Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > I Don't Know How You Do It

She fixes a smile

by -LoVe-CaNt-SaVe-YoU- 4 reviews

again long time no update! sorry! hopefully i'll have another up soon!

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Romance - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2007-04-07 - Updated: 2007-04-07 - 715 words


Bree turned away from the mirror wiping her tears with the back of her hand and going to pick something to wear. She settled on some worn blue jeans, a lilac and deep purple striped tank and some converse. She didn't think it was going to be that formal of a party anyway. When she had finished applying her make up, which she usually didn't wear but she really didn't have a choice if she didn't want people to see the bruise she had at the side of her face, it was eight o clock. She crept downstairs trying hard not to make a sound so her Dad and Melody wouldn't hear her. She had no intentions of leaving the house with another bruise to match the one she already had. That's enough drama for one evening she thought closing the door quietly behind her. Sure enough Patrick's car just pulled up and she ran to it wanting to get away from the house before her Dad realized she was gone.

"Hey whats the rush?" Patrick asked laughing

""Nothing I'm just really excited bout the party!" she replied. She surprised herself how good an actress she was. She had always been really bad with lying... Well practice makes perfect she thought sadly looking out the car window. She still hasn't told Patrick she still had to leave I'm waiting foe the right moment she reasoned with herself knowing there would never really be a right moment for this but there would be a better one at least.

They could hear music coming from William's house a good two blocks away. When they pulled up outside they could see a line of cars parked outside the house and the music had gotten way louder. Patrick took Bree's hand as he opened the car door for her and led her into the party. They made their way through the hall full of wasted teens, Bree never loosening her grip on Patrick's hand she didn't know half of these people and the half she knew were all people she had only talked to once or twice, apart from the guys of course.

"Hey Patrick, Bree over here!" Joe yelled from across the room waving at them.

"Hey guys" Bree greeted the boys and one she didn't know.

"Hey Bree this is William" Pete introduced them and they shook hands.

"Nice to meet you finally" William said smiling at her.

"Same here.. great party, very .. loud!"

"Yeah haha isn't it great anyway I better go make sure nothing gets broken enjoy the party guys!"

"I'm going to go get something to drink! You want anything?" Patrick asked turning to Bree.

"Yeah just a coke or something I don't mind!"

"Ok be back in a while! I'll miss you!" Patrick joked turning disappearing into the crowd.

"Oh my God I am so glad you aren't moving!" Pete said hugging her tightly suffocating her.

"Yeah ..." she muttered looking at the ground once Pete had stopped hugging her.

"What whats wrong?" Andy asked sensing something was wrong.

"Istillhavetomovetolaidonthaveachoice" Bree mumbled half hoping they didn't hear her.

"Wait, What?" Joe asked confused.

"I still have to move to LA I don't have a choice" she repeated.

"But .. but what about- ?" Pete asked.

"I love Patrick and I really don't want to be away from him but my Dad is going. My stuff is already in boxes I have to go and I don't know if I can leave Chicago behind..."

"There must be something you can do?" Andy asked.

"There's nothing trust me I've begged but that man has no heart. Please could you guys not tell Patrick I'm going to tell him just not tonight, I've already upset you guys and your supposed to be happy please don't tell him just yet?"

"Ok OK fine" Pete replied just in time for Patrick to walk over and hand Bree her drink. He had a worried look on his face.

"What, whats wrong?" Bree asked.

"We should leave.. now." He stated not giving an explanation.

"Why?" Joe asked confused for a second time that evening.

"Uh Chris and Jenna are here." He replied looking at Bree for her reaction. She felt her stomach drop. Those were the last two names she wanted to hear.
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