Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > You'

Oh here we Go

by WillBertluverX 1 review

Summer Kylie Moore is all about her art& friends,but then there is this boy G.W.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst, Drama - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2007-03-19 - Updated: 2007-03-20 - 763 words

:::..:May 15 11:00:..:::
Gerard Way, must I let the name form on the tip of my tongue. I met this lovely(note the sarcasm) boy at art camp a year ago, meeting him at first I thought he was the best of the best, ha I was wrong. He is the most egotistical person I have met in my life, by now you can tell I didn't fall head over heels for him; he is the one person that I can say I hate. Although he lives in a suburb of New York he is moving here to New Jersey by the beginning of summer( no pun intended), how do I know all this? He has continuously been writing me, using me as his little pen pal even after writing him a horrid note explaining my utter most burning hate for him.

I am now going to stop myself from continuing the talk of this scum boy. It is now 10 and somehow I have to get some sleep so I can face a big heaping pot of hell tomorrow at school.


:::..: May 16 7:00:..:::

I am not happy at the moment it is Monday morning and I have the worst head ache from hell.
Slowly I prop myself up against my headboard placing my fingertips to the temples of my head, hoping they will go away before school starts. I walk to the bathroom take a shower and brush my teeth, I decide it would be best I if I didn't go to school without changing. Going through my closet I finally decided on an olive green t-shirt and dark blue capri's, pulling my knotted hair up I grabbed my bag and keys, I was off to pick up Jason.

Sitting outside of his house waiting I tried calling his cell 4 times I finally got tired of waiting. Knocking at his door I got an answer.

" God dammit Jason! Put your pants on I have been waiting outside for 10 minutes!"

" Sorry I had something I needed to finish..."

" Yea like your girlfriend, ewe just hurry up and get in the car."

5 minutes later

" Why are you panting?"

" I had to say good bye to Hailey."

" Uck, I don't even want to know."

To be honest Jason is what you would call a sex god, that all he thinks about especially when it some to his girlfriend.

20 minutes later.

Jason split up with me to go to his locker while I walked to class with Zach.

" Hey love." , this always annoyed me

" Hi Zach."

" How was you night?"

" I barely got any fucking sleep that's how my night went."

" Well maybe I can make you feel better, want to come over after school." , he placed his hand at the small of my back, he's been trying to have sex with me for weeks now.

" Zach I am not having sex with you how many times are you going to make me tell you?"

" What is the big deal, I am going to be off at college soon your going to miss me."

" That's it, you are going off to college we are not going to have time for each other, and plus you don't need the emotional baggage of having sex with me anyway."

" Summer. Are you trying to get rid of me?"

" Don't call me that! Yea I am trying to get rid of you, you have been clinging on to me long enough go find some other girl to badger!"

" What ever, fuck you."

" You wish you could."

By the ending of that stupid conversation I was at the door of my homeroom. Walking slowly to the back of the room and sat down next to Spencer, placing my bag underneath my chair.

" Hey, Spencer."

" Hey K!"

" I finally broke it off with that douche."

" Zach?"

" Who else? He tried to convince me to fuck again so I told him I was done."

" Yea it was only a matter of time. Hey you see the new guy when you walked in?/"

" Um no I didn't...who is he?"

"Some Gered Way guy he said..."

" Gerard Way??"

" Yea, that he said...."

" What did he say??"
" Well, if you would let me finish..."

We were interrupted by Mr. Kingston.

" Summer do you and Spencer have something to share with the class?"

" Its Kylie, and no we don't"

" Well then Kylie since your so friendly why don't you partner up with Mr. Way for the new project we are starting?"

Great I just had to be with him, and what the fuck is he doing here so early anyway?
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