Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > I'm a glass full of empty and the worst of the best

I'm a glass full of empty and the worst of the best

by vaudevillekid 1 review

The camera clicked and she fell to the floor...

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: R - Genres: Angst, Drama, Humor, Romance - Warnings: [!!!] [?] - Published: 2007-02-28 - Updated: 2007-02-28 - 475 words

Alyssa lie there,staring at the pitch black ceilng,deciding whether or not to scream and run or sleep with a knife next to her.

"What is it?"Ryan asked groggily and rubbed sleep out of his eyes.

"It's-it's nothing."Alyssa hoped that he wouldn't notice the knife and he did.

"What the fuck....?Who put this here?Did you?!"Ryan shouted in too loud of a voice trying to find a way to get her away form the knife.

"Don't-I got it."Alyssa replied and finally removed the knife,gasping with pain as if touching the knife hurt her,but she wasn't bleeding.

Ryan retuned to bed and so did Alyssa,both hoping that neither of them would have a gun in their face tomorrow.

============Later that morning (8:00 am)=================

"Good morning,sleepyhead!"Brendon had said to Alyssa.

"Brendon!I missed you!"Alyssa had replied to him,they were best friends and the only reason he wasn't there yesterday was because of his own family problems.

" know.I totally would have-"

"It's okay Brendon,I'm just not looking forward for today,sorry about you too."

"It's nothing.Who's that?"Brendon said pointing to the other desk in which Ryan was bent over trying to fix something.

"Oh,him!That's Ryan Ross,my new roomate.Do you like it here in college life?It's not like I expected."

"What did you expect?" and on that note Brendon,Alyssa and Ryan went downstairs for breakfast.

"I'm sooo glad that today's Saturday and on top of that...easter!"Brendon stated.

"It's Easter?When the fuck did that happen?"Ryan retorted and grabbed trays to pass out.

"When you were sleeping!"A guy with longer red-ish brown hair shouted.

Ryan turned to see his best friend of 13 years sniggering,he flicked him off before turning to put a cinnamon roll on his plate.


"HEY J.WALK!"The entire school said in unison before retuning to what they were doing.

"Hi!"Jon replied cheerfully before getting a tray.

Alyssa,Ryan,Brendon and Spencer all introduced themselves.

After everyone ate and was about to get a lot less happy.


Alyssa's POV

I stood there,shifting my weight from foot to foot,answering unnessesary question that shot rapid fire.

"Was it arson?Do you think they were coming for you?Are you going to find this person?" All of those and more came flying in until thankfully,Brendon stepped in.

"Have you people no shame?!She just lost her family and friends!You guys should be ashamed of your filthy selves!"Brendon shouted and wisked me away,until one of the cameras clicked and everything went dark from there.
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