Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Fatherhood for Dummies

The Prologue...

by swimfan625 0 reviews

When a 27-year-old rockstar is put in charge of taking care of a 3-year-old, who knows what can happen...

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Published: 2007-03-17 - Updated: 2007-03-18 - 246 words

A father, someone who shows paternal care towards another person. And a mother, someone who nurtures and guides. But what happens when the mother of an innocent child leaves her baby on its father's doorstep, erasing herself from their lives after deciding that she couldn't care for her the way she thought she could. So when Pete Wentz returned home from two months of touring to find a four month old he thought he'd never see again, shocked was an understatement. He had been there throughout the mother's pregnancy and the delivery but as soon as the baby was placed into her arms she said she never wanted to see him, and that she and her baby didn't need him. The whole pregnancy was just a ploy to gain her thirty minutes of fame and it worked. But Pete didn't care about that, all he cared about was the tiny baby that would continue to live with his surname. Allison Isabella Wentz.

But that was three years ago, and so far they were doing just fine. Other than his mother and sister Pete only needed two girls in his life. His daughter and his best friend, Natalie. Of course he had a girlfriend but she wasn't the type of girl to leave a lasting impression. He knew it was wrong but he kept her around anyway, he just wanted to feel the warmth of someone next to him and she was there at the perfect moment.
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