Categories > Original > Poetry

The Meaning of Peace

by ForgivenSins 0 reviews

Category: Poetry - Rating: G - Genres: Angst - Published: 2007-03-02 - Updated: 2007-03-02 - 124 words - Complete

The Meaning of Peace

You tried to poison the minds that sounded you,
However, I was there, protecting you from yourself,
I am your mind, your sanctuary,
The place where you can ignore the chains that grace your wrists,
I am the tears,
Shed in self pity,
I am your sole,
Trapped so you can fly free,
Leaving me here,
You do not care; I am the one who saved us,
The one who carried all the mistakes and burdens that you made,
I feel nothing that life can give,
I am the light burning inside so bright,
The hate that consumes day to day,
The love that holds you in the night,
Given so you can live and know the meaning of peace...
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