Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Don't Ever Fade Away (I Need You Here Today)

Don't Ever Fade Away (I Need You Here Today)

by SCARtissue 0 reviews

They say the heat makes you crazy. Mikey & Gerard Way, Frank Iero, Ray Toro, Bob Bryar, and Brendone Ross. They're in a townhouse with a sucky air conditioner, and it's about a million degrees-- c...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Published: 2007-03-25 - Updated: 2007-03-25 - 398 words

001.Hot Hot Heat.

"I hate the radio." Brendone muttered. "It fucking sucks. They'll play the Pussy-Skank Dolls and Fergie like they're going out of style... we need a station that's rock, and rock alone. I guess maybe those pop-punk bands, and of course the good Brit-pops..."
"Perhaps you just need your own radio show, Chiquita." Frank said, snickering.
"Yeah, Frank. Your freakin' hilarious, observe as I piss my pants in hysteria..."

The self-proclaimed 'posse' sat in the living room of the cheap little townhouse Mikey and Brendone shared. They encircled Brendone's radio, Gerard messing with the tuning dial in a hopeless attempt to find a half-way-decent station.

"Oh yeah? We-"
Gerard interrupted Frank with a "Shut the hell up!"

It was mid-summer. The air was on as high as it would go, but it wasn't really doing anything. Therefore, the heat was making them irritated and more insane than usual.

"Mikey, when are they gonna fix your air conditioner?" Ray asked, speaking for he and Bob.
"Tomorrow. I have to stay here and wait for the guy." Mikey answered, pushing the 'OFF' button on the radio. "So someone's gotta give Bren a ride to work."

Brendone worked at the Hot Topic that was at the mall in their city. It wasn't the best job on the planet, but it paid, killed time, and she got to listen to good music.
Technically, in her words, it was one of the best shitty jobs.

"Okay, fuck the job," Ray said. "What're we gonna do? It's hot, we're all insane and bored."
"Ray, it's too hot to do anything. I think I broke a sweat just laying here, man." Bob spoke up. He'd been silent almost the whole two hours they'd been there, so it was kind of strange to hear him speak at first.
"Gross, stop sweating on our floor, dude!" Brendone joked. "But's too hot."
Mikey chimed in. "Look who's talking, the girl with her Gay God hoodie on!"
"Oh, my bad. I'm not the one who wears eskimo jackets when it's 90 fucking degrees outside like a jackass!"

Gerard, Frank, Ray and Bob were dying laughing and one of their many 'roommate fights'.
"Uh, Mikey..." Gerard said, snickering. "She does kinda have a point."

Mikey proceeded to punch his brother in the shoulder.
Ah, yes...
How they prayed it would be back to normal the next day.
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