Categories > Books > Lord of the Rings > Apostate's Ruse

Undeserved Punishments

by calenlass_greenleaf 0 reviews

Chapter Three

Category: Lord of the Rings - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Drama - Characters: Aragorn, Elrond - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-04-13 - Updated: 2007-04-13 - 1791 words

Title: Apostate's Ruse
Author: Calenlass Greenleaf
Disclaimer: I am not Tolkien. Estel, Elrond, and every other known being belong to the Professor. I own only the plot and any original characters.
Rating and Warning: PG-13 for violence (Not very bloody, though.) and high angst level. No slash, sex, smut, profanity, romance, or adult themes. Only angst. And remember: NOT EVERYTHING IS WHAT IT SEEMS. You have been forewarned. And don't think about coming after me when you're done reading. If it makes you happier, I was nearly in tears by the time I was done writing. This that not justice? (Sniffs and reaches for Kleenex) By the way, I know a number of you are mad at Elrond-with good reason. I'm mad at myself because this chapter was so hard to right. I ask of you to please refrain from doing anything to Elrond...yet. I have my reasons for why he's so OOC!

Chapter Three: Undeserved Punishments

A week had passed since Estel had been caught in his father's study. There was not much to say about that week, except...that Estel was getting tired of staying indoors. He had seen enough dirty dishes to last a lifetime, in his opinion. He looked forward to the end of his punishment. "Never again," he muttered to himself as he furiously dusted a vase that stood in the hallway. "Never again will I go into his stupid study." He flung the rag on the ground, fighting the urge to kick it and curse his misfortune. "It's not worth it."


The boy groaned. "What is it, Idhrenion?" he asked, sighing loudly.

"Could you please take these to the kitchen?" The elf handed him an armload of silverware. Estel leaned against the wall, crossed his arms, and made a face.

The elf chuckled. "I promise this is the last thing you have to do today."

"Very well." The boy agreed. "The last."

As he slowly descended the stairs, the edge of his sleeve caught on a splinter on the banister. Mumbling under his breath, he tried to free himself. When he finally succeeded in disengaging himself, he could hear two people arguing somewhere nearby. "I cannot!" Someone said stubbornly.

"You will because I tell you to."

Estel stopped short. Ada? What was he doing, yelling at someone? He inched down the stairs, somewhat hesitant after his last encounter with his father. His curiosity overcame him, and as he peeked around the corner, he could see Elrond standing in front of Aaerion, Rivendell's second military advisor. Both were talking loudly and angrily.

Aaerion was trying to reason with Elrond. "My lord," he began. "I do not understand. What do you hope to accomplish by this act?"

"It is not your concern." An edge had crept into Elrond's voice. Estel was beginning to feel sympathy for the elf. He shifted his burden in his arms and crept closer.

The advisor shook his head. "Lord Elrond, had your request been reasonable, I would have followed it. But it is not." He stepped away. "I cannot."

Estel held his breath. What would Elrond do now? He pressed himself against the wall, trying to get nearer without being seen.

The two elves stared at each other. For the longest time, they did not move. Estel wished that his father were facing more to the left, since he could only see Aaerion's face. He stared in confusion as Aaerion's eyes took on a hazy glaze. Huh? The boy blinked, squinting hard. What on Arda was going on?

Then Elrond began to speak. Estel hardly dared to breathe; the elf's voice was low and chilling.

"You will not defy me." Elrond said steadily. "You will obey me."

"I..." murmured the elf. "Will..."

He was snapped out of his state when the two elves heard loud clattering behind them. Both turned to see a shocked Estel. Aaerion, seeing the angry look on Elrond's face, immediately fled.

Estel suddenly felt the urge to run, but could not. He stood rooted to the spot, eyes wide with shock.

Elrond strode over to him. "You," he hissed. "How much did you?"

"I," Estel stuttered, clenching his hands into fist. "I-"

"Shut up!" Elrond sharply interrupted him, gripping his shoulder tightly and turning him around. "Outside. The gardens. Now." He gave the boy a rough shove. Estel stumbled, but managed to keep his balance as Elrond pushed him outside. He tried to get his father to loosen his grip on his shoulder.

"Ada," he hesitantly began. "You're-you're hurting me."

Elrond ignored him. "Didn't I tell you to shut up?" He snapped.

Estel bit his lip. He had a sick feeling in his stomach about all of this. I'm in for it now, he thought.

They finally reached the gardens. The sun was just beginning to set, bathing all in a red-orange glow. Elrond finally released his son, who rubbed his shoulder.

"Look at me." Elrond commanded him tersely.

Immediately Estel jerked his head up. There was no kindness, no mercy to be seen Elrond's eyes. Estel could feel his heart beating faster.

"What have I told you about listening to other people's conversations?"

"That-that it's not right." The boy responded, stumbling over his words. His mouth was dry with fear and trepidation.

"And what have I told you about minding your own business?"

"But what you did was wrong!" He protested. "You've told me mind control was wrong, and now you're-"

Elrond slapped the side of his head, making Estel's ears ring. "Don't you tell me what's right and what's wrong, Estel." He angrily interjected.

Estel's eyes flashed. "And what of it? Am I not old enough to judge for myself what I think is best? I know you're wrong, because you once told me that such actions were that of a coward." As soon as he had said those words, he wished could take them back.

Elrond seized him by his tunic, and pulled the boy toward him. The elf's eyes were hard as he spoke. "Are you calling me a coward now?"

Despite the fear clinging to his throat, Estel answered, "I am."

The elf's eyes darkened. "You will apologize for those words."

The teen shook his head deferentially. "No," He tensed, awaiting the inevitable.

Elrond flung the boy away from him, disgust in his dark eyes. Estel tried to scramble to his feet, but Elrond roughly backhanded him across his face, drawing blood. Estel fell backward, one hand pressed against the cut on his mouth. "What was-?" he began

The elf roughly kicked him in the chest. The boy hissed in pain, and tried to curl up on himself. But the half-elf forcefully shoved him against a tree. Estel's head collided painfully with the trunk. He tried to shove away his father, but the elf was too strong for him. As Elrond slammed a fist against his jaw, he sagged against the tree, nearly blacking out. Through a haze of pain, he could still see the rage on Elrond's face.

"Ada?" he tried to say.

The elf ignored him, twisting his arm excruciatingly as he hit him again on the side of his head. Estel cried out. "Ada, please!" he tearfully whispered. "You're hurting me."

Elrond suddenly let go, and Estel fell awkwardly beside the tree, clutching his aching ribs.

The elf looked scornfully at him. "Edain. Always so weak."

Estel looked at him in disbelief. Did his father just-

"You will stay out here for the night." He turned to leave. "And don't even thinking about moving from that position."

The boy mutely nodded, watching as Elrond disappeared back inside the house. He gingerly pressed the edge of his sleeve against a cut that was bleeding freely on the side of his head. He lightly touched his ribs, knowing they were not broken, because Elladan had once told him that broken ribs would feel like knives stabbing him.

As he wrapped his arms around his knees, he tried to make sense of what had just happened.

Had Elrond just hit him?

Did he just call him weak?

He fiercely tried to push the thoughts away. No! he screamed silently his hands tightly clenched. This cannot be happening to me! He gritted his teeth and willed the tears not to fall. Is my life over as Elrond's son? Estel miserably huddled against the tree. I desperately hope not. Ada, why?

A tear found its way down his cheek.


Someone prodded to his side. "Get up," Elrond ordered him.

Stiffly, Estel slowly stood, leaning against the tree for support. He did not remember falling asleep.

The elf lord scrutinized him. "In the future, you will not contradict me. Ever. Do you understand?"

Estel nodded.

"If you do, your punishment will be greater then this. I will not be so lenient next time."

The boy nodded. Elrond jerked his head in the direction of the house. "Go now."

Estel pushed himself away from the tree, and found the sky spinning and exchanging places with the ground. He fell to the ground, and looked pleadingly at his father. "What is it now?" Elrond asked, exasperation in his voice.

The boy hesitated. "I don't feel very well." It was true; he was feeling weak and dizzy.

Elrond scornfully looked at him. "And what do you want me to do about it? It was your problem, Estel. You brought this down upon yourself." With these words, he walked away, leaving a shocked and hurt Estel in his wake.

The sixteen-year-old did not move for a moment. He felt betrayed. Hadn't Elrond told him to would gladly help him at anytime? Estel slowly pushed himself to his knees, and he gradually stood up, swaying. He supported himself with the wall, pushing himself forward until he finally reached the door. The boy wearily rested his head against the door for a moment before making his way to the stairs. Just a little farther, he thought. Just a little farther...

Halfway up the stairs, he tripped. He managed to catch himself before his face could hit the steps in front of him. With one hand holding his aching head, he used the other to push himself up the rest of the stairs.

At last, he reached his room, and he blearily crawled to his bed. Not bothering to change his clothes, Estel jerked the blankets over himself, and let sleep wash over him. Hot tears burned his eyes whenever he thought of his father.

His last conscious thought was, you've changed, Ada, ever since you came back. Why? What did I ever do to deserve this?


Edain - humans. "Adan" is "man."

Calenlass Greenleaf, Keeper of Legolas' pronunciation of "Aragorn" and the brotherly love between Aragorn and Legolas.
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