Categories > Original > Fantasy

Star Shower

by Maave 1 review

Just a short story about angels and demons fighting. Be nice.

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy - Published: 2007-04-05 - Updated: 2007-04-05 - 513 words - Complete

Star Showers

o_o Hiya, this is my first short't be to harsh...but still tell me!

Black smoke clogged the air, the pale fog that usually enveloped the clouds had by this time turned completely to a sea of red fire, making it hard to see what was coming and going. A furious flutter of wings caught the attention of a dirt young man, blue eyes darting back just in time to see the arrow slam into his left shoulder, tearing through the tattered cloth and flesh, embedding itself deep into the man, blood burst through the wound, a cry of anger more so than pain issuing from his thin lips drowned out by the relentless clash of steel on steel. Restrained bodies already lay piled high lay in light, little piles, each one having at least five guards to fight off the immortals companions. The blue eyes man swung his sword to catch an attacking opponent, sending him face down against the floor, a fresh spray of blood splattering over his face. He moved his hand to the arrow, snapping the extended piece off . The blue eyed man would then move forward once more, a frustrated expression played on his scarred back. He was losing again. Suddenly he was grabbed from behind, two thick arms wrapping under his own. A second pair of hands reached out through the smoke, wreathing the bloody blade from his grasp before moving forward, a dark shadow being cast over him. He raised hateful eyes towards his captor, a few bloodied strange of coal black hair falling in front of his eyes. Slowly, almost amusedly, the captor lowered his blade down towards the face of the blue eyed man, pressing the dirty metal into his flesh, carving yet another cross to mark him, adding to the hundreds on crosses already scaring his face and chest. The blue eyed man was then brought towards the edge of the battle field, kneeling once more at the Cliffside. Two winded men held his arms by his side, thousands more pushed the bodies of his fallen companions off the edge. He just looked anymore more than anything, knowing what was going to come. As the voice started to drown through the air, he allowed himself to space out, his blue eyes becoming unfocused. God how he hated it, over two thousand years heading the same thing, over and over, I'd drive anything and anyone insane. Slowly the lords prayer ended and Lucifer was thrown over the edge of the cliff, spiraling down into the dark black sky, the angels above pointing and laughing at his falling form as he joined his companions as they fell back towards the place that had become their home. Someday he would defeat them and regain his rightful place. Somewhere down below a small child stopped and laughing in delight at the star shower, his fingers reaching up for the pretty lights that fell down from the night sky back towards earth, his fingers reaching up as if to catch them.
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