Categories > Original > Drama > Living In Death

Living In Death

by ForgivenSins 1 review

Life and Death collide in an eternity of pain and suffering that can only be stopped by the death of a murderer. Reviews welcome.

Category: Drama - Rating: G - Genres: Angst - Published: 2007-03-02 - Updated: 2007-03-02 - 550 words


Chapter One ~ Seeing the Storm Coming in

No one could see her as she stood in the rain. It dripped down her face turning pink as it mingled with the dry blood on her body. She would be trapped like this forever, for eternity.

Her white wings were splattered with the blood yet to be spilled. She had tried to tell all of them, however the people in the streets wouldn't listen to her. The sound of the rain drowned out her cries and pleas to them as they walked past her.

She collapsed onto the wet sidewalk, her wings tight around her shivering body. People walked past her without a second thought, all of them taking cover from the rain. The girl caught only pieces of conversations, she didn't recognize any one of them, she was alone.


It was dark before she heard someone she knew. She remembered what he did to her, what a monster he was. She fallowed him, weaving in and out of the crowds, her eyes fixed upon him as her white, blood stained dress trailed on the ground.

She followed him into an old house that was dusty from disuse. The windows where boarded up tight to keep people out...or to keep them in. The girl knew this place, it would forever be burned into her memory. This is where he killed her and so many others like her.

The mans death would be overlooked, unexplained, a freak accident, he would be tortured forever like her. Yes, he would die, but he wouldn't know the pain he put her through, not know the defenselessness that she felt as he hurt her.

No, he wouldn't know how she felt; but she would make sure he suffered.


The storm raged outside, shaking the moldy house. He was in the bathroom taking pills from the medicine cabinet when she found him. She watched from behind him as he swallowed the pills, and put the bottle back in the cabinet.

She watched as he shut the cracked mirror, this was too perfect. She would finally get the revenge that she had dreamed of for so long. Lightning illuminated the small room, that was when he saw her in the old mirror. The little girl who had plagued his dreams for so long.

Her white dress was stained with red and blood was dripping down her body. The man could see her mouth moving, yet he couldn't hear what she was saying.

Frightened, he turned around and found no little girl behind him, only a small puddle where she had stood. Evidence that he wasn't completely crazy, shaking his head he turned back to the mirror, only to find the girl of his nightmares.

She was sitting on the musty counter, and she laughed when he screamed. Her laugh was more of a child's giggle than anything else. He could hear it echoing in his head.

"You showed no mercy as you killed me. So why should I show you any?" Her voice sounded like soft bells, and her white hair was stained a blood red.

He had no response to give her, and she didn't give him the chance to make one.
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