Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I Remember

I Remember

by HauntedTears 1 review

There was that long, dark, cold corridor again, so many times had she seen it, but never really got any further than the locked oak door.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Horror, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2007-03-16 - Updated: 2007-03-16 - 305 words

I Remember

Disclaimer: Don't own anything but me plot XD

I've decided to try and write another story, as I've completely lost interest in the others, haha, I'm like that, which can get annoying. Anyway, this came to me in a maths lesson and I decided to write it up as a story, so I hope you like it and it might not make sense quite yet.

Cold Smell Of Death

There was that long, dark, cold corridor again, so many times had she seen it, but never really got any further than the locked oak door. It seemed every night this happened, she would find herself wandering down a corridor, the only light source coming from the dying embers of torches. Her feet made slight noises on the cold hard marble floor, but still she walked and walked until she came to the door again. The smell that filled the air was that kind of smell that meant death, the cold smell of death, waiting in the shadows on unsuspecting victims.

She once again came to that very door; it seemed an age before she felt the cold penetrate her pale skin like a dagger. She grabbed it firmly and twisted the door knob and the lock clicked. It was open. Trembling slightly, the girl pushed open the door and a room was before her, but as she looked around, she felt another person's presence in the room. Looking around, she saw no one, and then she saw a figure by the fireplace that seemed to be staring at her intently. But before she could get a good look at their face, she felt herself hit a hard floor and a sharp pain through her head.

Little did Anna know that she was not the only one having this dream.

Read and Review please! ^^

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