Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Baby Sister

Welcome Home Stephie

by pinkkissypetefreak 13 reviews

Excitement...drama and a little bit of Bob!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2007-03-27 - Updated: 2007-03-27 - 1016 words

The weeks Stephanie spent in the hospital flew by. In fact, she''d spent close to a month confined to that room and was aching to get out. After finding out about her and Gerard, Ray seemed to be adjusting, taking the situation in stride. He never referred to Steph and Gerard as a couple though, and this fact managed to escape his friends. He also seemed to spend more and more time 'Out of town with Christa'. More than usual. The night of Stephanie's welcome home party is what finally broke the camel's back.

Gerard walked beside the wheelchair Amber pushed Steph in as they excited the hospital. Stephanie grinned as she inhaled the fresh air, and shielded her eyes from the glare of the sun. "I'm so glad to be going home." She sighed.
"And we're all glad that you're coming home." Gerard said lovingly.

Amber rolled her eyes. "God, you two are like lovesick teenagers. And I'm jealous." She said feighing a sob.

"What is going on with you and Davis? I haven't heard you talk about him in a while." Steph asked.

"Well, we're still an item. I suppose. I just, since you've been here...And he's been busy. He and Will said that they may drop into town in another week or two. He's no Frankie, but hey, whatever." Amber replied, and Gerard's eyes widened.

"What?" He asked.

"Yes. I had a thing for Frank. Until his little pop tart came up and swallowed his tongue New Years Eve night, I was even thinking about maybe...getting around to asking him out."
"Oh." Gerard said, and fiddled around in his pocket for the keys. He obviously wanted no part of that conversation.

"Oh, be quiet Ambz. Simone is sweet. You know it. You're just mad she got there first. If you hadn't taken so long..."

"Blah. Blah, blah. See you later lovebirds. I gotta get back inside." Amber cut her friend off, giving her a brief kiss on the cheek, and patting Gerard's shoulder as he helped Steph into the SUV. "That wasn't nice. You beast!" Stephanie teased her.

"Love you too!" Amber said as she skipped back into the hospital, pushing the empty wheelchair.

Gerard laughed at Steph's expression and climbed into the truck on the driver's side. She snapped her seatbelt securely around her middle, and relaxed in the soft, leather seat. "Ive missed home so much." She said, watching his profile as he weaved through traffic.

"I've missed you...Err..when I wasn't here everyday." They laughed. "I was thinking...Maybe we could..." She looked at him questionably.

"Move in together? I'd love that." She replied softly. He reached over and squeezed her hand.

"Me too."

It didn't take long for them to arrive at her parent's house. As puzzled and anxious to get home to her own apartment, Stephanie didn't complain. Gerard parked the truck and once again helped Steph down from her seat. They held hands and wordlessly entered through the kitchen door.

"It's awfully quiet in here. Where is everyone? Mom!" She called out, and Gerard grinned as he followed her into the living room.


Steph froze. And glanced around the living room. A banner hung from the ceiling. 'Welcome Home Stephie', it read. And she laughed. "I can't believe you guys did this."

She made it a point to hug everyone in there, some people even twice. While she was chatting with Alicia and Christa, the door opened again.

"The Godfather is in the building!"

Stephanie smiled and ran right into Bob's bear hug. He had been at home in Chicago, and hadn't had a chance to visit while she was in the hospital. He apologized and explained that he was spending some very much needed time with his family, and his girlfriend, Karlie. He was shocked to see Gerard come over and wrap his arms around her waist while they were talking. Laughing and offering congratulations after they filled him in on all he missed.

Everything was running smoothly. Mrs. Way and Mrs. Toro-Ortiz served them all a feast. And Alicia and Mikey surprised her with a huge cake. Banana cream. Her favorite. Ray made a point of avoiding Gerard at all costs, spending most of his time in the den playing video games with Frank.

Until Stephanie said she had an announcement to make.

"Come on! I want everyone to hear this!" Stephanie said as all of their friends gathered in the living room.

"Ok, what could possibly get any bigger than having a baby? I mean,...not even a minute!" Frank covered his mouth with his hand.

"No. There are no impending wedding plans. But we are moving in together. Gerard and I." Stephanie grinned. Gerard was beaming. Everyone reacted the way they expected. Happy, and offering their congrats. Only Ray didn't look too happy....

When things simmered back down, the girls went back to whatever it was they were doing, and the guys went back to their video games.

"Hey, Gee. Can I talk to you for a minute?" Ray asked with a smile.

"Yeah, sure." Gerard answered, and followed Ray outside into the backyard. When he got out there, though, the the smile disappeared.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"What? About moving in? Cause we just decided this on the way home today...It wasn't.."

"You know what I'm talking about Gee. You were fucking around with my sister behind my back. And yeah, it bothers me. You know I didn't want that. Now that I think about it. It all makes sense. London, when you and Frank fought. It was about telling me the truth wasn't it?" Gerard didn't answer. Ray raised his voice. "WASN'T IT?"


"Let's get it over with then."

"What? What are talking about Ray?" Gerard stared at his friend, utterly confused.

Ray drew back and had the most serious look on his face before saying:

"I just wanted to give you fair warning. Because I am going to kick your ass."

That should hold ya for a couple days! lmao.
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