Categories > Games > StarFox > The Saurian Gambit

Chapter 6: An Unlikely Savior

by Feuerstoss 0 reviews

Chapter 6

Category: StarFox - Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure - Characters: Krystal - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2007-04-14 - Updated: 2007-04-15 - 613 words

Chapter 6: An Unlikely Savior.

Krystal made her way down the short hallway, the echoes of her footsteps carrying beyond her to the larger hallway beyond. The Cerinian paused at its edge, peering down the new corridor. The building had changed, blue-gray stone greeting her sight. The hallway ended in a large room beyond, but the other end terminated in a small shrine of sorts.
That would be it, the Krazoa shrine the Earthwalker was talking about. Krystal approached it, glancing at the ominous-looking bas-relief of a Krazoa face carved into the wall. Suddenly, she felt a tingling sensation throughout her body.
Krystal found herself moving involuntarily, facing the shrine before falling to her knees. The tingling increased as she threw her arms out, arching her back in order to face the carving. She heard herself moan softly as the tingling built up to a soft ache, then to a sharp pain as the Krazoa spirit burst from her body.
The spirit chittered as it floated toward the carving, melding to it in a soft blue glow. Krystal, however, slumped forward, her body exhausted after the quick ordeal. After taking a few calming breaths, the vixen stood up, looking around her. The Krazoa face had begun to glow and shake; a purple beam shooting out from it to fly into the room beyond.
A yelp behind her startled the Cerinian, who noticed the onset of rushing footsteps a little too late. Something was coming at her, and quickly. She could barely see her assailant, due to the fact it was some sort of shimmering hulk. Krystal ducked as she yelped, a rush of wind ruffling her fur as a monster-sized hand passed through the area where she once was.
The Cerinian knew she needed to act before she got hit a second time. She balled her paw into a fist and slammed it into the invisible creature. A sharp pain shot through her paw as it met an unyielding force. Krystal yelped for the second time, narrowly dodging another swat from her assailant.
The vixen grit her teeth, trying to think of a way past her attacker. However, a shout from down the hallway echoed into her ears. "Get down!" The creature paused, giving enough time for Krystal to drop to the floor.
A sharp, loud crack thundered from behind them, quickly followed by another, and then another. Krystal winced as her ears spiked with pain from the sonic assault. However, the creature did not swat at her again, a low, angry growl emanating from it. The Cerinian felt it turn away and march down the hall.
Krystal looked up to see the source of the noise. Another creature stood there, now partially obscured by the invisible beast's advance. It wasn't all that large; barely larger than herself, and clothed in a black dress suit of some sort. Clothing like that was rare on Cerinia, but not totally unheard of. Come to think of it, the creature looked like an ape of some sort, yet without the fur to show for it.
Finally, the creature was armed with some sort of hand blaster. Most of those were energy weapons, and wouldn't have been as loud as the one it was armed with. Plus, she could now smell some sort of sharp smoke in the air... did his weapon work on some sort of chemical system rather than energy?
The creature that had saved her wasn't in much position to answer. He was busy leveling his weapon at their attacker. Another series of cracks left the weapon, and finally the invisible assailant's footsteps broke. It rushed past the blaster-wielding ape, and into the room beyond.
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