Categories > Games > Skies of Arcadia > Raiders of the Lost Heart

Chapter 4

by ImonZ 0 reviews

The first meeting

Category: Skies of Arcadia - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama - Characters: Aika, Fina, Vyse - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2007-03-25 - Updated: 2007-03-25 - 2276 words

Chapter 4 The first meeting

By now, the Valuan guards would probably have "taken care of" the salesman at the bazaar. It was time for Vyse and the rest to go back to the /Delphinus/. There was still a huge amount of people out, so Aika took her friends around their upper-arms and led the way to the harbour, making sure they didn't separate in the crowd. Soon they had reached the stairs. They looked at the small lifeboat, which would soon set off for the /Delphinus/. Not even a Legend could dock a huge cruiser in a normal-sized landing stage. Two landing stages to the right, a Valuan spy-ship could be seen. Or was it... No. It looked similar to the one that had travelled from Valua with them but it wasn't. Aika shrugged, and the three friends went to the lifeboat. Now they would go back to Crescent Isle. Before they had any real fun, she thought. Well, she could be thankful for being back at all. But still, it had been some time since they had a real adventure. Except some battles against Baltor ever since the Crystal Wars but...

"Excuse me."

She looked up from her thinking. In front of them stood a guy of their own age. He was dressed in grey trousers and a black short-sleeved linen shirt, over which he wore a black waistcoat which looked more like a short, thin, sleeve-less jacket. His hair was blonde, short and spiky. He was of average height, neither fat or thin. He looked just a little weather-bitten, but he had some soft features which actually made Aika overall find him fairly cute. All in all, he seemed to be from around the mid-oceans. His facial expression, if he had one, seemed to be the very definition of both indifference and "Down-to-business". But most important of all, he stood between them and their boat.

"You are Vyse of the Blue Rogues, am I right?" It sounded more like an establishment than a question.

Vyse stepped forward.

"That's right. And who are you?"

"Doesn't matter right now. I have an offer for you which I'm sure you can't resist."

/Danger/, was the first word that flashed in Aika's mind. She glanced quickly at her friends and saw that they too had grown suspect.

"What do you mean?" Vyse asked in a suspicious tone.

The stranger raised one of his eyebrows, apparently finding them odd.

"I meant just what I said. An offer you probably wouldn't want to turn down." He paused. "It's about a hidden treasure."

The suspicion immediately gave way for eagerness and excitement.

Now we're talking! thought Aika.

"A treasure, you said?" Vyse asked, a little eager. "Hey, that sounds better."

The stranger nodded.

"If you come with me to my ship, I'll tell you some more." He waited for Vyse's response.

The three friends looked quickly at each other. As good as it sounded, this could be a plan to capture them. Maybe this person had heard of the price on Vyse's head and wanted to make some cash. Since Baltor had been bagged as early as yesterday, there might be people out for the hunt. But still, they were three on one...

"Alright, we'll do it."

The stranger raised his eyebrows, as if he wondered "What do you mean with we?" and glanced at Aika and Fina. He didn't say anything though, and then turned around and walked towards the ship Aika had thought was "their" guards'. They quickly followed. His ship was no more than a quite small deck, gunwale and a small bridge-cabin, as small as a room in an average inn. It was painted in a dark grey shade colour. Although it was small, there was still a cannon aboard. Aika guessed it might be a G-type. Just above the door, there were marks of maybe a cannon-shot. The ship's interior was as Spartan as she had thought, although quite spacey. All that was there was a simple hammock, a small cabinet and steering wheel along with some other manoeuvre-devices. At least it was clean, almost pedantically. The stranger went over to the ship's wheel and turned around to face them. Aika and Fina sat down in the hammock. Since that guy had addressed Vyse, he would have to do the talking. Vyse said:

"OK, tell us about the treasure."

"By a lucky accident, I have found a map leading to the hideout of Octavio 'The Fearful'. He was a pirate from a long time ago. He may have lived at the same time as Daccat." He made a pause to let it sink in. So far it sounded good, although the name Daccat made a certain bell ring. Certain as in bad, that is.

"Interesting. Was he Daccat's rival?" Vyse asked.

Aika herself hadn't heard of this Octavio. She glanced quickly at Fina. The silvite discreetly shook her head. Neither had she.

"Most of the Black Pirates back then were," replied the stranger.

"Guess so. Was he a Black Pirate or a Rogue?"

"Definitely a Black Pirate. I did some research on him. It seems that he met an unnatural and, most important of all, unexpected death. So, whatever treasures and gold he had pillaged would most certainly to this very day remain at his base, /which was never found/."

They really had hit the jackpot this time! Vyse nodded, thoughtfully. He was probably as full of eagerness as Aika was, but he couldn't show it.

"Good for us then. And you are sure that the map you have is for real?"

"It's got Octavio's seal."

"Then what seems to be the problem?"

"The base is located beneath the clouds. That's were you and your ship come in."

Beneath the clouds? That... seemed a little early.

"Was that even possible in those days?" Vyse said, a bit sceptically. "I don't call you a liar, but there has been no contact between the east and the west until the Crystal War."

"None that we know of."

The story seemed a little thin, though. But still, it was said that Daccat had seen all the six moons with his very eyes. If it was true...

"Can we have a quick look at the map?"

"I don't have it with me. I'll not bring it forth until we have an agreement," he said with a voice that wasn't open for suggestion.

He had a point there. It would be unwise to show the map to three totally unknown people, although they were Blue Rogues. He didn't seem to be a Black Pirate though, and he had de facto suggested using their ship. In a way, he was the one who took the biggest risks. It all depended on whether this map was for real; the whole thing would be pointless if not. Even if there weren't any treasures to be found, it was at least a big discovery.

"We'll do it," said Vyse.

The deal was by then made. The stranger didn't smile, but he got a more relaxed look in his eyes. Aika and Fina were just about to give their assent, when the stranger spoke again.

"Good. I supply the map, you supply the ship, and the winnings will be split at, say 80-20."

Aika had to hold back a gasp of surprise. He sure was bold, wasn't he? She was just about to protest when...

"80-20?" said Vyse. "Great. I thought 90 at the beginning, but I'm happy with 80."

The stage was set for a hard negotiation.

"I meant that I take 80 percent of the salvage," replied the stranger, not seeming to understand that Vyse was pulling his leg.

"I know. But why?"

"Because I've got the map, and you don't."

"But we'll use our ship."

The stranger looked at Vyse with a look in his eyes that could almost have been called astute.

"I could sail to Yafutoma and have a new ship engine installed, getting the whole treasure for myself and leave you and your crew without a brass coin."

/Uh oh/.

"If that's so" said Vyse. "why did you even ask for our help in the first place?"

"Just to save time. If you don't accept the conditions, fine, then I'll do it on my own."

Alright, time to bring forth ammunition to shoot a whole fleet of arguments to pieces.

"To save time?" said Vyse. "That's true. Firstly, from here to Yafutoma, it'll take several days at least, including a trip through the Dark Rift."

"Not necessarily. I can sail above the clouds."

"But not under?"

"Do you want proof?" said the stranger and laid his right hand on the height-controller.

"No, I believe you. And secondly, do you know how much these engines cost? They are quite expensive."

If he was surprised, he didn't show it. Vyse continued:

"And when you finally get it, you'll have a long trip to wherever the base is located."

"I won't. It's in..." he stopped abruptly.

"In where?" asked Vyse.

"I... irrelevant." He seemed like a cold fish, but apparently he wasn't that tight-jawed. Apparently, the treasure was near Yafutoma. That could definitely be 'beneath the clouds'.

"Anyway. All in all, you would save much more time and money if we all went together. You can wait for weeks before you even can begin to look for the treasure, or you can have it in your hand within one or two days if we share it equally." He stretched out his hand. "It's your decision."

The stranger looked closely at Vyse. Aika could see him weighing for and against, pros and cons.

Take the offer! Aika thought. Even though she felt excited, she had to look neutral (a little hard but she'd manage) and calm (now troubles were coming). Fina was much better at this.

"60-40," was the short reply.

"Equal share, nothing else."

He wouldn't get any better offer and he looked like he knew it. He could do it the hard way but...

"50-50 then." He kept his voice neutral, but it could be seen he was a bit disgruntled about the deal.

"You got it," Vyse said, smiling slightly but not jeering.

The stranger looked down and saw that Vyse still had his right hand stretched out. He reached forward and quickly shook it. Aika and Fina smiled brightly at each other. This seemed to be an exciting day! They stood up and Aika said:

"Okay, can we have a look at the map now?"

The stranger seemed to hesitate.

"Maybe we could do that later," he said, almost in avoidance.

"Nuh uh," she said and took a few steps closer. "You agreed you would show it."

He shrugged and then moved his left foot forward and put its heel against the right foot's toes. The left boot fell off on to the floor. What was he doing? But then Aika saw the old roll of paper that had been concealed by his trouser-leg. The stranger bent down and picked up the map. He saw that they looked a bit confused.

"I had to place it somewhere secret, for instance not in the cabinet."

So much for "I don't have it with me".

"Yeah, it's an old but effective idea," said Vyse.

Looking in his boots for the map would hardly be their first idea. Aika thought she might ask if the map smelt like foot-sweat by now, but this guy didn't seem to be the jokingly type. Least said.

"By the way, how did you get the map?" asked Vyse.

"I stole it," was the short and blunt answer.

The three Blue Rogues looked at him.

"You stole it?"


"And you except us to co-operate! Don't you know what sort of Air Pirates we are?"

"Blue Rogues. If you just let me finish; I stole it from a Valuan admiral."

Valuan admiral? The only "admiral" from Valua who could be overpowered by a single person could only be...

"He wasn't named Vigoro, wasn't he?" asked Aika.

"That's what he said. Friend of yours?"

She grinned heartily and patted him on his right shoulder.

"No way, so thanks a bunch!" Then she noticed something standing in the corner. It looked like a shotgun, but much bigger..."Hey, isn't that his cannon?"

"Yes," he said and quickly shrugged off Aika's hand. "That was the official payment, as he didn't notice I took the map from him."

Vyse chuckled.

"Great job. Too bad for him, though. Loosing his manhood, then his cannon!"

"Hey!" said Aika. "It was a stab, nothing else. By the way, he started it all. I just defended myself."

Being stabbed like that removed any and all chances for a pick-up and it hit Vigoro straight in his ego, that was probably one of the reasons why he had behaved almost hatefully against them at the tavern.

"One more thing," said the stranger. "I can't leave my ship here while we go for the treasure."

"No sweat," said Aika. "We can take it with us to our base. We were actually going there just before you showed up."

He crossed his arms over his chest and said with a slightly offended tone:

"I can actually control my own ship."

"Not saying you can't, but we want to keep the location a secret, that's all."

He nodded slightly. Then Aika thought of something. She asked:

"By the way, what's your name?"

"Esteban. And you two?"

"My name is Fina," the silvite answered, opening her mouth for the first time. "Pleased to meet you."

"The name is Aika." Keeping one eye closed, smiling brightly she continued: "Nice to see you and to go for some treasure-hunting!"

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