Categories > Books > Harry Potter > It Was A Test

It Was A Test

by RedPhoenix_2k3 0 reviews

What if there was another reason for Harry breaking up with Ginny at the end of HBP?

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama, Romance - Characters: Ginny, Harry - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-04-03 - Updated: 2007-04-03 - 1425 words - Complete

A/N: This was something that came to me the other night while at work and wouldn't leave me alone. By the time I had gotten home this had played through my mind so often that I had to write it down for fear of having it bug me even longer. Hope you enjoy.

Ginny sat in her favorite spot under the large tree at the corner of the large backyard of the Burrow but was in no mood to enjoy it. It had been several days since she had returned from a shortened year away at Hogwarts and she had been alone the entire time. Various Order members had been in and out the past few days to speak to her parents, but nobody paid her much attention. All of her brothers were gone. Ron, along with Hermione, was staying at Harry's in spite of her mother's wishes to the contrary. Other than Luna none of her friends had contacted her and that had just been a short letter telling her that the Lovegoods had to put off this year's Snorkack hunt because their house had become infested with Mourning Mimbleshins.

The fact that most of her friends hadn't contacted her barely registered, however. While everyone suspected that she was grieving over the death of the Headmaster she was actually replaying the end of the Headmaster's funeral over and over in her mind. She kept hearing his words and reliving her own reply. It never changed no matter how much it would. Why had she said those things? Did she really believe those things or did she want to make him hurt as much as his breaking up with her had hurt? For that matter, why did she let him break up with her in the first place? She didn't even fight his decision. Oh how she wished that she could go back and change that.

She had been so wrapped up in her thoughts that she failed to see the arrival of the snowy white owl until she had landed on her knee. It took Ginny a moment to comprehend that she was really seeing Harry's owl. It wasn't until Hedwig stuck out her leg that Ginny realized that there was a letter attached there. As she untied it she didn't allow her hopes to rise that it was from Harry since he was the one that had broken up with her. It was probably from Hermione since Ron had his own owl. When she turned the letter over and looked at the address she could tell immediately that it wasn't written in Hermione's handwriting; it was Harry's. With trembling fingers she broke the wax seal and opened the letter.

Dear Ginny,

I'd ask you how you've been but if it's anything like how I've been then you've probably not been much fun to be around either. Hermione has been to write to you. Actually what she said was more along the lines of "Honestly! If you're just going to be miserable while pretending not to think about her then you might just as well write to her already. Maybe then I you'll not snap at everyone."

As you are already aware Hermione and Ron are staying with me until it's time to leave here. What you haven't been told nor has anyone else is that we will not be returning to Hogwarts even if it remains open. We're going to try and make it for Bill and Fluer's wedding but we might not be able to get away. We have to finish what Professor Dumbledore and I began this year. I'll be honest with you, this is going to be very dangerous and I don't know if we'll all make it through. I hope that we all do but that might be asking for a miracle.

You might be asking yourself what that has to do with you. Well, being your friends ( I hope that I can still consider myself a friend at least) we considered having you come with us. Naturally we expect that your parents would object to your inclusion. Hell, I doubt they're going to be too thrilled with Ron coming with me.

Right now I'm sitting in my room alone since I wasn't in the mood to go with Ron and Hermione when they decided to go for a walk. I sit here and I'm disappointed and miserable.

Gin, the breakup was a test. One that you failed. I needed to know if you would fight for something that was important to you but you gave up without a fight. If you weren't willing to fight for US then how can I know that you'll be able to fight with us. Yes, I want to protect you and I'd be devestated if anything happened to you. I didn't lie about that. However, I've learned to let others make their own decisions.

Why did you give up so easily? Have your feelings changed for me and saw this as a chance to get away? Did I do something? Please tell me because I don't understand. I thought that what we had was worth fighting for.

I should just end this letter here but I can't. Ginny, I'm miserable without you and I think that I am falling in love with you so I am offering you another chance to pass the test. If you are willing to fight to keep what we have and to go against your parents to do it then I would like you to join us on Privet Drive. Before you decide, remember that what we are going to be doing could get us all killed.

I await your answer, whether by owl or in person.

With all my heart,

Ginny looked through unshed tears at the blurry outline of the Burrow and was deep in thought. Yes, she had a chance to get back that which she wanted dearly, but it could possibly mean her death. On the other hand, could she live with herself if he died and she never got another chance to be with him? Before she even finished the thought she knew that she would die if she lost him through her own inaction. Now what to do about her parents? She could tell them directly but that would give them a chance to stop her. She'd have to leave a note and hope that she was away by the time they read it.

Her mind made up she stood and brushed herself off. Telling Hedwig that she'd be replying in person she sent the owl off and headied inside to pack some things. She packed what little bit that she'd taken out of her trunk back into it before she shrunk it and put it in the pocket of her jeans. Grabbing some parchment and quill she quickly wrote a note to her parents and left it on her pillow. Sneaking back out of the house, she went a little ways down the road before summoning the Knight Bus.

A little over an hour later Molly Weasley had been collecting dirty clothes when she found a note on her daughter's pillow. Not knowing what else to do she read it.

Dear Mum and Dad,

By the time you read this I will have already left. I made a terrible mistake a few days ago and let Harry get away from me. I've been given a second chance and I don't intend to waste it.

It took him breaking up with me to realize that my place is by his side. Yes, I've always dreamed of being with Harry and for a time I was. I was the happiest girl in the world but I let him go. I now realize that not only will I not be happy without him but I will never be complete either. My destiny is now irrevocably tied to Harry's. Where he goes, so shall I.

I know that he has a dangerous task ahead of him and may not survive it but I cannot stay behind and risk not being there when he needs me or risk never seeing him again.

By now I should have arrived at Harry's relatives but I ask that you not to follow. I love you both and have no wish to fight you but I love Harry, too. You are my family and always will be but Harry is my future.

I will try to keep in touch as much as possible.

Your loving daughter,
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