Categories > Games > Final Fantasy 7 > My Name is Hojo

My Name is Hojo

by edwardmorte

A story of Hojo's life, told from his point of view and a few others.

Category: Final Fantasy 7 - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Angst, Drama, Fantasy, Romance, Sci-fi - Characters: Hojo - Warnings: [!!!] [?] [R] [V] [X] - Published: 2007-03-26 - Updated: 2007-03-27 - 2024 words

Believe it or not, a genius is born just like everyone else. There is nothing special in the birth process, no life threatening or life altering circumstances that affect one's I.Q. As much as I have tried to find the cause, it seems that there is none. You are either a genius, or you're not. And to be honest, you most likely don't get a choice as to whether or not you are. Of course, there are ways to enlighten yourself, both with book smarts and common sense, but if you have standard or below average intelligence, you'll probably have to write it down or maybe even repeat it to yourself several times. Anything I have ever needed to know, I have either read once or researched and reached a conclusion. And that is what a genius does.

No, I am not bragging. It is a simple statement of fact, nothing more and nothing less. I have been "gifted" with extraordinary perception and a complete and astounding photographic memory. Mention the word physics to me and I could recite pages paragraph by paragraph from my highschool books if need be. Well, I could if my highschool had taught things such as physics. I had to get special training for that, but we'll get in to that in a moment.

Now, as I said before, someone is either born intelligent or. . . restricted, we'll say. If you find yourself talking to others, and they are confused by your vocabulary or your subjects, take comfort in the fact that you are most likely their intellectual superior. Of course, if you're not making any sense to yourself either, then perhaps you should look at the other option. But I digress. I was born intelligent. I was able to read at the age of two and had solved every basic math problem I ran across only a year later. My father, who would come to hate my skills, was proud of me at the time. I would say the same about my mother, except that I cannot remember her. I know that she was there, and my sister seems to know a lot about her, but for whatever reason I cannot recall so much as a visual of her face, which is quite odd, to say the least. However, this fact is unimportant.

Now, apparently I was not born with a photographic memory. I was born with psionics. I could perform simple acts of telekinesis and telepathy in my earlier years. For anyone who might not understand, that means that I could read minds, project thoughts, and move obstacles with nothing more than willing it to do so. My sister or father would tell you that between the ages of four and five, I had an accident with these abilities. Apparently something was lurking around our home, something with psionic powers of its own, and I tried to read its thoughts. It didn't appreciate this, and turned my powers back on me. So I guess, in all honesty, I don't really have a photographic memory. I can read my own mind, and find any thought or memory, no matter how obscure it may be. It's as easy as flipping through files on a computer for me. I treasure this ability, as I never find a need to take notes or leave any paper trail to my thoughts. It comes in very handy for a mad scientist.

It is important to inform you before we go much further that I am by no means human. I never have been. . . not really, anyway. I am a dragon. No, not the type you read about in fairy tales that steal princesses, and not the Jenova monsters that you see if you visit the Niblehiem reactor. I am a real dragon. Dragon society is composed by simple factors. The elements of the world that you are allowed to use determine your coloring. For example, if you are a red dragon, you can use the element of fire. Follow? Let's go in a simple order, shall we? First, there are the basic elements: fire, earth, air, and water. As I said earlier, fire is represented by the color red. Earth is represented by green, Air by yellow, and water by blue. Now, to get a little more complex, there is the element of ice, which is represented by white. Then there are the elements of purity and corruption, represented by silver and black. Still following me? Wonderful. Now, there are the elements of weather and spirit, which are purple and translucent. Well, to be honest, a dragon of spirit is not really translucent, it is just constantly blending in with its surroundings, save its eyes, horns, and teeth. Then there are life and death, and those are a little different from other dragons. A dragon of life is gold or silver with feathered wings, and a dragon of death is black or red with feathered wings.

Now, as you might have figured, each dragon embodies the element it represents. I'm sure you can figure out what a dragon of fire, water, earth, air, ice, or weather is capable of. Here's where it gets a little more difficult. A dragon of purity embodies that of all things good. It can sway a person to choose the path of righteousness and use holy powers to heal and protect. Therefore, a dragon of corruption would be its opposite, causing people to fall down the path of darkness, and using the black arts. No, I am not one of those dragons, thank you very much. A dragon of spirit adapts its power to whatever environment it is a part of. If it is in the ocean, it can use the powers of water, and if in a graveyard, it could use the powers of death. The only ones I've never known it to copy are the previous two, purity and corruption. Then there are the dragons of life and death. I'm sure those are pretty obvious. Where a dragon of life walks, flowers grow and Gaia and her creatures restore themselves. Where a dragon of death walks, life withers and dies. See, it's easy.

Now, as for myself, I am a blue and white dragon, meaning that I attain the powers of water and ice. But, because of my lineage, I am not restricted to these powers. I have use of all of the other elements as well. You see, my father is the. . . well, he's not really a god, but I suppose he could be referred to as such. He is the leader of all dragon kind, a direct descendent of the first dragon to touch the earth. Don't ask me why he's a direct descendent and none of the other dragons are. I don't really understand that part myself. He is Draecon Lordia. Literally translated it means 'the Dragonlord'. He rules over the kingdom of Charlock. Don't pull out your maps of Gaia to locate it. It will do you no good. Charlock is much like the kingdom of Avalon. It exists on another plane of Gaia.

Now, Charlock is not just a kingdom of dragons. It is a kingdom of all mythological beasts. There a griffons, harpies, some fae (though most live on Avalon itself), unicorns, winged horses (called pegasus by some), chimeras, and all other sorts I'm sure you thought were fantasy before this. And as my father is the king, guess what that makes me. Correct. I would be the prince. Now, to you I'm sure this seems like a dream come true, but quite honestly I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy (so Vincent is safe for now). You see, my family members are witches by tradition. And please, don't say it. A warlock is not the male version of a witch. A witch is a witch, pure and simple. A warlock is a witch that has betrayed their coven in some vile way and has been banished from their home. Now, witches deal in magic, relics, rituals, spells, and rites. And while all this is fine and good, if you know me, then you know my passion for science. If you haven't figured it out yet, the two don't mix very well. Once more, we'll get in to that a little later on.

Now, I am sure you're wondering how I managed to go from a dragon prince witch to a mad scientist working for Shin-Ra. Well, I hope that these memoirs will explain that to you, and I will hopefully supply myself with the answers I am looking for as well. I've never really accepted the fact that things are the way they are just because they are, or because a goddess or god said so, which is the story no matter what religion you are. If you're Christian, it's because God said so. If you're Pagan, it's because it is the Goddess's will. If you're an atheist, than it just is. Funny how that works, isn't it?

However, if you're a scientist, you actually find the answers you're looking for. Of course, I suppose that science is in its own way a religion as well. Eventually you have to accept the fact that something is the way it is because some guy with a higher I.Q. than you said so. Of course, the marvel of science is being able to contest and prove or disprove these facts. It's hard to prove a theology, because you can't show progress with an idea.

Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that religion is a waste of time. There are some things in life that science cannot explain, and that is where religion comes in. So I guess, ideally, the two would be a perfect compliment to each other. I myself am a Pagan, but I won't go into all of that with you, though I'll try to remember to keep it on an 'explain as I go' level, so you're not left in the dark.

Well, now you've got a good insight into my mind, don't you. I suppose then, there's nothing left to do but to tell you my story. I won't bore you with my childhood, because there's nothing important that I haven't already told you.

My name is Hojo Lance Lordia. I have a twin sister named Hajiah Layla Lordia. Hajiah is a red and green dragon, so her major elements are fire and earth. Seeing as, elemental wise, we are opposites, we have always studied the reverse side of the spectrum from each other. You see, when you strengthen one element, you become weak in its opposite. It's nearly impossible to stay an equal strength in both, unless you stay equally weak. I won't go into who learned what, let's just say that she took the high road and I took the low road. Did you catch that? Anyway, we trained with one another, learning spells in our trained schools and trying them out on each other. We also did melee combat training. Aside from hand to hand combat, I trained with a sword and she trained with a staff. We were taught to use a variety of weapons, but these were the ones we excelled in. Now, a staff may not sound that dangerous, but it is an excellent tool to block an oncoming attack, and when it hits, it hurts like hell. No matter what you see on t.v., the pain of such an attack can cripple a man. As for the sword, well, I let my blade speak for itself.

Now, let's see, you know the basics. I don't believe there's any more background I need to explain to you. So, as I said, I'll skip my childhood and move onto highschool, where my love science found a whole new level. Oh, and as hard as it may be to believe, I was a teenager myself too, and therefore just as susceptible to acts of stupidity as anyone else, no matter how smart I was. All I have to say is that if you laugh, I will find you.
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