Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry Potter and the Celestial Zone

The Strangeness...

by Wen 0 reviews

Harry needs to live his life. Harry needs something over the Dark Lord. Harry needs a reason to live. Know what? He gets it. Crossed with The Celestial Zone, H/Hr. Rated for violence (quite a bit),...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Crossover - Characters: Dumbledore, Fudge, Ginny, Harry, Hermione, Luna, Neville, Ron, Voldemort - Warnings: [!!] [?] [V] - Published: 2005-09-19 - Updated: 2005-09-19 - 1105 words


Harry Potter and the Celestial Zone
Chapter 3
30th June 2005

"Wow, Harry that was mighty fast! I, for one, didn't attain the spirit sword for several years! I guess power influxes tend to do that though, Xing Ling being a prime example."

"Well you yourself are a good example of accelerated change, not even a year since we parted and you'd inherited the title of Green Dragon, gone further than Jian Ao, and defeated the late Demonic Dragon. Who's to say your pupil wouldn't as well?"

Harry wondered what exactly the voices in his head were going on about. He last remembered a sensation of phenomenal power, accompanied by a feeling of bliss almost, and then a perception of being overwhelmed, and an outpouring, and that was it. Straining, he opened his eyes and looked around. He was still in Dragon Cave, Xing Yun was still there, but Greenie wasn't around, and he wasn't in the water anymore; and there was a strange man wearing yellows, blues, reds, all sorts of colors, and a bundle on his head.

Harry blinked and addressed the stranger, "who are you?" Xing Yun also blinked, and realized they hadn't met, "Harry, this is an old friend of mine, also from the Celestial Zone, and goes by the name Le Tian. Of course, he tries not to tell people he's actually Northern Celestial of the 5, Northern Jet Tortoise. He actually uses poisons more than the martial arts, but then all 5 of us have some unique point of specialization.

"Le Tian, I've already told you about my heir, though he probably will try to relocate the lake some time soon. Doesn't help that Phoenix relocated her aerie to somewhere in Australia, or that Zi Yan moved to the Americas, all to spread the art of course, apparently." Harry blinked but shook hands with Le Tian, wondering what exactly was going on.

Le Tian, actually quite perceptive behind his eccentric mask, noticed this and explained, "You developed your spirit sword, apparently under unusual circumstances, and blacked out after. You're actually one of the fastest to develop it, Xing Ling took something like a week, Chi Xue took a little under a month. So you're way up there, any comments?" he mimed a reporter, but that put Harry on the defensive for some reason, "right, so exactly how do I bring it out?"

Xing Yun broke out of his musing, and got in just in time to explain before his friend stole the show, "You first need a calm mind. After you're settled, you need to summon your energy to yourself, much as when you learnt the sky dragon. From there, it's just a matter of focus. If it helps, it's like when you use your magic without the wand, just focusing on something else."

It took a while, but Harry soon held a 4'6" long sword that was green along the cutting edges, red and yellow along the middle, broken by several decorative holes. The handle was designed like dragon scales, and 3 hoops rounded out the package on the base. The Celestial Dragon design took centre stage on the blade, with two other decals flanked it. Harry decided to check them when he got back, but was fairly sure they were of the Black and Potter families.

They talked a while, and Harry went back to practice when Le Tian decided he had to leave, needing to consult Chi Xue on some new drug he wanted to try.


Hermione watched Ron play against Ginny. He really was a good chess player, just that the wizards version gave him a distinct advantage, what with the pieces giving him advice. She herself had been quite a player back when she attended a muggle school, when she'd also dreamed of flying, all be it in an air craft, and where she'd dreamed of actually being famous.

So many things turned her off in the magical world. The chess games were violent and messy, aimed more at brutality than anything else in her opinion; flying was so much more dangerous, where people got hurt so easily by a miscast spell, or a particularly powerful one that normally wouldn't hurt a commercial jetliner because of the range required and size of the plane; her fame as Harry's friend costing her credibility of opinion in matters relevant to him.

It would have been nice though, just to have a fly, but the school broomsticks were so hopeless, and Ron would laugh along with the rest of the house if she asked Harry. Oh he could be so ignorant, not knowing what the rest may be laughing about, but she wasn't. She sighed; perhaps it was actually time she got herself a proper chess set, even if they were horribly expensive for the best brands. Nevertheless, nothing would beat a good book, and she settled to reading hers

Luna looked up from her drawing; she wasn't at all sure of what she was drawing, just that it had wings and a head. But that didn't really matter; it was far more amusing to watch the little things flying around the other people in the room. Hermione had little hearts flying around her head, how sweet, and they were being chased by miniature broomsticks being ridden by books that looked strangely like 'Hogwarts: A History' how quaint.

Ginny had clouds floating above her head; some were white, some were dark, but they were all nice and fluffy; all they needed was a good wash. Luna smiled; even the little hearts running around Ginny's head were playing with the clouds, jumping to avoid lightning strikes, how cute.

Her attention was next absorbed by Ronald, sometimes she could see hearts of so many different sizes floating around him, sometimes they were cute white clouds, mostly when he was asleep, or sometimes they were dark rainy clouds, or sometimes buns, or raisins, or bread loaves, or all sorts of other foods. He never stayed on one for too long, except when he played chess, or was around her. She only had to look to determine what he was doing, and the little trophies floating around with chess pieces told her exactly how well he was doing in the chess game.

Luna sighed and went back to her drawing; maybe she should draw chess pieces with wings, since they all already had heads.


A/N: If anyone checked my FFN account, they'd know the really fast updates are because I'm already quite a bit ahead. Unfortunately, I forgot about the Order, so I'll be putting it back in as soon as I can. R/R please!
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