Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Like Some Song You Can't Unlearn
Sorting Things Out
25 reviewsHarry deals with Luna and gets dealt an unexpected card by Sirius.
Like Some Song You Can't Unlearn
(#) darthme1011 2007-03-22
poor luna pairing just harry/narcissa or is there moreAuthor's response
huh? Perhaps a bit of punctuation would help me understand your question(s). BJHLike Some Song You Can't Unlearn
(#) datakim 2007-03-22
I loved what you did for the Ravenclaws. I suspected that you were planning on having Harry punish the people who were stealing from Luna. I mean the only other option was that Harry wanted to hurt Luna herself and that did not really make sense.
I also loved the encounter with Sirius. Are you planning on having Harry come clean to him? I bet Sirius would be willing to keep the secret.
All in all this was another great chapter. More More MORE! :)Author's response
This is not a slash story so Sirius and Harry will be showering seperately to keep themselves clean. Thanks for the suggestion though. :P BJHLike Some Song You Can't Unlearn
(#) whatareyouevensaying 2007-03-22
Ha! Great ending to that chapter. As usual, the Harry-Dumbledore confrontation was absolutely spectacular, and I also really liked your take on Sirius. Still, though, I can't wait to read more about the prank!Like Some Song You Can't Unlearn
(#) Wonderbee31 2007-03-22
Great to see, and I wonder how much pressure Harry will continue to bear onAlbus, as it seems he's throwing a ton of it on him now. Also had to be heart-breaking for him to see this Sirius, though what he did to the Ravenclaws was well-deserved, imo, and I'll be looking forward to the fallout in the next part, and what Harry will do from that point on, as well as maybe some much needed pain given to Snape.Like Some Song You Can't Unlearn
(#) zaxxon 2007-03-22
I love this story!!!
It's original (I think), and very well written.
Of course, I love it that Harry and Narcissa are together... or seemed to be.
Am curious how Ginny survived the Chamber of Secrets/Riddle Diary, as well as Hermione surviving the Troll, etc
All without Harry...
Looking forward to more.Like Some Song You Can't Unlearn
(#) DrT 2007-03-22
I'm really glad that Odd took the time to do something nice for Luna. As for Dumbledore, maybe Odd can get Sirius to believe him about Snape, and then Sirius can convince James and even Lily?
Thanks for a wonderful chapter.
"T"Author's response
Ah, but don't forget, there is one single piece of information that will seal James and Lily's feelings for Snape beyond any hope of change. BJHLike Some Song You Can't Unlearn
(#) Cateagle 2007-03-22
chuckle The prank played on the Ravenclaws was a beautiful bit of work. It's enjoyable watching Odd interact with these folk and slowly force them to see reality, not their preconceived notions.
I will admit to being very interested in seeing just why -this- Dumbledore has such blind trust in Snape.Author's response
Is Dumbledore's trust in Snape in this story any deeper than in canon? BJHLike Some Song You Can't Unlearn
(#) banner 2007-03-22
That chapter was good in every way. I love the Lovegood trick, (wonderful!) the "introduction" to Sirius, and the unassailable logic of Snape's duplicity. Even the fact that Snape wasn't in the room to overhear Oddyseus's observations was perfect - Of Course he wasn't going to welcome Sirius back!
It's all good. Great storytelling in every way.Like Some Song You Can't Unlearn
(#) nesparatu621 2007-03-22
Well, it looks like those ravenclaw girls are getting what they deserved. I can't wait to see how Harry fixes Ginny's situation, and how this mess with Snape is resolved. Will he deal with Draco also? Please get the next part out rapidly.Like Some Song You Can't Unlearn
(#) Anaknisatanas 2007-03-22
laughs The stupid mean Ravenclaws! They all deserve it! Yes, they all deserve it! coughs Sorry about that but I hate how mean they are to Luna. I'm glad that Harry got back at them. And for a bit I thought he was going ot go easy on Dumbledore, I'm so glad that he didn't!
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