Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Famous Last Words

Chapter Two: Wait a Minute...Who?

by violent_kisses 12 reviews

The band performs their last small club gig, and finally get to meet who they're touring with.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Humor, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-04-12 - Updated: 2007-04-12 - 1236 words

Hey guys! This is chapter two, and i'm hoping you like it. I wrote the song in this chapter, and would love it to bits if you didnt copy or steal it. Thanks. Let me know what you think.

Disclaimer: Don't own Gerard, Mikey, Frank, Bob, or Ray. All I own is my band name, songs, and the plot.


Famous Last Words

Chapter Two: "Wait a Minute...Who?"

I made my way into the hotel and eventually the elevator. I felt like I was going to burst! I really needed to tell the rest of the guys what just happened. As the doors opened, I practically skipped my way to my room, and opened the door to complete chaos. Cam was on the floor looking slightly disheaveled, while Mike and Adam, the guitarist and drummer, were busy arguing over the remote.

"Guys..." I asked. No one took the time to notice me, and now Cam had even joined in, slapping the two in an attempt to steal it from them.

"Guys!" I tried again. Still no luck...and now Adam had taken to screaming like a girl, mocking his sister Cam.

"GUYS!" I yelled throwing the nearest object, one of my chucks, right towards the fighting group. Of course being me, my aim completely sucked and I missed my target of Adam, hitting Cam right in the head.

"What the fuck!" She yelled. The guys actually broke apart to see what happed, and finally noticed me in the room. They jumped right off the bed and smiled at me.

"Hi Gee." Mike stated, throwing the TV's remote behind him.

"Yea...hey guys. What the hell are you all doing?"

"Watching TV. So what's going on with you? You're all red..." Adam spoke quickly, changing subjuects, and sitting calmly on the bed. The reason I rushed into the room came back to me, and I couldn't help but feel all giddy again.

"You guys will never believe who I just met!" I said, jumping up and down excitedly.

"Who?" Cam asked, turning her attention towards me.

"Gerard. Freakin. Way." I stated. The band just turned and looked at me. Then they burst out laughing.

"Yea right. Good one Angela." Said Mike, walking over to me and patting me on the head.

"No, for real! I went to smoke and my stupid lighter wasn't working, and then someone with a lighter came, and then they were leaving, but before they did they turned around, and it was HIM!" I said all in one breath.

They all just turned and went back to what they were doing.

"You're all assholes." I replied with a pout sitting on my bed.


You're a fake and unreal
It's tearing us apart
This weak and frail love
Isn't enough for my violent heart.

Quit hiding behind that image
Of the good man standing tall
Your tiring and pushing my limits
Really you're nothing at all.

Did you ever think we'd come this far
To wind up, wind up with nothing at all.
This is the beginning of our end,
There was no rise, only our great fall.

Me, I'm not one to ask for much,
But in this love I've never received a thing from you
So screw me, I'm an angry vessel of resentment
But you can't blame me after what I've been through

Did you ever think we'd come this far
To wind up, wind up with nothing at all.
This is the beginning of our end,
There was no rise, only our great fall.

You were the great destroyer of a greater good;
The good of a life wasted on a worthless desire.
Time misplaced on another version of truth
Just more flames added to the fuel of a liar.

Did you ever think we'd come this far
To wind up, wind up with nothing at all.
This is the beginning of our end,
There was no rise, only our great fall.

Did you ever think we'd come this far
(We're left with nothing at all)
To wind up, wind up with nothing at all.
(This was, this is, our fall)
This is the beginning of our end,
(We're left with nothing at all)
There was no rise, only our great fall.
(This was, this is, our fall)
This is the final fall.

I finished off the last note, and whiped the sweat off my forehead. This was our last show for the next two weeks, and it was one hell of a way to end it off. The crowd was going insane, and we were loving every minute of it.

"Thanks guys, you were fucken awesome tonight! We'll be seeing you around soon. Remember us...we're Violent Kiss...our pain is your pleasure. Goodnight."

We all ran backstage, hyped as anything. We couldn't have hoped for this night to end any better.

"That new song was awesome Gee." Cam said, wrapping an arm around me. "You're such the kick ass writer."

"Not was just whatever..." I replied scratching the back of my head in embarrasement.

"Geez Gee, for a lead singer you're too modest." Said Adam, twirling around his drumsticks.

"Oh shut it, I-" But we were cut off by the voice of our manager Rose.

"Hey guys, awesome show. I need you to get yourselves cleaned up and looking pretty. I'm briging over the band who wants you to tour with them tonight. They've been staying in the same hotel as you guys, so I just suggested your hotel room as a meeting place. Figured it would be more comfortable for you guys."

"Ooooh, cool. Do you want to tell us who it is?" Cam asked, bouncing up and down.

"Nope, it will ruin the surprise." She said. "See you there."

The entire ride to the hotel, I couldn't help but wonder who wanted to tour with us. I remembered my little run in with Gerard yesterday night and let out a small smile. It would be so cool to tour with My Chemical Romance...but I doubt that would happen anytime soon.


We stumbled into our room and each took up a post on either a bed or a chair. The room was silent and you could feel the tension in the air. We were all nervous about this mystery band and couldn't wait to find out who it was. We heard a small knock on the door, and Mike walked over to open it. He did, and stood there for a few minuets, not moving or making a sound.

"Hey Mike, you mind letting us in?" Asked Rose.

"Uhh...sure." He replied moving to the side. As they filed in one by one, I swear my mouth fell to the floor. I heard Cam squeak from beside me as she grabbed onto my arm. Rose seemed to ignore us and our stunned state, and moved onto introductions.

"Guys, this is Violent Kiss. Angela Russo, Cam Stelle, Adam Stelle, and the stunned one who opened the door is Mike Strum. Violent Kiss, meet Gerard Way, Frank Iero, Mikey Way, Ray Toro, and Bob other words, My Chemical Romance.

Well damn.


Hey! I hope you all liked it! Much love to:


You guys were so awesome with your reviews. Why don't the rest of you let me know what you think?? I'll give you a coookkieeee. lol.

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