Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Fatherhood for Dummies

Numero Siete

by swimfan625 9 reviews

I really hate summaries...oooh I think there's a fight...sort of

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2007-03-25 - Updated: 2007-03-26 - 696 words

/So I pretty much love you guys and decided to update again. Oh! I forgot to mention...this is a trilogy, I'm going to finish posting this one, and then I'll post the sequel, and then the prequel. Enjoy! =D/

"God, did you really have to bring her out here?" Riley scoffed, flicking Ally's hair as she clung tighter to Pete.

"She's my daughter, I'll take her wherever I want."

"But Petey, I was hoping I could talk to you about something," she whispered seductively as she began moving towards him.

"Sorry, but I really don't want to talk about that right now."

"But Pete-"

"No, Riley, you hit Allison, that's not something I'm just going to forget because you want to have some fun."

"Fine," she sighed, "just go back in there with your whore of a best friend."

"Sheeth not whore," Allison glared, lifting her head from Pete's shoulder.

"Oh and what would you know? You're just a little, spoiled, brat."

"Ally why don't you go see Uncle Andy, okay Baby?"

Allison nodded as Pete set her on the ground, running back into the other room as Riley continued to glare at her.

"Now what is with you and Natalie?" He asked, crossing his arms as she wrapped hers around his neck.

"I don't like her, she's always spending time with you and taking you away from me and she needs to find her own life. It's not like she's your girlfriend or anything."

"No but she's my best friend and she's been there for me since day one, just like the guys."

"So what? It's time that she moved on."

"Riley, I'm not ending my friendship with her just because you don't like her."

"But Petey," she pouted, kissing him softly, "I love you."

"Love you too, but I'm not giving up something I've had my entire life just to make you happy. We can talk about this later, kay?"

"Yeah, yeah," she sighed, walking out the door as he tried to kiss her again.

"So, how's the brat?" Natalie smirked as Pete stepped back into the room.

"Long story I'll tell you about it later," he mumbled sitting down next to her, "What are we doing today?"

"I want to dow timming," Ally smiled from where she sat in Mia's lap as she braided her hair.

"It's too cold for swimming Sweetie."

"Pwease Daddy?"

"No, I don't want you to get sick, but we can do something else."

"Ohhhtay, tan we watch a moobie den?"

"What do you think guys? Want to have a movie day?"

After three Disney movies and four boxes of popcorn Allison had warmed up to Mia and was now sleeping in her lap as everyone else waited for the pizzas they'd ordered.

"Pete, your daughter is the cutest thing on the face of this planet," Mia smiled as Natalie sat down next to her.

"Thanks," he smiled as the doorbell rang, "Pizza's here, who's paying?" All the guys looked at him like he was crazy as he began walking to the door mumbling about how his friends were freeloaders. "Hey, how much do I owe you?" He asked, looking up only to come face to face with Riley.

"Well, you can start by giving me a kiss," she smirked, stepping into the house and pushing him against the now closed door.

Pete smiled, kissing her quickly as the door rang again, "That's the pizza we ordered, everyone's in the living room if you want to go in there." Riley nodded, going into the other room.

"Look who's back," Patrick mumbled as she stepped past him.

"Hello to you to Stump," she smirked squeezing herself in between him and Andy.

"So, who wants what?" Pete asked, calling everyone into the kitchen as Ally woke up.

"Daddy tan I have teese pwease?"

"Sure Baby," he smiled kissing her forehead, "Ri, do you want anything?"

"No that's okay," she smiled sweetly, "come on Ally let's go into the living room so Daddy can get his food."

Pete watched as she picked Ally up, carrying her into the living room with one arm as she held her pizza in the other.
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