Categories > Celebrities > AFI > December Starlight

Chapter 2

by horsie890 0 reviews

Chapter 2

Category: AFI - Rating: PG - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2007-03-14 - Updated: 2007-03-15 - 616 words

His eyes flew open. He felt frozen in place, his arms and legs completely numb and useless. They moved of their own accord when he sat up, feeling the last of the strange warmth drain out of him. He was shivering violently. The cold was overwhelming.
Something peculiar caught his eye. The forest around him held traces of gray and dead brown. There were no signs of life anywhere nearby, save for the footprints they had left behind. Even those had been filled with the pale powder. Teeth chattering, he studied the object carefully, curiously. It was thoroughly iced over, and no doubt dead. But the palest speck of green shone through its very center.
He reached up to touch it, and it immediately broke off the branch and fell with a crunch into the snow. He was unable to stand and fell next to it. It was a wonder he was still alive, especially to himself. He fingered the heavy leaf carefully, noting its strange color.
It was the palest shade of green possible.
Jade green.
His face turned grim as he thought of his friend. He must have been missing now, too, just like all the others. Davey was alone.
There were footsteps. He blinked, instantly regretting it. His eyelids froze in place. He found he could open them within a few seconds, and when he did, he saw a dark-cloaked figure standing before him. He was able to push himself off the ground to the point where he was on his knees. A delicate hand reached out to stroke the side of his face and brush the snowflakes off of his hair. Davey inhaled sharply. It was warm, truly warm, unlike the false heat that had filled him earlier. He looked up, attempting to get a glimpse of the person's face, but could only see a few dark locks of hair. The person placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Come," said a woman's voice warmly. The hand slid away from him, and he slowly stood and followed. He took stumbling steps after her, knowing this could be his only hope of escaping alive. The ground around him evened out and became completely smooth, a frosted mirror of ice. He watched as the woman effortlessly glided across the ice. There were two bare trees just in front of him. He collapsed forward, his arms becoming caught on them to hold him up. He was incredibly weak.
He managed to sidestep the trees and followed the woman. He took only a few steps before he saw a disturbing image. Two silver-frosted hands reached toward the sky, their owners buried in snow. He looked back toward the mysterious woman with silent, still confusion. She removed her hood and swiftly turned to face him. He saw her pale skin and dark, soulless eyes without pupils.
Another gust of wind swept him backwards, and he plunged through the ice with a sickening crack. The water was darker and colder than he could have imagined. He tried to weakly swim to the surface, but the ice had frozen over already. He pounded on it erratically, using the last of energy to save the last of his life. Air was escaping from between his blue lips faster than he could control it.
A hand colder than the water and snow clasped over his mouth. He spun sluggishly, not recognizing the face, and felt another hand stroke his face. He felt water fill his lungs, but there was no pain. He saw the silver orbs of life-giving air float to the surface of the water. He ignored them completely and sank into the water's depths, feeling the water dissolve into darkness.
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