Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Golden

Chapter Two

by lolo87 2 reviews

This was hard for me to write but please tell me what you think.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Romance - Published: 2007-03-17 - Updated: 2007-03-17 - 1234 words

Chapter Two

October 31, 1999
"Are you excited about tonight?" my best friend Sammie asked me as we were walking home from the bus stop.
"Of course I am this is the first time we get to go out trick or treating by ourselves!"
"So I'll come over your house at 4:30 and we can get ready?"
"Yeah sounds good."
"Okay well I'll see you then."
She walked up her walkway and I walked up my own. Sammie and I met when she moved in next door 7 years ago and we have been best friends since. At around 4:30 the doorbell rang and I ran downstairs to beat any of my family members and swung the door open. There was Sammie holding her costume about to ring the doorbell again.
"Hey come on!"
I dragged her upstairs into my bedroom and we got ready. We were both going as angels. At around 5:15 we were ready to go so we went downstairs to say bye to my parents.
"Mom we're going now."
My mom got up from the couch where she was reading. "Okay now remember..."
"Stay together, don't talk to strangers, stay in the neighborhood, and look both ways before crossing the street. I know mom." I said with a roll of my eyes.
"Okay now remember to be back no later than 9."
"Okay mom." I gave her a kiss on the cheek.
"Bye Mrs. Wentz."
"Bye Sammie"
We left my house and started our night by going around the neighborhood. As our night was coming to an end we turned down the last street and Sammie was rambling about how this girl Jenny in our class was so weird when she stepped off the sidewalk. I saw the car coming and I tried to yell out to her but it was too late. Tears started coming to my eyes when I noticed she wasn't moving. I got down on my knees and crawled towards her motionless body.
"Sammie? Sammie, please wake up. Sammie, please."
Someone must have called 911 because within minutes an ambulance was there. I don't even remember getting in but somehow I was in the ambulance with the paramedics while they were working on Sammie.
"Sweetie, what's your name?"
"Lily Ana McKenzie Wentz."
"Ok, what's your friends name?"
"Samantha Rose Winters. You can help her right?"
"We're doing our best."

November 3, 1999
They couldn't help her. I'm sitting in the church watching the priest talk about her. I haven't said much since they said that Sammie was gone. I thought they were lying, that was until we went to her wake and I saw her in the casket. Everyone keeps asking me if I'm okay. Would you be okay if you watched your best friend get hit by a car? I really don't want to be here right now. I looked up and saw Sammie's mom at the podium giving a speech which I can't really remember. When she finished all eyes were on me, somehow I ended up having to give a speech. I got up and walked to the podium.
"Hi. I'm Lily. Sammie is...
was my best friend. I don't know what to say. I just want my best friend back."
I broke down right there into tears and that was the last thing I remember before waking up in my bed at home. After realizing that I was in my bed I started screaming and Pete ran in.
"Lil, what's wrong?"
"Why am I here I need to say goodbye?"
"Baby girl you need your rest you can visit another time"
"NO! I want to be with her! It's my fault!"
"Don't say that it's not your fault. It was an accident."
"I saw the car coming and I didn't yell at her."
"There probably wasn't a lot of time for you to."

February 18, 2000
So today I went to see my therapist and she decided I was mentally unstable to be at home so she along with my family has admitted me into the psych ward. Since Sammie died I had tried to kill myself numerous times, I started seeing a therapist in mid November.

Present Day
That was only one of the hard things I have endured. Thinking about it I start crying and breaking down in the shower. I slid down the wall in my shower sobbing and gasping for air. Even after all these years I still can't get over the fact that she's gone. The door opens.
Oh god Joe. I wipe my eyes and try to gather myself up.
"Hey Joe." Tears still evident in my voice.
"You okay in here?"
"Yeah I'm fine, why?"
"Well you've been in here for about an hour, so I'm pretty sure the water is cold by now. Also I heard crying and I can hear the tears in your voice."
"I'm sorry"
"Don't apologize. Do you want to come out and warm up?"
"Okay I have a towel open for you and my eyes are closed so just step right into it. Okay?"
I open the curtain and see him with his eyes closed as promised with the towel out. Stepping into the towel he wraps me in it.
"Its okay to open your eyes now."
He opens them and gives me a sympathetic look and I just shrug it off. I walk away from his grasp and head into my bedroom and start grabbing clothes for bed. As I start dressing Joe walks in.
"Th-oh I'll go back out in the hall."
"Its okay I can change with out you seeing anything, what were you going to say?"
I finish getting dressed and take out my contacts before putting on my glasses.
"Huh? Oh the guys went out with some of the Fueled guys, I think your brother is DJing at a club."
"Oh okay." I say as I comb my hair while sitting on my bed.
"Do you want to talk?"
"Joe it happens every now and then."
"Yeah. I know that its been a while but I still can't believe that she's gone. It always runs through my head I could have done something and she'd still be here."
"You couldn't have done anything, you were only 12."
"I didn't yell to her about the car coming."
"There wouldn't have been enough time."
"I just... I don't know. Sometimes I dream about if she was still alive. I just wish she could have seen all of this."
"She's still alive in your heart and you know that wherever she is she's looking on at you smiling saying that's my best friend."
"Okay corny much Trohman?"
"Hey I'm doing the best I can to comfort you got it Wentz?"
"I got it, I'm going to go take my meds and brush my teeth. Do you want anything?"
"No, I'm just going to go set up the couch and lay down."
"Um... would you maybe stay with me tonight?"
"Sure no problem"
I ran into my bathroom and got out all my pills(I'm heavily medicated) and brushed my teeth. After turning off the lights except for the living room and locking the door I headed back to my room where I found Joe already asleep on my bed with Etta on his stomach. I pulled back the covers and crawled underneath with him laying my head on his chest.
"Thank you Joe." I whisper.
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