Categories > Original > Romance > The Sheriff's Mistress

The Sheriff's Downfall

by lost_in_the_shuffle 0 reviews

The fourth chapter of The Sheriff's Mistress. The battle between Robin Hood and the sheriff, and the demise of Eleanor.

Category: Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-04-02 - Updated: 2007-04-03 - 1103 words

Eleanor sat down in the only chair provided. "The sheriff has been hording gold," she began, "the king's gold. He's going to use it to buy King Richard's enemies to unite and fight against Richard." Robin knelt in front of Eleanor and gripped her shoulders, "when will this happen," he demanded. Eleanor smiled and said "in two weeks hence, the missives have already been sent." She stood and smoothed out a imaginary wrinkle from her skirt. "In two weeks Robert will be king." She turned to exit the hut, than turned and faced Robin. "One more thing Robin of Locksley," she said "The betrayal I spoke of affects us both. The Maid Marian has been seen in the company of Robert quite often of late.Think about that if you beat Robert and save the King's throne." Than she turned and walked out of the hut, leaving Robin staring pensively after her.

Two weeks had passed and the castle was in a uproar preparing for the guests. Eleanor was busy herself preparing to leave, Robert had begun to spend more and more time with Marian. Eleanor knew it was a matter of time before her position was usurped. If Robert won he would replace her with Marian, if he lost she would be without a protector and forced to leave anyways. She turned to walk out of the chamber and found the sheriff standing in her doorway. "Are we planning a trip my dear?" He asked in a cold voice.Eleanor stared at him in loathing, "yes I am, Robert darling" she said her voice dripping with venom. "Lets not pretend that as soon as you secure the throne, that you won't make that high born bitch your queen." The sheriff strode across the chamber and grabbed Eleanor by the throat,"yes I am making Marian my queen." He hissed at her,"but you are mine and what is mine I keep." He flung her on the bed."You are not allowed to leave this castle," he said coldly. "If you do you will be stopped and punished." Than he strode out of the room leaving Eleanor laying there shaken holding her throat.

Robin watched barbarian hordes camp out around the castle, as their leaders dined with the sheriff. He turned to Little John and asked, "are the men ready?" When John nodded his head in assent. Robin raised his hand and whistled. Than they burst out of the trees yelling, catching the barbarians by surprise. Because the sheriff was so cocky and sure of himself, he had left the front gate open and Robin and his men burst inside easily.

Marian shrieked in surprise when the sounds of battle reached the main chamber. The sheriff grabbed her and shoved her at Eleanor. "Quickly hide yourselves," he ordered roughly. Than yelling at his men to follow him, he ran out into the courtyard where the battle was taking place. Eleanor grabbed Marian by the arm and dragged her up the stairs into her chamber, barring the door behind her. She looked outside and smirked, turning to Marian. "Robin of Locksley fights for thee," she said with a sneer. "I wonder if he would still fight so hard if he knew what a highborn whore you have become?" Marian looked at her with loathing, " Robert is the one with the power and riches, Robin has nothing." She said haughtily, "Robin of Locksley may be a handsome man, but The Sheriff of Nottingham is a rich one." She turned her back on Eleanor and sat on a cushion. "It matters not who wins," Marian said with a shrug,"for I will win either way." Eleanor jerked around at the sound of pounding on her door. "My lady," a voice whined "you must leave quickly. The tide has turned in Robin Hood's favor." Eleanor ran over and unbolted the door, drawing her maid inside. "What do you mean?" She demanded, "what of the sheriff?" The maid's eyes shifted and she mumbled," The sheriff of Nottingham is dead my lady. Killed by Robin Hood himself." Eleanor shrieked in pain and rage and whirled on Marian as the maid ran out the door. Eleanor grabbed a knife and lunged at Marian, "you killed my love as if you plunged the sword in his heart yourself." She screamed, "I'll kill you bitch." She heard the sound of the battle coming up the stairs and she grabbed Marian by the hair, "you will be my way out of here." She said laughing insanely. "Than when you've outlived your usefulness, I'll slit your throat." She dragged Marian out of the room toward the steps. Robin stepped before her and said "I can't let you take her Eleanor," Eleanor looked at him with madness in her eyes," you would risk your life for a whore?" She hissed,"let me tell you what your fine lady did. She was willing to barter herself to the highest bidder." Eleanor laughed scornfully,"she knew that no matter who won, she couldn't lose. But I have lost everything because of her, I won't let her live." She pulled back Marian's head and raised her knife to cut her throat. Suddenly there was a soft thwack and Eleanor cried out in pain. She dropped the knife and looked with amazement at the arrow in her hand. She looked up at Will Scarlett who still had the cocked bow, than looked at Robin. "I still lose," she whispered. Than before anyone could stop her, ran back into her chamber and flung herself out the open window. Robin ran to the window and looked out just as Eleanor's body hit the ground below with a wet thud. He looked back at Marian with contempt and sadness, and said "she wasn't much different than you." Than walked out of the chamber and down than stairs. Leaving Marian behind forever. King Richard eventually returned from the Crusades and Marian was married to a rich lord like she wanted. Robin of Locksley was never heard from again, after he killed the sheriff of Nottingham, although some say that one moonless nights you can see him and a beautiful blond woman walking together. No one knows who the woman is and assume it's Maid Marian reunited with her true love. But we know the truth.
Thank you for reading my retelling of The Robin Hood legend, I hope you enjoyed it and leave me comments. There really is no ghost of Robin Hood or any woman that I know of. I just couldn't resist adding a little ghostly twist at the end:P
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