Categories > Original > Romance > Tests of Fait - A Horse Story

Unless you want to become bored with this story, please skip this chapter and read later.

by MandelisChaos 0 reviews

Nestled in mountains of Montana there is an orphanage for rich orphans to live and experience the life of a ranch hand. For the 25 orphins there, it's home, but for how long will the orphanage be ...

Category: Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2007-03-02 - Updated: 2007-03-02 - 233 words

Just something to get everyone interested in my new story. You could call it a "teaser chapter".

Some people say that when the right horse comes along you'll know it. These people also think that a horse is important and can, to some extent, communicate with their owner or rider. This communication is the trust between the two beings. One relies on the other for direction and the other is happy to be there to guide.

Others say that horses are just for riding, but that's not fair to the horse. Some people think that horses are property and buy and sell them like antiques or any other random, expensive, or priceless item. These people don't believe that horses have a say in anything other than weather or not they are sold. Cruelty and misunderstanding happens all too often. It's people like this that make horse fans sick.

That's why horses are now gradually getting better treatment from their owners. An inexperienced owner might have many bad misunderstandings with a horse before the two truly understand each other. It is this trial and error that helps horse owners become attached to their horse. Of course there are some people still that don't understand horses, but in the future that may change. After all, it is only the year 2009.

This chapter doesn't reflect on the story. Please I urge you to keep reading.
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