Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Bitter With A Sweet Aftertaste.

Chapter 8

by SucksToSayTheLeast 1 review

A screaming match

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Romance - Published: 2007-03-30 - Updated: 2007-03-30 - 465 words

It was dark and I was sitting by the fire that Eric had built. Everyone else was gathered on the other side of the fire drinking beer and laughing. Pete came and sat beside me, and if he hadn't I'm sure I would be upstairs crying or possibly hurting myself. This was the worst Barbecue that I have ever attended. Everyone here hates me.
"Hey Sis." Pete sat down on the chair next to me.
"Don't use my nickname." I looked at him without attitude this time.
"Alright." Pete looked at the fire.
"Why do you insist on being around me?" I asked him wanting an honest answer.
"I dunno." Pete looked at me with those warm eyes again.
I looked away. My eyes darted around the yard looking for an escape. I got up and almost ran inside the house. Why did I always have to run away?
"Sisely." Pete called after me when I got inside the house. I knew he was following me.
I ignored him and passed through the living room and up the blue-carpeted stairs. Pete was close behind I could hear him, but I didn't dare to look.
"Sisely." Pete said once again.
When I got to the top of the stairs I could feel his hand reach and try to grab mine. I snatched my hand out of his reach and walked into my room closing the door behind me. I ran my hand through my hair and the door behind me swung open.
"Sisely!" Pete called.
I turned around choking back tears and furious. "What Pete, What?" I yelled back at him.
Pete closed the door behind him and stepped in further. "What is with you?" He asked coming closer to me.
"Nothing Pete! GET AWAY!" I pushed him away from me and took a couple steps back.
"Why do you always push people away?" Pete asked and I turned my back to him.
Pete touched my shoulder and I whipped around "BECAUSE I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU SO MU---"
A warm hand placed on my cheek and Pete's lips on mine cut me off. I kissed him back and felt butterfly's creep up and down my spine and move to my stomach.
As we stood there kissing all the feelings that I thought were hate hit me like a ton of bricks. This time they weren't feelings of hate; they were feelings... good feelings. Feelings I hadn't felt for years. Visions of Pete's stupid smile and his warm and inviting eyes creped into my head and I was happy.
A smile spread across my face as we pulled away. Not a small smile, a genuine smile.
Pete smiled back then whispered, "I told you. I knew you weren't as mean as everyone thought you were."
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