Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > ...::Fused, Fuled, And Ready To Crash::...


by MCR_SavedMyLifeX 1 review

the guy! dun-dun-nun!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst, Crossover, Drama, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-03-27 - Updated: 2007-03-27 - 728 words

sry i haven't updated in a while! i hadnt had time!

the next day, we acted like nothing happened. we were just friends again, and Mikey was still dating Alicia. talk about a reality check. yeesh...guys.

me, Gerard, and Mikey went to Starbucks to grab some coffee.

'get me some coffee! with tons of sugar and cream!' Gee yelled over my shoulder.

'what am i--your maid?' i joked.

'hey, hey!' Gerard teased back. 'now your paying!'


i walked up to the counter--that's where i saw him. no, not Mikey, so don't get those ideas in your heads. i meant that hot guy behind the counter.
i threw my hair back and made sure my Smashing Pumpkins tshirt was stain-free.

'hi' i said. 'i'm getting an esspresso (sp?) and two coffees for my friends over there' i pointed to Gerard and Mikey. 'feel free to splurge on the sugar and cream for theirs'

he walked to the right a little to get the drinks. 'you're with them?' he asked.


'oh' he had a disappointed look on his face.

'no! no, not like that. not at all. we're just friends, totally'

'aren't they Mikey and Gerard Way?'


'i think they're awesome'

'cool' i said. i glanced at his nametag and peered over my shoulder. 'GRIFFEN TRUMHOLDT THINKS YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME! BUT DON'T YELL IT TO THE WORLD ITS A SECRET!!!' i joke-yelled.

he started singing. 'don't tell me how to do my job/there's the door, your name's on the knob'

'Anthrax, right?' i asked. omg, we had so much in common. yesssss.

'yea' he said. 'Caught In A Mosh'

'i knew it. you know what? you're the first girl i ever met that likes Anthrax'


'what other bands do you like?'

'Blur, Pulp, Smashing Pumpkins, Pixies, Alkaline Trio, Iron Maiden, Misfits, you get the picture'

'awesome. here's your stuff' he said, sliding over some coffees.

i pulled out a twenty from my bag. 'this should cover it, right?' i asked.

he only ignored the bill crumpled up on the counter. 'it's on me'

'oh that's so sweet!' i pulled out a pen and turned over a flyer hanging off the side of the counter. i wrote my cell phone number on it.

'consider it a tip' i winked.

MIKEY'S POV-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-

i kept replaying that last night in my head. it was so perfect, but i can't tell anyone. anyone except for Gee, he always knows if something's up and exactly what it was. gifts of the oldest child, i'm guessing.

'your coffees, gentlemen' Harley said, handing over the coffees and curtsying. Gerard fell over in his chair laughing and Harley started up too (you know, with that hot laugh). i felt obligated to laugh, but i just couldn't. all i could do was smile. smile because Harley's laugh was so adorable. and her dark-plum-brown-ish hair framed her face so perfectly. and the Smashing Pumpkins tee with the jeans and the checkered Vans was the perfect outfit. and her skateboard topped it off--she was the only chick i knew who could skateboard. the only person i knew who could. she was extreme.

i started sipping my coffee--that's when she broke the news.

'you know that guy at the counter, Griffen?' she asked. Gerard nodded, giving me a 'hey-you're-the-one-who-didn't-tell-the-world-you-kissed-the-girl-of-your-dreams' look. i just nodded.

'we started talking, and i gave him his number!' she smiled in pride, all while i spit out my coffee.

'please tell me it was a setup for the coffee-spitting thing' Gerard told her.

'nope! we liked all the same bands and everything! and he's soooo hot!'

i didn't spit out my coffee this time. i just let it flood my mouth and burn my tounge. it all came together now. Gerard's look wasn't just for show. i took another sip and let the burning sensation rip through my mouth, accepting it as the equivalent of getting run over by a truck right then and there, because i let her slip through my hands, without me even knowing. because i had given her the feeling that we weren't meant to be.

but we were.

comment and rate you guys! it gives me motivation lolz!
thx lots,
just a filler basically. i needed time before...THE BIG MOMENT (yes even bigger than the last chapter's)...came to be!!!
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