Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > My dark Angel

My dark Angel

by Momi 3 reviews

A girl get off at the wrong train stop to find that shes thousands of miles away from her friends. Find out what happens when this girl come into contact with the enigma himself. Yes that right, GA...

Category: Naruto - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Characters: Gaara - Published: 2007-03-04 - Updated: 2007-03-04 - 1071 words

I can't explain what the feelings like. There just isn't a word for it. It's an indescribable feeling that takes over and you can't feel anything else. I feel that every time I see him, or, and especially, when he smiles and hugs me. He wasn't always like that, of course, but something made him change.
People say that it's me, but how could it be. I mean, I'm not exactly an angel from God. I've done so pretty horrid things in my short time of living, but nonetheless, it feels good to have someone who understands. How we met was a complete accident. I gotten off at the wrong train stop because I fell asleep and didn't realize it until it was too late.

"Man!" I whined. I had just realized that I had gotten off at the wrong stop and was thousands of miles away from my friends. I sighed and started to make my way through the crowd, but it was just too hectic. This is nuts! I'm getting trampled! I thought franticly as I was thrown into a wall and everyone started to push against me. "I-I can't breath!" I gasped. Suddenly I heard someone say real close to my ear.
"Hold on." It was boy with a deep tone. I looked up and saw a boy with messy red hair and startling aqua green eyes. He had the national Japanese symbol for 'Love' on the right side of his forehead. On his back he wore a large gourd. I grabbed his out stretched hand and he led me out of the crowd. When we made out of the crowd I turned to him smiling.
"Thank you." He nodded and started to walk off. "Uh-Uh, um, w-wait!" I've always been incredibly shy, so for me to call out to this incredibly cute boy was definitely a struggle. He turned and looked at me.
"What?" I looked at him for a moment then looked down at the ground, blushing madly. I felt a finger under my chin, lifting it up. "You shouldn't call someone and make them wait for an answer." he said.
I couldn't believe this guy. Was he trying to be nice? It seemed to be pretty hard for him. I looked him straight in the eyes, those beautiful, enchanting eyes.
"Come, I'll show you around." He took me by the hand and dragged me toward, what looked like the town square. He showed me all sorts of cute little shops and Bed & Breakfasts.
"Why are you here?" he asked me bluntly.
"You heard me."
"Well, um, I fell asleep on the train and missed my stop, thus getting off on the wrong stop." I replied quietly.
"Mmm," was all he said in return.
"Uh, do you know when the next train is coming in?"
"There isn't."
"What do mean?"
At first all he could do was glare at me, but then he turned and looked out the window. "There isn't going to be another train for at least six months."
"What! What am I going to do? I don't have anywhere to stay or any money!" I exclaim more to myself than the boy.
"I'll show you where you'll be living," the boy said calmly as if I hadn't said anything. Didn't he hear me? So I repeated myself this time directly to him.
"But I don't have any money! How will I pay?"
"You don't have to... it's free."
"Really? That doesn't seem right to me."
"It's what it is. Would you rather me leave you here?" he growled coldly.
Now I've had to deal with this kind of crap all my life and really didn't want some stranger to talk to me like that, but it's not like I have the guts to say anything, especially when their trying to help me.
"No, I'm sorry I didn't mean to sound ungrateful." I said looking down at my feet, one of my nervous habits if you hadn't noticed.
I, again, felt a finger under my chin lightly push my face up and I came face to face with the boy's two beautiful aquamarine eyes.
"Just follow me." He grabbed my hand again and led me to a different part of the town. There were small apartments on either side of the street. In the center of the circle of apartments was a fountain portraying a man with a sword fending off a demon to protect the woman behind him. When we reached the fountain he let me stop for a moment to admire the artwork.
Then it dawned on me; I didn't know this boys name and yet I'm following him around this strange place. "What's your name?" I asked after a moment of silence.
"Gaara, Sabaku no Gaara; yours?"
Smiling sweetly at him I replied, "Amy Li." For a moment he looked at me, and then out of no where he smirked.
"Nice name." Just then there were eight tolls from the town bell indicating that it was eight in the evening. Gaara hadn't taken his eyes off of me, but the smirk was gone.
"Let's go." He grabbed my hand and dragged me once again down to the far left corner of the community and directly in front of a large black door. Knocking roughly we waited for the door to be answered.
In the doorway stood a tall girl with long green hair and a sour look on her face; sleep apparent in her eyes. "Waddya want?" she grumbled.
"This is your new roommate Amy Li. Make her feel at home or else." Gaara said sinisterly.
"Or else what?" the tired girl inquired.
"Or else there'll be consequences," he said simply before turning to me. "If you need anything I live there with my siblings." He gestured to a similar apartment on the bottom floor, like this one, directly across the way. "See you." With that he started to walk off toward his home.
"Wait, Gaara-sama!" I yelled. He stopped and looked at me with his gorgeous eyes, his mouth a straight line; basically a blank look.
"What is it?" he growled in monotone.
'Man this guy's voice never shows any emotion! Wonder why.' "Um, th-thank you for everything, I really appreciate you helping me out. Good-night." Then I turned and walked inside with my new roommate and left Gaara standing where he stood; a faint smirk upon his lips.
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