Categories > Games > Final Fantasy Tactics > The Way of the Warrior

A Cruel Twist of Fate, Part 3

by Legion 0 reviews

After the battle with Altima Ramza disappeared. Moving away from the newly rebuilt kingdom of Ivalice, he began a family in a small village in Odallia. Fifteen years later, however, his peaceful li...

Category: Final Fantasy Tactics - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Fantasy - Characters: Mustadio - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2005-05-06 - Updated: 2005-05-06 - 4159 words

The two men sat in awkward silence for minutes, and Aralius was afraid that perhaps the man didn't want anything to do with him. Edging to the front of his seat, Aralius readied himself should he have to flee - after all, the only thing he knew about this man was that he knew and helped his father years ago, he could be a different person now.
"I never thought I'd live to see the day that a Beoulve would set foot in Ivalice again." Mustadio murmured, scratching at his beard. "So tell me...Aralius...why should I believe that you are my friend's son and not some impostor sent here by his Majesty to arrest me for some false crime?"
"This might be a start." Aralius said as he picked up his sheathed sword. Setting the point of the scabbard on the ground in front of him, Aralius slid the sword from the battered scabbard, producing the gleaming blade of Excalibur.
Mustadio raised an eyebrow and began rubbing his chin deep in thought. It was then that Aralius noticed that Jenny was back in the room and feeling the same tension that he swore could be cut with a knife.
"It's true father, while you were gone this came by way of a special messenger." she said, producing a small, opened envelope. Mustadio took the envelope from his daughter and pulled the folded parchment from within it. Opening it, he began to read the letter as Aralius relaxed ever so slightly, leaning back in his chair and letting his sword fall back into its sheath.
After a few moments, Mustadio rose, letter in hand, and walked over to the fireplace where he tossed both letter and envelope. "Come with me." he said as he turned to Aralius and mouthed 'It's not safe to talk here'. Aralius nodded and rose from his seat, following the older man out of the living room and down the hallway that led to the right, away from the door he entered the house through.
When the two were about halfway down the hallway, Mustadio reached to the right and opened a door. Motioning for Aralius to enter, Mustadio held the door as the young Beoulve walked in. Inside was a massive study, and probably the largest collection of books that he had ever seen. Mystified he ran his fingers over a few of the books as he scanned the collection. Also about the room were relics of all sorts, most of which Aralius did not know what they were. On the far side of the room was a large desk littered in documents. Next to this was a large fireplace decorated in relics of all kinds.
"Quite impressive isn't it?" Mustadio said with a grin. "It took my father and thirty years of hard work to acquire all these pieces, and we only know what about half of them do." Mustadio closed the door and flipped a switch on it that Aralius assumed was some sort of lock. The older man then made his way across the room to the large desk and sat in the cushioned chair that was behind it. "Please sit down." he said motioning to another cushioned chair that sat in front of the desk. Aralius walked over to the chair and as he sat he noticed that many of the papers littering the desk in front of him were labeled sketches of the various Zodiac stones.
"Where did you get those?" Aralius asked, pointing to the sketches. Mustadio smiled as he leaned forward and picked up a strange looking relic.
"I drew them when traveling with your father." he said. Mustadio then turned his attention to the device in his hand. It appeared to be a globe fused to a stand that resembled a castle. Grabbing either end of the device, Mustadio twisted the globe a half rotation to the right, then a full turn to the left, and three more turns to the right. There was a click as Mustadio finished turning the globe followed by a low buzz. He then set the device on the desk and sat back in his chair. The buzz coming from the device intensified as the globe began to glow bright blue.
"What's that?" Aralius asked, reaching for the device.
"It's one of the few devices we know how to operate. It's called a sound damper and what it does it makes it so that no one outside this room will be able to hear our conversation. So I don't suppose either your father or aunt told you why you're here?"
"To find the stones, and if possible, retrieve them."
"But, why?"
"Well, I don't know I suppose..."
"That's what I thought." Mustadio said, gathering a handful of papers and sifting through them. After a few moments, and a few dozen papers, Mustadio's eyes lit up as he found the paper he wanted. "You've heard of the Lion War yes?" he asked looking up from the paper at Aralius expectantly.
"Umm, not much." Aralius replied reddening in the face and looking slightly down in embarrassment.
"What has your father been doing these past years?" Then with a sigh, Mustadio rolled up the paper he held and set it on the desk. "Well, maybe it will be easier to do this; why don't you tell me what you do know."
Aralius nodded. "Well, it was a war over the crown that split Ivalice in two. On one side was those who felt that the late queen's son should be King and her brother his regent,"
"Yes, Prince Larg." Mustadio said.
"Yes, and the other were those who felt that the Princess...Oleveia should be the leader of the nation. Goltana I believe his name was." Mustadio nodded, confirming the younger man's thoughts. "But beyond that I don't know much."
"So you're father never talked about his part in this war did he? So like him, he's too humble for his own good. Well, while these men were on a warpath tearing Ivalice asunder, your father was fighting a much more subtle cause of the entire conflict. He even believed that the events of the world were being manipulated by the events he was struggling to defeat.
The Church was this latest faction. Members within the Church and its' Knights; the Temple Knights among others. The Leader of these was Vormav Tingle, and their entire purpose was to find the Zodiac stones and resurrect the 'Zodiac Braves'. The stones though, are not as we are told they are in the stories of the Glabados church. They are pathways to evil - stones that summon the power of the demon Lucavi. Ultimately, your father chased down the 'Braves' one by one until he found their true plot; the resurrection of the greatest demon of them all - Altima.
The identity of Altima was startling to your father and those who had decided to follow him, myself included. It was none other than the person that founded the Glabados faith - Ajora Glabados."
"But how is that possible?" Aralius interrupted. "If Ajora was known to be a demon, why would anyone follow his teachings?"
Mustadio smiled at Aralius' question, which both confused and infuriated him. Mustadio then rose and walked over to one of the many bookshelves and reached behind one of the many stacks, pulling out an worn, leather bound book. Blowing the dust off the cover, he walked back over to the desk and sat down.
"This will tell you everything you need to know about Ajora, and some about the stones as well. It's not fully translated, but there aren't many people who can recognize, let alone decipher Ancient Faran. Anyway, as I was saying, Vormav's ultimate goal was to resurrect Altima. Your aunt was kidnapped in order to serve as the body for the demon's soul, and your father was unable to stop them from taking her to Murond Death City.
Once we got there, the portal was destroyed, but we didn't really care because after all, if they were there to summon the demon Altima they wouldn't destroy the portal if there wasn't another way out. Anyway, after fighting through the last of Vormav's forces we confronted him at the Graveyard of Airships. When he discovered that his demon form, Hashmalum, couldn't defeat us either, he killed himself in order to activate the stone and resurrect Altima.
Once Altima was resurrected, it turned its sights towards us. But before anyone could attack, Alma's soul separated itself from Altima and the body the stone had created. After that, to make a long story a little shorter, we defeated Altima and returned."
"But if the portal was destroyed, how did you get back here?" Mustadio laughed.
"As far as most people know, we didn't return." he replied. "But it is quite ridiculous to believe this considering certain people have been told the events in Murond, and it's hard to find these things out from the dead." he paused for a moment and rubbed his chin in thought. "Possible, but quite hard." he said with a grin. "Anyway, after the battle with Altima, the Airship we were battling on exploded, sending us hurtling to all sides of the graveyard. Many of us were battered and bruised but we were alive. It took some time, but I was able to figure out roughly where we were by using the stars. Soon after, we patched a small airship up and set it afloat. The next day we set sail.
When we landed in Ivalice, many of us, including your father and Alma among others, decided that they did not want to go back to what they had left so those who did carried the stories that everyone in the party was killed. Only Olan knew the truth of whether these people were alive or not because Ramza and Alma deliberately rode by him on their chocobos while leaving Ivalice. I coaxed him into not explicitly writing this in his book, but it seems that someone has found out anyway.
Now, anyone who had any part with Ramza during the Lion War that can be found by Delita brought under his control. Either by blackmail or by force, he doesn't care, it's just another pawn to be used by the King."
"Well if Delita has some of these people under control..." Aralius began.
"Yes, that's how he learned the location of your father. But don't worry, he shouldn't know anything about what we are saying here thanks to the damper. It's the one thing that has allowed me to stay in contact with those of our former party that are still hidden."
"If you don't mind me asking," Aralius said as he shuffled in his seat, "What is Delita holding over your head?" Mustadio sat forward, putting his elbows on the table and leaning his head on his hands while looking over Aralius. He closed his eyes for a moment, exhaling loudly, and sat back in his chair again.
"At first it was the ability to do the research and archeology on the mechanics and other technological devices throughout Ivalice, but when I wouldn't tell Delita where your father and aunt were he took my wife. He held her for a year, threatening letters coming each day. Each time I refused, knowing that if Delita found the stones that there was a chance that the events of the Lion War that I had taken place in could happen again. This time, however, there would be no Ramza, or anyone else to stand up to the demons. Finally, Delita became infuriated with my refusal to give him what he wanted so...he had her executed as a traitor to Ivalice." Mustadio paused for a moment, and when Aralius tried to apologize he waved him off. "Please, don't worry about it. It's probably better for you to know. After that I assumed that he stopped asking because he had given up hope. He did threaten my family again; said that if I stopped working for him that my daughter and son would be next, but he's never again asked about Ramza. Just about the digs that his teams are doing throughout the continent."
The two sat in silence for a few moments before Aralius spoke, "What does Delita need the stones for?" Mustadio stood and unrolled the document he had found before. Laying the document flat on the table, he motioned for Aralius to come closer. Standing, Aralius did as Mustadio told him, and found that the document was a picture of some sort of machine.
It was a panel of some type, in the shape of a circle with twelve slots- each with a corresponding Zodiac sign. On the outer rim of the device was some archaic runes; somewhat similar to the ones in the book Mustadio had given him. The next circle in was where twelve of the slots lay, beginning at the top and moving clockwise was Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius.
"We aren't quite sure what this does yet." Mustadio explained. "But the runes talk vaguely about a lost city of magic, a city that Delita very much would like to see...and own."
"There's a slot missing." Aralius said pointing to the twelve slots one at a time.
"Ahh yes Serpentarius. That stone, we believe, was created later than the other twelve, as evidenced by this device in the ancient ruin we found it in."
"Why does Delita want this device so badly?" Aralius asked.
"Why do all Kings crave power?" Mustadio said with a shrug. "No, I'm sure there's something more to this, something he's not telling me. All I know is that his son is pushing his father harder about this matter than the King is pushing me." Mustadio looked up at a device hanging on his wall. "Look at the time. I've kept you far too long. I'm sorry I couldn't tell you more, but it's really not safe for either of us for you to stay much longer." he said while grabbing a piece of parchment and pen and scratching something down on it. "This is your next destination; Dorter Trade City. On this piece of paper I've written the name of the person for you to look for and a pass word. This will tell him that you're a friend of mine." He said handing the note to Aralius.
Mustadio then, while practically dragging Aralius, walked over to one of the large bookshelves. Reaching behind the row of books, he felt the side until there was an audible click. There was a grinding sound and soon a hole in the floor began to show as the floorboards slid underneath the floor, revealing a narrow set of stone stairs.
"These stairs lead to the underground tunnels that used to be the city's sewer. They go all throughout the main part of the city so even if you're on the extremes of the city these tunnels will get you close. Where are you staying?"
"The Airships Landing." Aralius replied.
"Really? Alright then, go straight when you hit the bottom and you'll pass three branches to your right, when you get to the fourth turn up it and you'll pass two more tunnels and then take a left. Right after you take that left there will be a ladder to the surface. Got it?"
"Umm..." Aralius scratched the back of his head and laughed.
"Just remember; Three then right, two then left, and up."
"Okay I got it. How can I contact you?"
"I'll find you when I find out something. Now off ya go, you've got a weeks long ride ahead of you. Make sure you leave tomorrow - they'll know who you are and have you if you don't."
Aralius nodded, "Thank you for your help Mustadio." he said as the two quickly shook hands and Aralius started down the tunnel.
"Pleasures all mine." Mustadio replied with a grin.


Aralius followed Mustadio's directions and came out of the tunnels in an alley. Walking out to the street, Aralius recognized the building on his left as the Airships Landing. It was dark now, probably right around midnight. Aralius thought about just going to the stables and sleeping in the hay with Boco, but decided against that when he reasoned that if Madison was mad when he left, she would be furious if she thought he hadn't come back.
So that decided, he snuck his way past the Innkeeper's wife (who would've surely made a fuss to Madison), up the stairs, and silently into the room. Surprisingly enough, the room was clean, and all of the fragments of Madison's earlier rampage seemed to be all in the garbage bin. Aralius noted that Madison was sound asleep in the bed, so he relaxed ever so slightly and began to slowly take off his things.
First he took off his cloak and boots, placing them in the corner. Next he unbuckled his belt and set it and his sword down next to the pile. Just then there was a shuffle on the bed. Aralius froze, hoping it was just Madison turning in her sleep.
"Would you just hurry up." she groaned sleepily while throwing the blankets on the opposite side of the bed open. Aralius groaned inwardly and quickly shed everything but his sheets and piled his things in the corner. Making his way over to the bed, he stubbed his toe on a chair and if he wouldn't have already been in trouble, he probably would have screamed.
Limping to the other side of the bed, and being extra careful to not hit anything else, Aralius slipped into the bed. While settling into sleep, Aralius felt Madison shuffle beneath the blankets again and he silently laughed at how odd this trip had turned out to be.


The next morning Aralius woke to the sun shining in his eyes, a sweet smell of which he wasn't sure the source, and inability to feel th right side of his bod&y. His eyes sprung open to find that instead of being bound or injured, he was being slept on. Madison's head lay on Aralius' shoulder, and he found that the sweet aroma was coming from her hair. Relaxing a bit, Aralius closed his eyes and was almost asleep again when he felt her getting up off his shoulder and out of bed. Aralius rolled out of bed and made his way over to the rest of his clothes.
"Sorry if I woke you." he heard Madison say as they both dressed, backs turned.
"I was already awake." Aralius said grinning.
"Oh." When Aralius turned around, he was amazed to see that Madison was blushing furiously. Aralius suppressed a laugh, but his amusement must have been obvious because the subject quickly changed. "And I assume you think it's funny that you were out until all ages last night? I...I..."
"Was worried?" Aralius answered with a grin.
"" Madison replied. She was now shaking, whether in anger or otherwise Aralius didn't know, and Aralius sighed inwardly and rolled his eyes. He then took the time to tell Madison about his talk with Mustadio.

When he was done explaining, and dodging projectiles for once again insinuating that Madison had been genuinely worried about him, he decided it would be best if they ate in their room (for their sake and that of the other guests). He went downstairs, asked the maid in the kitchen to send their food up, and returned to the room.
They ate breakfast in silence, Madison sitting in the window seat overlooking the street, and Aralius across the room in a chair near the door. Just when Aralius finished his breadcakes and panther meat, he heard Madison say his name.
"Hmm." he grunted.
"I said, come here." she replied. "It looks like some kind of parade."
"Aralius walked over to the window, standing behind her, and looked out the window. "So it is..wait a second. Those are the royal guards." Aralius then saw who the parade was for. In the middle of the crowd was a large decorated carriage, seated in which was a man about his own age with dark hair and skin clothed in silk and surrounded by armed men riding chocobos. "The Prince." he whispered. Aralius didn't need to know the Prince or his father King Delita Hyral to recognize either of them. Ramza, whom Aralius hoped was on his way to recovery by now, had described his friend Delita enough times that Aralius might as well seen him, and the resemblance of the Prince and the King was uncanny. Aralius knew this wasn't the King, however, because the King would have had a much larger guard, and this man was much too frail to wield a sword.
As the Prince's carriage was passing by their window, Aralius saw the Prince look up; and right at Aralius. Their eyes seemed to be locked for a split second and in that second Aralius heard an echo of Mustadio's words; "They'll know you." In the next instant Aralius was flying about the room gathering his and Madison's belongings. "We have to go." he said while stuffing several items into a bag.
Madison swung her legs down from the window and laughed. "Go? Why do we have to go?"
"That man...the one in the parade...was the Prince." he explained with a huff as he attempted to catch his breath.
"What's that got to do with it?" Madison asked, her face clearly showing the mixed emotions of confusion, amusement, and worry.
"What's it...oh look, Mustadio told me that the King, Delita, would be looking for me."
"Well yes, we already knew that..."
"But we didn't know that they would know who I was. That's what we were counting on, but they do know me, and the Prince just saw me. I'm sure of it." he finished, setting the now packed bag in front of him.
"By the gods!" Madison shrieked. "What're we going to do?"
"We're leaving," Aralius replied, "Mustadio gave me the address of some friends in Dorter. It's a long ride, but if we hurry I think we'll be able to lose any pursuers in the Zigolis Swamp. Madison nodded meekly as Aralius helped her put on her riding cloak and herded her towards the door.


Kane sat in his open topped carriage and sulked. Only on the inside though, being that if his father were told that he pouted during his welcome to Goug in front of these great crowds he could be certain that a good flogging would be waiting for him when he returned to the palace, and unlike his brutish older brother Balbanes, he had not the time nor the tolerance for that.
Kane snorted at the thought of his older brother. While he was off traipsing around preparing for father's war, Kane was taken from his wants and sent to Goug to listen to some of the common folk whine about this or that, make a public speech while waving and smiling like some know-nothing nincompoop, and get that damn engineer and bringing him to father.
His thoughts went dead for a moment when suddenly an odd one struck him. He as the Prince of these people, and yet hardly any of them even somewhat resembled him. His skin was much darker, and his long, curly black hair made him stand out even more. As he was amusing himself with this though, Kane happened to took up into one of Goug's many fine Inn's window to see sitting there quite possibly the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, though she was dressed most inappropriately. Kane's eyes widened as he saw a man step behind her. The two locked eyes for a moment and it was as if the man had cut to the very depth of his soul with that knowing gaze. Just then he realized who the man was. How wonderful that his dead father would send the man into the lion's den! Kane could hardly contain his joy until he brought his wits about him. Turning around, Kane found the name of the Inn on the sign in front of it - the Airships Landing.
"Kleis!" Kane yelled as he sat back down in his seat.
"Yes, Your Highness." An armored man rode up to the right of the carriage. The man was Kleis Icebrand, the King's most trusted friend and follower.
"Send a detachment of your men to the Airships Landing. There is an Ordallian man and woman that my father would love to meet."
"I will accompany them myself, Your Highness." Kane nodded in satisfaction as the man took two of his cohorts to search for the man. Kane laughed when he thought of his good fortune. The Beoulves had made this too easy.
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