjoyment travel through his abdomen. He pulled back gradually and kept looking at the young woman... a slow smile appeared on the face of Hannah and she looked somewhat flustered.

"That was nice," she said. "It seems that we are attuned."

Harry smiled as well and nodded. He grabbed her hand and they left the meeting room. Harry entered the conference room number one and was looking for Hiphook, and found him right away. Hiphook noticed Harry as well, and moved his head toward the door. Harry nodded at the unspoken words, and left the room once more. All the people current in the room were screaming and yelling against each other, so they would not be bored stiff, while Harry would receive his potion of shocks again.

Hiphook and Harry entered Hiphook's office again. Hiphook sat behind his desk and Harry on the chair. Hiphook was busy studying the file about the Gryffindor family, and made strange muffed sounds. After several minutes intense reading, he looked up.

"Master Potter-Blank," he began. "I have to tell you something." Hiphook dropped the file on his desk unceremoniously, stood up and started to stroll behind his chair.

"Is there something wrong, Master Hiphook?" Harry asked with his eyebrows up.

"No, nothing is wrong," answered Hiphook absentmindedly.

"Why are you strolling behind you chair, Master Hiphook?" asked Harry amused.

"Do I stroll, Lord Potter-Black?" Hiphook asked.


"Ah yes, it is Lord now," Hiphook answered with a happy smile on his face. A smiling Goblin looks like a shark, except the double jaws... the teeth were longer, but more yellow, and they looked very sharp.

"Why is that?" Harry asked, not sure how he felt about that.

"That's in this file," Hiphook said. He turned back to his chair and sat down. He took the file and opened it at the first page.

"Let's see," Hiphook began. "We start with the properties. "

He was browsing through the file until he saw a list of properties.

"You own 25 percent of Hogwarts," Hiphook said. "The current headmaster is going to be removed from his function at the moment you accept this heritance."

Hiphook smirked. "I personally never liked that man; he has too many skeletons in his closets."

Harry frowned.

"Why is the headmaster removed from his function?" Harry asked dumbstruck.

"Because you will be the headmaster," Hiphook said.

"Me!!!" Harry shrieked and jumped out of his chair, looking unbelievable at Hiphook.

"Yes, Lord Potter-Black-Gryffindor, according the original rules in Hogwarts, only the owner of Hogwarts can be the Headmaster, nobody else. In case there is no owner of Hogwarts available, an external headmaster is allowed to run Hogwarts, who is assigned by the Ministry of Magic," Hiphook said.

"You are the owner of Hogwarts, which means that the current headmaster must leave immediately and the Ministry has no jurisdiction over Hogwarts anymore. "

Harry slummed back into his chair, dumbstruck, stunned beyond belief.

"Do you need a calming draught maybe, my Lord?" Hiphook asked innocently.

Harry did not react; he stared at the desk and did not respond.

"Maybe it is time for a Valium, my Lord?" Hiphook tried again.

Hiphook moved his hand in front of Harry's stupefied face and snapped his fingers. Harry came violently out of his stupor.

"What? What happened?" he stammered.

"You are the headmaster now and you have a lordship from the Gryffindor family," Hiphook said loudly.

Harry fainted in his chair and Hiphook was laughing his head off.

Harry came to with a start. The first thing he saw was the face of a grinning Goblin.

"Lord Potter-Black-Gryffindor, are you alright?" Hiphook asked smirking.

"Yes... yes, I'm alright," Harry said... he felt confused. "What happened?"

"You fainted, my Lord."

"I did?" Harry said stunned. "Why?"

"Don't you remember?" asked Hiphook a little worried.

Harry frowned thoughtfully. "Ah... Dumbledore... and headmaster, and Gryffindor and a lordship. Bullocks! I am headmaster now!" exclaimed Harry.

Hiphook looked relieved, and he walked back to his side of the desk.

Harry was looking at Hiphook with wide eyes.

"Can you tell me, Master Hiphook, is this a dream? Because of all the things what you have told me today, this sounds truly like a nightmare," Harry asked bewildered.

"I can assure you, my Lord; this - is - not - a - dream," Hiphook said. "In Gringotts we are working with money, not dreams. When you want to work with dreams, you go to the Ministry. There you can receive dreams about riches and authority. But we have business to finish here," Hiphook ended.

"Shall we continue with the Gryffindor file?"

Harry nodded lethargically.

"Now," Hiphook said leisurely. "Let's see what is more."

"Aha!" he exclaimed. "I will give you the summary, and we will go into details later, shall we?"

Harry nodded again.

"You have several castles, mansions and some houses... you will become the head of the Gryffindor family," Hiphook said with a smirk. "I believe that you are the only one left. Then you have a seat in the Wizengamot, you receive your title Lordship, you need to enact the family binding contract 71-Z and 81-A, we have the Gryffindor Mate Charms 96-U and 15-U, you must take control of the investments in the magical world, you need to take control of vaults number 2, 9 and 39 and you take control of Order of Phoenix. That is all," Hiphook ended, and looked at Harry expectantly.

"A calming draught, please," Harry said quietly.

Hiphook smiled broadly and moved the last bottle with calming draught toward Harry. Harry poured the dark blue liquid into the last available stone cup, and drank it hastily. He relaxed right away and sighed loudly in his chair.

"That is much better," Harry said. "I understand why you have calming draughts in your office, Master Hiphook. Did you mention the Order of Phoenix?"

"Yes, Lord Potter-Black-Gryffindor, the Order of Phoenix is an old organization, which was created by Gryffindor to fight Dark Lords, because those Lords had the tendency to be destructive. The organization is ruled by a certain set of magical laws, which defined its leadership and kept its secrets. One of the magical rules was that there must be only a Gryffindor as head of the Order of Phoenix, the same rule as with Hogwarts. In case that there is no Gryffindor available, the magic of the organization will decide the new head."

Harry nodded his head in understanding. "Why does the dark side not have a similar organization?" Harry asked.

"They had, my Lord. The current Dark Lord changed that organization... somewhat," he smirked.

"What do you mean with changed, Master Hiphook?"

"He kicked out all the members of his order, and changed the membership sign into the dark mark. He has in this way total control of all the members of his organization. You call those members Death Eaters, the original name of that organization was the Order of the Black Phoenix," Hiphook said.

"So, let me see if I understand," said Harry slowly. "I kick out Dumbledore from the Order of Phoenix."

"That is right, my Lord," Hiphook said with a big smile on his face. "I believe that Dumbledore is still waiting in the master conference room for you and the happy news."

"You also mentioned the arranged marriages?" Harry asked visible relieved. "How long a time was Gryffindor alive? About a thousand years, was it not? That means that the brides are already a long time gone, so that means that I can get away with it, does it not?"

"That might be so, my Lord, but these contracts are a bit different," he said. Looking to the numbers, those contracts point to another type of contract than is normal, these days," Hiphook said.

Harry frowned. "There is always the freedom of refusing the heritage," he said. "I don't want it."

Hiphook frowned and looked again at his file.

"With the Black inheritance, it was possible to refuse it," he said. "The Potter's inheritance was not possible to refuse, because you are the last remaining Potter alive. With the Gryffindor inheritance it is the same as with the Potter's, you can't refuse, my Lord, because you are the only Gryffindor remaining."

"My name is Potter, not Gryffindor, Master Hiphook," Harry countered.

"The Potters and Gryffindors were united in 1209 by Patrick Potter and Jonathan Gryffindor and a marriage took place between Ian Potter and Joan Gryffindor. Jonathan Gryffindor died twelve years after the event, and he was the last Gryffindor male. Over all the ages, the Potters and Gryffindors were the same," said Hiphook.

"Why were my father and my grandfather not headmaster of Hogwarts, master Hiphook?" Harry asked mystified.

"Your father and grandfather were never initiated as Head of Family," my Lord.

"They weren't?" Harry asked flabbergasted. "And what am I doing here then?"

"You received our missive," Hiphook grinned. "You are the first Potter who came here to be initiated as Head of Family since 1456."

Now Harry understood why he was kept into the dark, and why Dumbledore kept him locked up with those fat muggles and taught him nothing about his family. It was all a scheme to let him accept the multiple heritage's; he was manipulated again by that oversized, white-bearded miss-conjured creature of a dung beetle.

"Dumbledore," screamed Harry from his chair with all his power.

"When I see that foul manipulating bastard of dragon muck I reduce him into a frog, and step on it," he roared, his magic whirling around.

Hiphook was in the mean time sitting under his desk, waiting for the storm to calm down. He had his precious files in his hands and he was grinning like a mad man... sorry, a mad Goblin.

Several Goblins were looking worried through the glass door of Hiphook's office... Hiphook waved them all away from his position under the table, all the time silently laughing. The young Lordship was acting quite fierce on the news of all his heritages. He was somewhat curious how the new Lord would react on the family binding contracts.

After some minutes of waiting for the young Lord to calm down, it became quiet. The magical storm, which raided his office calmed down and everything became quiet again. Hiphook stood up and grabbed his chair, straightened it and sat down.

"Do you feel better, my Lord?" Hiphook asked the young Lord.

"Yes," Harry said. "Wait until I have that foul bastard of Dumbledore droppings in my hands," Harry said threatening. "I will use his beard to make a lash, and I use that to bind that dung head on the ceiling.

Hiphook grimaced.

"First I want to give him the news that he is kicked out of Hogwarts and the Order, and then I am going to do all those nice things to him," Harry said. "He will sing like a little bird. I bet he will wet his pants, when he wears one... smelly business. "

"We continue the business, "Hiphook said, looking nervous.

"Family binding contract no. 71-Z is a contract between the Gryffindors and the Gaunts. In 1118, Hedrick Gryffindor made a contract with Pierre Gaunt to marry their daughters. Only the Head of House could marry a daughter of the Gaunt-family, if there was a daughter available," said Marvolo.

Harry stared at Hiphook dumbstruck.

"You said Gaunt? You mean to say that I marry a daughter of Voldemort!" Harry cried.

Hiphook looked confused at Harry, then at his file. "Voldemort?" he said bewildered.

"Tom Marvolo Riddle is his real and full name, and Gaunt is the name of his mother," Harry said. "I hope that he is the last one of his family line."

Hiphook looked again in his file. "There is a magical note in my file, which tells that there is a woman, who conceived Riddle's baby in 1942. Her name was Helena Parisienne and she lived in Paris, France. She married a certain banker with the name Charles Delacour, and they had a daughter, who is now seventeen years old."

Harry looked horrified at Hiphook. "You must be joking," he said.

Hiphook looked again at his file. "No, I'm not joking, my Lord."

He looked a bit uneasy. "At the moment I read you this file, a notification is being sent to the family," he said.

"I feel sick," Harry murmured.

Suddenly Harry thought about Fleur and her sister Gabrielle. "Don't tell me that her name is Fleur Delacour?" he said horrified. He had the feeling that he was loosing it every moment.

"No my Lord, the girl were I am talking about is not a Veela. Her name is Métier Delacour, but she is the niece of Fleur Delacour," Hiphook said.

"How is it possible that Voldemort has a daughter, and then a granddaughter and then I need to marry that one? Is the world coming to an end? What kind of sick joke is this? Did somebody curse me with all the bad luck in the goddamned world?" whinged Harry.

"Lord Potter-Black-Gryffindor," Hiphook said piercingly. "Let's see what is more with this file, then finish the outstanding business here, go home and then you can complain all you like, but not here."

Harry fell quiet after these words and he blushed lightly.

"Sorry about that," he said with a small voice.

"That is quite alright, my Lord," Hiphook said softly. "Let's continue and finish this nasty business."

"We have now the family binding contract 81-Z," Hiphook announced. He looked through his pile of papers and found the correct one. "Let's see what surprises this will bring," he said satisfied, Harry was looking gloomy.

Hiphook took several seconds reading, and looked up.

"Lord Potter-Black-Gryffindor," he announced, "this is a violation of contract by Hedrick Gryffindor. He made an agreement with Paul Dumbledore in 1120 to hand over a castle he had sold to the Dumbledores. He turned over the castle to Paul Dumbledore, but the castle was hollowed out, only the outer walls were standing, there was nothing left inside. At that time, the senior Gringotts account managers of the Gryffindor and Dumbledore accounts decided that Gryffindor needed to compensate Dumbledore with the most valuable possession Gryffindor had. Gryffindor family never paid, and now you have the duty to pay Dumbledore the most valued possession."

Harry stared at Hiphook. "I don't have any possession, Master Hiphook,"

Harry smiled. "So, there is nothing to transfer over to him."

Hiphook looked pointedly at Harry.

"Well, I have an own, her name is Hedwig, and I guess this is my most precious possession," Harry said hesitantly.

"An owl is not seen as something you can transfer to the other party under this contract," Hiphook said. "But you have many possessions, my Lord."

Harry looked confused at Hiphook. "What do you mean?" Harry demanded.

"You can transfer him one of your wives or slaves," proposed Hiphook with a smirk.

Harry's eyes widened in comprehension, and a mischievous grin appeared on his face.

"That's right, Master Hiphook. I think that I am going to give him one of my wives, my most precious possession I have. What do you think, Master Hiphook?"

Hiphook smirked.

"May I know which wife you plan to give the Dumbledore as your most precious possession?" Hiphook asked politely.

"Of cause you may acquire this knowledge, Master Hiphook. That will be Millicent Bulstrode," said Harry stiflingly. "Such a loss," Harry said solemnly.

"Such a heart pain," Hiphook agreed miserably.

"Yes, life is hard," said Harry.

Hiphook took a parchment from his file, wrote something, and handed it over to Harry.

"My Lord, please sign this with your blood," he said sombrely.

Harry nodded slowly; he cut his finger again, and let his blood drop on the parchment. The parchment glowed briefly green, and it disappeared.

A lonely tear appeared on the cheek of Harry. "Is it done?" he asked sombrely.

"Yes, my Lord. It is done; you lost your most precious possession, my condolences, my Lord." Hiphook looked fixedly at his desk.

"Yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss," Harry said happily. "Do I have more outstanding debts or broken contracts?"

Hiphook grinned and looked into his file, and his expression dropped. "No, nothing of that, he said. The only outstanding issues left are the Gryffindor Mate Charms 96-U and 15-U, which will be finished after twenty four hours, the need to take control of vaults number 2, 9 and 39, your investments and that is it for the Gryffindor file," Hiphook said happily.
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