Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Life, The messy kind.

the beginning of le end

by KitKathy4Real 1 review


Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Angst, Drama, Humor, Romance - Published: 2007-04-13 - Updated: 2007-04-13 - 348 words

"I can't believe Denise and Andy set Patrick with a nurse." Joe laughed under his breathe to Pete as they watched Bailey and Patrick converse.
"Ha. Imagine the sex they'll have." Pete smirked.
Lisa slapped them both upside the head." Shut up!"
"What?" Pete rubbed his head. Joe laughed and Lisa smacked him again.
"He's been single for a while. Be nice!"
"But the tour is in less than a week-" 3 pairs of eyes turned to look out Jenna. She backed into the couch cushions."Sorry>"
Pete wrapped his arm around her."Jen is totally right. They go on like one date and never talk again."
Everyone stared at the pair again, in a different way though.
"Poor Patrick." Lisa sighed.
"Hey. Hey Pete." Jenna shook him gently as he lay sleeping. She groaned impatiently,"Pete!"
"What!" He jumped and sat up looking around the dark. He focused on Jenna. She looked upset."What's wrong? Are you all right?"
He wrapped his arm around her. She shivered. Having his naked skin against hers felt so good. She had missed it. "I-I can't sleep. I've been having nightmares and I've been seeing Jared's face everywhere." Tears formed in her eyes and she tried to stop them.
No more crying. No more crying
"Is there something I can do?" Pete a little akward. They hadn't slept "together" for a while."Want to go out?" As his eyes adjusted to the dark, Pete saw Jenna was in jeans and a hoodie.
"Sure. I'll just get a shirt-"
Jenna held up a shirt and a hoodie"and a hoodie. Sorry. I beat you to it."
Pete laughed and Jenna smiled a little."God you are beautiful. I've missed that smile so much." Jenna blushed and stood up.
He had to say that didn't he
"Kay." Pete said standing up." You car or mine."
"Your car." They walked close to each other. Pete held the door open as usual.
"Where to?' Pete started the car. Jenna grinned deviously." The best tattoo parlor you know."
lunch homes.
this story is coming to a close.
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