Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Gerard Way: Crime Scene Investigator

Chapter 1

by horsie890 3 reviews

Gerard is the leader of a CSI team.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2007-03-02 - Updated: 2007-03-03 - 454 words

Gerard knelt closer to the rough asphalt and sighed upon seeing his reflection in the pool of blood. Whenever he could see anything more than his dark sunglasses, it qualified as too much.

"Eighteen years old. What a shame," said the approaching voice of his audio/visual analyst. Gerard stood and shook his head, not taking his eyes off the dead boy's face.

"Unfortunately, that's how these kind of cases usually go." He half smiled for a second, hidden hazel eyes becoming nostalgic. He remembered what it was like. "You're young, carefree, and think you own the world. It only takes one gunshot to end it all." The smile faded from his face as he turned to his partner. "Well, shall we begin?" he asked, pulling latex gloves over his hands. Frank nodded and did the same, taking the expensive camera out of its case to snap photos of the scene. There was no blood trail; the victim had been shot and killed right where he was. Frank found a driver's license in his wallet. He didn't have to look hard for the bullet; it was still embedded in the kid's brain. Better let Ray handle that.

"Hey, Frank, come look at this." Frank turned his head at the sound of Gerard's intrigued voice and walked over to him. He held a thin flashlight to the opening of a storm drain, seeing several small white pills on top of the pile of mud and leaves. Gerard quickly glanced up at the sky, seeing the gray clouds just moving enough to let the sun through. The rain had ended just half an hour earlier.

"Drug deal gone sour?" Frank questioned.

"Well, I won't rule it out as a possibility. At least we know the T.O.D. wasn't too long ago. That should make Ray's job easier," Gerard said, clicking the flashlight off and placing it in the corresponding pocket of his bulletproof vest. "See if you can't grab a few of those and send 'em off to Trace." Frank nodded and snapped a photo of the pills. Gerard helped load the body into the coroner's van, watching sadly as it drove away. They finished collecting the evidence and drove back to the crime lab to get it processed. Frank headed off to the photo lab to develop the pictures, while Gerard carried the cardboard box of evidence off to Mikey's so-called office.

"Hey, G," called his brother nonchalantly. "You got a package for me?" Gerard smiled and nodded at his brother's humor, setting it on the table and throwing his gloves in the trash.

"Have at it, bro," he said, walking out of the room and into the coroner's exam room to greet Ray.
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