Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Gerard Way: Crime Scene Investigator

Chapter 8

by horsie890 1 review

Chapter 8

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2007-03-05 - Updated: 2007-03-05 - 926 words

"I hate that I have to take apart my new present," said Bob as he followed Frank down the hallway.
"Yeah, well, you might want to leave the humor outside. Gerard's in the zone right now," said Frank as he put on latex gloves.
"Oh," said Bob in understanding. The situation was more serious than he thought.
"Exactly." They quietly entered the lab so as not to disturb the artist at work. Gerard was busy setting up the testing equipment with renewed energy. Frank had been right; he was in the zone, and it would be unwise to distract him.
They set to work immediately. Bob carefully disassembled the gun and lay the pieces all over the lab table. He dipped several cotton swabs in ethanol and carefully swabbed each piece of the gun. Gerard took the pieces after he was finished and placed them in a closet for the fuming test to check for fingerprints. Frank poured the sodium hydroxide on the tray of material to initiate the reaction. They then treated each cotton swab with phenolphthalein and hydrogen peroxide.
"Got a match," said Gerard after the third try. He held up the cotton swab, which had turned a bright pink color to indicate blood.
"What was it from?" asked Frank.
"The handle." They found more blood on a sample from the gun's trigger. The fuming test was negative, and Frank picked up the gun's handle. He found a secret compartment inside and pulled it out, finding a small wad of spongy foam inside. He placed the object on the counter, and as he slid the chamber back into its place, it caught the skin of his hand. It would have drawn blood had he not been wearing gloves. At least he knew how the shooter had been cut.
"Take a look at this," he said, starting to peel off the sponge-like material of the sphere. It concealed a single diamond. "What do you think it means?"
"It means, my friend, that we've uncovered something bigger than we originally thought," said Gerard, examining the stone with experienced eyes. "Something much bigger."
Frank and Bob practically dragged Gerard against his will away from the lab as Mikey locked it.
"This is for your own good, G," said Frank. "Sleep is a good thing."
"Frank, these cases don't solve themselves," Gerard said while he tried- and subsequently failed- to suppress a yawn.
"They also don't get solved in one day. You need a break," said Bob.
"Don't worry, guys, I'll make sure he gets a full ten hours tonight," said Mikey as he opened the front door of the building and watched as his two friends unceremoniously dragged their boss out the door. He contemplated videotaping it for future reference, but knew better than to mess with Gerard on a day like this. He was in no mood for humor.
"That's a bit excessive, don't you think?" asked Gerard as he finally gave up and sat in the passenger seat of his own car. Mikey shook his head and started the car.
"You work as much as three people. You're lucky I don't send you on a vacation to Hawaii right now," said his brother. Frank and Bob locked up the rest of the lab and said goodbye to the security guard on duty.
"So, you think Gerard's actually going to sleep ten hours?" asked Frank as he stepped into his own car. Bob shook his head.
"He'll do that when every murderer in the world is caught, convicted, and sentenced; in other words, when he's finally out of a job."
"Which is to say, never?" They both laughed and went their separate ways.
Gerard's cell phone vibrated in the middle of the night. It failed to wake him until it fell off of the nightstand and onto the wood floor below. It startled him out of a dead sleep, and his eyes snapped open abruptly. He picked up the glowing object and answered it sleepily.
"...Hello?...Yes, this is Lieutenant Way...What?" He gasped and sat up immediately, unable to believe what he was hearing. "Okay...I'll be right there...Thanks." He snapped the phone shut and dressed quickly, waking up his brother in the process. Mikey appeared at his doorway with his eyes closed.
"Gerard, it's four in the morning. What's going on?" Gerard grabbed his gun and clipped it onto his belt.
"Someone broke into the lab. We have to go /now/." Mikey understood instantly and ran back to his own bedroom. They were out the door less than five minutes later and raced down to the lab, thankful there were few others out on the road. The last thing they needed right now was an accident.
They got to the lab ten minutes later, and both leapt out of the car and briskly walked to the lab. The police had already secured the scene, making their lives much easier. They showed their badges to the security guard and entered the lab. Frank was already there and had begun processing the scene.
"The guy busted in through this window," he said, motioning to the frame lined with broken glass. "He didn't take anything, but he did leave us a little present." Frank lazily motioned to a cardboard box lying on the counter and returned to his work. Mikey stepped over to it and examined it curiously. He froze and told the others to stop talking.
"Can you hear that?" he asked breathlessly. Gerard stood next to him and listened.
"Oh my God. It's ticking."
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