Categories > Celebrities > AFI > December Starlight

Chapter 7

by horsie890 0 reviews

Chapter 7

Category: AFI - Rating: PG - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2007-03-29 - Updated: 2007-03-30 - 448 words

"Shade!" Nex whispered loudly, trying her best not to wake their guests as she briskly walked through the room. Jade thought he heard his own name and opened his eyes.
"Nex...what is it?" he asked sleepily, yawning. She glanced back at him as she was about to leave the room and approached him quietly.
"I'm sorry, Jade, I didn't mean to wake you. I'm trying to find Shade." She got no response because he had already fallen asleep again. She smiled at him and left quickly.
Jade cautiously opened one eye. What was going on?
Nex continued down the hallway and knocked on Shade's door. He opened it and looked at her wearily.
"Nex, what is it?" he asked, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. Nex grabbed him by the shoulders.
"Listen to me. We have to get everyone out of here before tomorrow night."
"...What?" Nex sighed and successfully forced her way into his room.
"It's a long story, but it's important." Shade closed the door and sat on his bed. It was completely dark.
"Start talking." Nex explained the situation carefully and quietly. She couldn't risk Stella hearing. Shade grew angrier- and at the same time, more terrified- with every word she spoke. The events between them earlier that day dissolved away. This was far more important.
"Do you understand now? Everyone's safety is in jeopardy." He said nothing at first, but finally sighed.
"I don't know why she would do this to us."
"She was a Ghost, and is one yet," Nex said, gritting her teeth.
"Nex, listen to yourself. You were one once, too, were you not?" Shade could see her perfectly in the darkness. Years of living in the low light had helped. He rose from his place and walked over to her, embracing her carefully. She seemed surprised at first, but returned it gratefully.
"We're going to figure this out, Nex. I promise it will all end okay." Nex pulled away from him.
"Their lives are in danger, Shade. And if they're really the ones we're looking for, we have to do everything we can to protect them. And what about the rest of the Despair Faction? We have to save them, too." Shade nodded in agreement.
"I know. But we can't call everyone together and tell them. There may be others." Nex shuddered at the thought. "I suggest you tell our guests the news. They have reason to know. But do not tell them about the prophecy just yet." She nodded and hesitated a moment before leaving. Shade dressed quickly and ran to a specific room far away from his own. He had to get there before Stella did.
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