Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > He Tastes Like You, Only Sweeter.

Her Hitler Hairdo Is Making Me Feel Ill [prologue]

by dear_jamie 3 reviews

Tegan has been through a lot in the past year. But she's starting over new. New romances and new experiences. She soon finds out that dreams don't always stay dreams.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance - Published: 2007-03-07 - Updated: 2007-03-07 - 232 words

Dear Stranger,

The letters you will be receiving in the next few weeks are my story. The story of my life and how I got where I am now. I don't know why I'm writing you. Maybe I just need closer. Hopefully you'll find my story enjoyable, maybe it will even make you cry a little. I don't know what you look like, if you're a man or woman, what your sexual orietation is. I found this address in a book at the library. I'm going to be writing in story form, you know.. chapters. Not that a persons life can be thought of like that.

I opened my eyes quickly. I stared at the textured ceiling. I've given up so many things in the past year. An amazing family, even better friends. And I was even expecting a child. The morning was the time I spent thinking about these things, the things I gave up. My alarm hadn't gone off. I didn't even know why I set my alarm anymore. I didn't have to be into work until 3PM. I worked at the local Country Bank.

My name was Tegan Samantha Alexander. But of course, no one called me "Tegan Samantha". It was Tegan. And Tegan only. No shortened versions, I somehow found "Teeg" cliche. Then again, He used to call me "Teeg". Maybe that's why I hated it.

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