Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Unspoken Love

Chapter Four

by artistelamore 2 reviews


Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Drama, Romance - Published: 2007-04-08 - Updated: 2007-04-09 - 1001 words

All anyone could do was cry.

Brendon Urie was really gone.

"I'm so sorry," Katherine sobbed to no one in particular.

This is my fault, she thought now more then before.

A soft but steady beat filled the room, followed by choking.

Spencer raised his head to see Brendon's brown eyes open wide and him gasping for air. The doctor quickly removed the tube down his throat.

"Brendon," Spencer said rushing over to hug him as did Ryan and Jon, who was now crying tears of happiness.

"Don't you ever do that again, or I'll come all the way down to hell to drag you back myself." Ryan said smiling as Brendon wiped away his tears.

Katherine clutched her chest, he was okay. He was okay. She slunk out the door, Spencer was right. He wouldn't want to see me, Katherine thought. He already had friends that were priceless, he didn't need some violent messed-up lover.

"Wheres Katherine?" Brendon asked faintly, attempting to sit up. "Owww." He slumped back down holding his stomach.

"Brendon, you're lucky and you have to take it easy. Someone in your situtation would have easily not survived. You should thank the lord for your second chance. We'll be back to check up on you, if you are having difficultly breathing, press this right away." The doctor said showing him a button.

"Where's Katherine?" Brendon repeated as the doctor and the nurse left. Ryan scanned the room, she was gone.

"Spencer, what did you say to her man?" Jon asked.

"It is her fault Brendon almost died." Spencer said.

"It was my fault I almost died," Brendon said sitting up slower this time. "Please, find her Ryan."

"I will." Ryan said rushing for the door. "And do me a favour, don't do the whole dieing and coming back to life thing again, its creepy. Just stay breathing from now on, 'kay?"

"Okay." Brendon said smiling weakily.

Ryan hurried out into the waiting room. Katherine was sitting on the seats with her knees pressed up to her chest.

"What are you doing out here? Now's your chance to tell him." Ryan said sitting down next to her. She had her head buried in her knees. He could hear her crying.

"Do I have to do everything?" Ryan said grabbing Katherine's arm and pulling her into the room.

"Katherine!" Brendon exclaimed.

Ryan flung Katherine at Brendon, as Brendon caught her in his arms to hug her. Brendon grunted softly with the impact.

Ryan pulled the Spencer and Jon out of the room by their shirts and shut the door behind him.

"Katherine." Brendon said, this time more softly.

"Brendon, I am so sorry." She said crying. "I haven't even known you for twenty-four hours and I've already injured you multiple times."

"Only twice." Brendon said.

"Its all my fault," Katherine said.

"Hey, I'm the jackass that ran out in front of that car." Brendon said trying to make a joke but the atmosphere in the room was too intense so the joke fell flatly.

"I...I feel like I've fallen in love with you." she said still in his warm arms.

"Not screwing with me this time?" Brendon asked, he did seriously want to know.

"I didn't mean to screw with you before, I was scared. I was scared to commit in case you broke my heart, you being a rockstar and all. You could have any girl you want. Why me?" She said, for once she was speaking the truth and he could tell she was.

"Katherine, the chemisty between us can't be denied. The first time I saw you having that hissyfit on the street, you looked so adorable, so kind, the perfect girl for me."

"I think you only saw those things in me because I gave you brain damage with my phone." Katherine said as Brendon brushed her black mascara-stained cheek lightly.

He was now staring into her eyes, he let out a little chuckle at the complete insanity of how this situation had ended up.

"Can we start over? Please." Brendon said.

"Only if you promise your not going to die on me." Katherine said jokingly but deep down inside she really meant it.

"I promise," He said kissing her passionately on the lips. Suddenly Ryan burst through the door.

"Now where would you be without me?" He said as the broke apart, "And Brendon sorry about the M&M thing," Ryan added as he ripped open a packet of M&M's and offering Brendon some.

"Don't do that." Brendon said.

"Do what?" Ryan asked innocently.

"Pop up with packets of M&M's when I'm making out with my girlfriend." Brendon said kissing Katherine on the lips again.

Jon and Spencer came in and stood next to Ryan.

"Katherine..." Spencer began. Katherine pulled away from Brendon.

"Yes?" She said.

Not now! She thought. She did not want the lecture from Spencer about how wrong she had acted.

"I'm sorry. I was such a dickhead." Spencer said. "Friends?"

"Yeah." Katherine said hugging Spencer, slightly shocked by his change in attitude. "Friends."

"Yay, I love it when everything works out." Ryan said smiling popping a blue M&M into his mouth.

"So do I Ryan. So do I." Brendon said gesturing Katherine back over as they engaged in another passionate lip lock.

So do I, Katherine thought.

"Now all you need to do is get married and have a couple kids." Ryan said grinning. "Well actually I think I remember saying seventeen. Better get busy." Ryan added.

"Jon, kill him for me will you?" Brendon said as he broke out of the kiss and pulled Katherine onto the bed, since he was too weak to get out of bed and strangle Ryan himself. Everything was back on track again.

Author Notes: I wrote it ages ago. The main character is, apperance wise, based on my sister, killmyending. go read her stuff. anyway tell me if you like it and maybe a sequel to come from it?
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