Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > We're Both On Borderline Obsession

Every Publisher's Dream is...

by meeniemoe 7 reviews

Chance and fate is taking Alice for a ride, but will she accept everything coming her way?...

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance - Published: 2007-03-03 - Updated: 2007-03-03 - 2300 words

A/N: So here's chapter three! =) I'm glad you guys are liking it so far! But if you don't, let me know so I can tweak it just to your liking. =P This part moves a bit fast...I think it's because I'm anxious to work Brendon in somewhere, sometime. ;) xoxo-Nat

Chapter Three:
Every Publisher's Dream

"If there's any names of people in this story you want to edit, we can certainly do that as well," An older woman with big glasses perched on the bridge of her nose said as she looked at Alice in the eyes. Alice nodded, and quietly said, "Thanks, I'd really appreciate that...there are a lot of names I want to edit...if you don't mind,"

"Of course not. That's why we publish and edit." The woman grinned a toothy smile, and took the files from Alice. Alice passed over her story as Lily and Mel made their way over to the table the two were sitting at. Both held frothy cups of coffee-one for each person. (Except for Alice, who drank tea.)

It was a few days since Lily had discovered Alice's 'raw talent' for writing. Mel happened to have a friend whose mother was a book publisher for a very popular company. When Mel introduced Liz Harrison to Alice, the two immediately clicked and Liz just loved Alice's writing style. Apparently her writing would 'appeal to the teenage populace of America'.

"Now, let's enjoy a cup of coffee, eh? And maybe you'd like to further explain your story to us. We know that there was a girl who was a fan of a band...and happened to have a relationship with the main singer for it. But the that the two break up?" Liz asked curiously as she sipped her coffee. A few gray hairs graced her long, honey-blonde hair that was tied up in a messy bun. She was in her jogging outfit, because she had finished her morning run earlier that day. At first glance, she certainly didn't look anything like a publisher.

"Well...yeah. That's how I wrote it. It was more...realistic that way." Alice said, and coughed a little to indicate to the girls (Mel and Lily that is...Sarah couldn't make it because she had to attend a meeting for her company.) that Alice didn't tell Liz that the girl in the story was actually her, despite the fact that her name was written all over it.

"The girl is you, isn't it?" Liz asked with a 'duh' kind of voice.

Alice took it as a surprise though. Mel and Lily didn't seem to be that fazed; if a girl had her own name in her book, it was bound to be a sort of biography.

"Er...yeah. But I don't exactly want the public knowing that. If I could, you know, switch names or something, I'd-"

"No problem, m'dear. But it's always better if the book is written from experience. No wonder it's written so well." Liz said with an amused tone of voice. She quickly winked at Alice, and drained the last few drops of her coffee.

"So I'm assuming that if the ending really is that...well,/ drastic,/ then there'll be a sequel? You know, for the happy ending and such?"

"Wh-what?" Alice asked, and blinked her eyelids rapidly. "A sequel? But-"

"That's great, darling. So in the meantime, we'll have this published, then we'll just have to await your sequel. I'll call you tomorrow for the cover design plans. This novel-book-will be very promising. I'll talk to you later, hon." With that, Liz covered her eyes with her Dior shades, slapped a few bucks on the table to pay for the drinks, and ran out the door.

Alice, however, was in complete shock. "I can't write a sequel! I'm not even in/ contact/ with Brendon anymore!"

Mel and Lily just looked at each other rather surprised as well. As Mel started to open her mouth, Lily said, "Well, you can always just make up the sequel...?"

Then Mel elbowed Lily sharply, and said, "Don't worry about writing a sequel, Ali. It's your you can do whatever you like. Don't listen to the publishers if they beg for more. I mean, it's your story right?"

Lily suddenly agreed, and nodded along with Mel. Alice just looked worriedly at both of her friends, when her cell phone rang. When she looked at who was calling, she told her two friends, "Hey, wait up. It's Sarah. I'll see you guys out in the parking lot." Mel grabbed Lily and pulled her out of the coffee shop.

"Hey Sarah, what's up?"

"How'd it go, Ali? Is it gonna be published?"

"...Yeah, it's gonna be published."

"Why do you sound so exhausted?" Sarah asked in a hushed tone. She was outside the conference room, and she wasn't supposed to be making phone calls but Alice was a special exception to this rule. Hopefully.

"They want a sequel, Sarah. A sequel. What if no-one likes this book anyways? What if no-one wants to hear my story? It probably has already been told one too many times, and-"



"You worry too much, girl. You need to seriously just go with the flow." And then, Sarah hung up. She didn't let Ali get a word in edgeways.

Ali just glanced at her cell phone, but heard a honking outside the coffee shop. She sighed as she saw her two friends, and ran out the door in a rush.

"I can't believe you wrote this..." The intern stepped into Ali's air-conditioned office with a clear view of the buildings outside Alice's firm.

"I know it's harsh, Cindy, but you just have to pass me those documents. They're kept in the manila folder with a 'private' note scribbled on it for a reason. It's for my eyes only. Besides, some crazy people sue other people just for the heck of it these days..." Alice babbled and sighed as she organized a few papers that were piled on her desk. When Cindy The Intern didn't respond, Alice sighed again and got up to walk over to her.

"Cindy, give me the manila...That's not the manila folder..." Alice frowned as she looked at the rather thick-bound book that the intern was holding. Cindy, who had just seemed to hear Alice talk to her, looked up. She smiled.

"Yeah, it's your book. See?" Cindy held up the book she was reading, which had Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire cover on it.

Alice choked back laughter. "Umm...I didn't write Harry Potter. JK Rowling did..."

"No! That's not what I" Cindy took off the book jacket, and there, in all its glory, was Alice's book in bold lettering: Confessions Of A Rock Star's Girlfriend.

"I kinda had to put the Harry Potter cover over it because my boyfriend didn't want me reading it." Cindy said as-a-matter-of-factly. Alice was taken aback by the girl's statement./ What the fuck?/

"Why didn't he want you reading it?...I mean, I know it's not written very well, but...?"

"What? Are you kidding me?! This book is fantastic. It's at the top of the best-sellers list right now. And according to the back of this was just published...not even over a month ago. You should've majored in literature when you were in college!" Cindy exclaimed as she held the book close to her chest. Alice raised an eyebrow. The last time Alice checked, her book wasn't even at the/ bottom/ of the best-sellers list. But then again, she never actually/ checked/ the best-sellers list, so how would she even know?

"Wow...Best-sellers list? Are you pulling my leg?"

"Nope. Go check it out. The best-sellers list is in the Borders around the corner from fifth street." Cindy told Alice before she went back to reading her book. Alice was in a daze for awhile-/her/ book, the top? No way...

"So...why didn't your boyfriend want you reading it?" Alice asked tentatively.

"Oh, I don't know. Something about not trusting the picks of the top-sellers or something. I think he started to lose faith in books since The Lovely Bones came out. Don't ask why. It was something about not getting past the first chapter because Suzie Salmon or whatever got raped."

Alice scrunched up her nose. She had read the book, but she really didn't need her intern saying that aloud, especially with co-workers passing her office. (The doors were open, too.)

"Uhh...okay. Um, so I think you need to get back to work-send these files over to Mr. P, and um..." Alice shoved a few manila folders into Cindy The Intern's arms.

"Couldn't you just email these?" Cindy whined.


"C'mon, you gotta let me finish reading this! I'm like...a couple chapters away from the end. And by the way, is there gonna be a sequel?" Cindy asked curiously while she balanced the pile of manila folders in one arm, and the book in the other.

"I really don't know. I'm kinda too busy to be writing a sequel right now." Alice murmured.

"What?" Cindy asked.

"Just GO, Cindy." Alice nearly pushed her intern out of her office. But just as the door closed, Alice rushed to her computer. She googled the best-sellers list...and on the New York Times, it was there:

Confessions Of A Rock Star's Girlfriend By Alice Bolton

One would think that with such a 'trashy' and somewhat 'teenage-inspired' title, the contents of such a book would receive low ratings. However, this story with vivacious banter between two lovers, the 'true telling' of paparazzi pressure, and a surprising ending to boot can capture any reader. It's not one of your typical reads. It's a heartfelt, 'learn-your-lesson' book that you would never expect. The story seems to come to life by itself, and one really has to wonder whether or not the author actually went through everything the main character in this story has gone through.

Alice gasped as she felt her pocket vibrating./ Oh god, that nearly gave me a heart attack...thank god it's just my cell phone!/

"Hello?" Alice said as perfectly composed as she could say.

"Hello Alice, it's Liz."

"Oh, hey Liz. Did you see my book? It's best-sellers!"

"Yes, dear, I did see it." Liz said in a rather monotone voice. Alice paused, and there was an awkward moment./ Is my publisher disappointed in me?/

"What's wrong? Did I write a chapter all screwed up or...did something not come out right?" Alice asked worriedly./ Always worried.../

"Oh no. No, you didn't do anything wrong. I'm just sitting here, I just got off the phone with some telemarketer guy. They are, by far, incredibly annoying." Liz voiced loudly. Alice was confused.

"Does this involve me in any way, shape, or form?" Alice asked slowly. After she had come to know her publisher in the past month and few weeks, she wasn't sure what was going through Liz's mind. Although she was a brilliant person and publisher, she was a genius-just a very weird one at that.

"Alice, why don't you come and have a cup of coffee at my house? "

"What, now? I'm at work."

"Okay, after work." Liz said. Then there was another pause. Well...

"Okay, I'm coming over right now." Alice said, suddenly changing her mind.

Liz chuckled on the other line, and said, "Atta girl."


"" Liz asked from the kitchen while Alice inspected her publisher's house. She'd only been there a few times before, and it was only when something important came up. She didn't here Liz's voice at first, but then Liz popped up from the middle of nowhere: "Well? Coffee?"

Alice, who was thoroughly scared by the fact that Liz seemed to have come out of thin air, jumped back, but said, "N-no...tea, please," To which Liz just nodded and went into her kitchen.

When Liz arrived with her tea, Alice sniffed it. She grimaced. "Ew, Liz, what is this?"

"It's fresh, drink some."

Alice took a sip tentatively, only to grimace and swallow it forcefully down her throat. "This is not TEA." She nearly screamed with agitation. Liz just nodded. "It's called coffee."

"But I asked for tea."

"And I didn't have any," Liz continued, before going into the next room. She popped in a CD in her CD player. Alice shuddered, and turned to look at the table top in the living room. Mounds of papers were stacked everywhere. At the moment, Liz was also publishing some other guy's book, but Liz told Alice that she was her 'top priority' of the moment.

" there a reason why you invited me over for coffee during my working hours?" Alice asked. When Liz returned to the table that she and Alice were sitting at, she nodded. She drained the last few drops of her coffee-- /how did she drink it so fast?/-- and dug underneath many papers. Alice thought her publisher was just insane, and just when she was about to ask where the bathroom was, Liz pulled out two packets of papers from a manila folder.

"Here." Liz murmured, and left the folder on top of all the other papers. Alice's eyes widened. What the hell is that?

"I'm just gonna put the cups away in the kitchen. Are you going to drink that?" She pointed to Alice's cup. Alice shook her head, so Liz took the cup away and into the kitchen.

Alice had curiously flipped open the manila folder, and started reading the first page of the two packets. She didn't get what it was saying until she reached three quarters way through the page. Then, she gasped.

Oh my god...
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