Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I'll learn to love again


by gerardisgod 0 reviews

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Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro, Other - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-04-07 - Updated: 2007-04-07 - 419 words

Jessica smiled weakily and Alicia put the star buck's coffee down in front of her on the table set for too in the café.
She sat down opposite.
"I heard about Louise" Alicia broke the silence neither of them where in the mood to laugh.
"Yeh, I can't believe she'd do that, we all got on so well and she was betraying us the whole time" Jessica sturred the plastic spoon around in her coffee watching it turn into a little whirlwind.
"It's not fair he gave up everything for her and...I'm just so angry, why does she have to do that, then again why cant Lewis have said straight away such a great friend hey"
Jessica sighed
"Anyway, there's nothing we can do about it now except look after Gee and nobody can do that better than you"
Jessica smiled weakily.
"When are you Mikey having your engagement party?" Jessica changed the subject
"Good point Monday"
"3 days to get an outfit that could be tough" Jessica joked
Alicia laughed.
"Get Gee to come along we can cheer him up even if he doesn't drink anymore my mum has rented out this massive hall and is inviting everyone so I dare say your mum and family are invited too already"
"You know you love the attention" Jessica poked her tongue out at her
Alicia poked her tongue out back.
"Nothing going on with you love life at the moment?" Alicia asked
"Pffft what love life? I've given up"
"Nah you'll find the man soon you never know might be right in front of you"
Jessica looked at her strangely "Course he is, if he is im blind"
"Well they do say love is blind"
"Yes, and I say that's a load of crap" Jessica smirked
"Course you do, you just wait"
"I'm not going anywhere" Jessica muttered
A couple of minutes they left the café and headed down the street arm in arm.
"Help me pick my outfit for Monday" Jessica whined
"Okkkkaaaayyy" Alicia replied texting Mikey and following Jessica.
They got into Next and 5 minutes after they'd started looking Alicia's phone went off.
"Gerard said hi" Alicia called from over the rail
"Tell him I said hi too"
" what about this one?"
She held up a black dress top which had a lot of writing in silver over it Jessica took it and then Alicia picked up a pair of skinny jeans and gave them to Jessica too they then headed into the dressing room.
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