Categories > Books > Warriors > Cats of the Wild

In the Begining . . .

by Ocelot_spirit 0 reviews

This is like Erin Hunter's books, but with different characters and such. There is a different idea, but it still has the same way as the clans in the Warriors books. First, I wrote of the clan of ...

Category: Warriors - Rating: G - Genres: Action/Adventure, Fantasy - Published: 2007-04-15 - Updated: 2007-04-15 - 708 words

In the begining there was life, there was sorrow and death, great changes occured around the cizilization that 4 clans of cats established and claimed as there own. The lives of the cats were fairly boring and 1 of them saught adenture, but instead ended up with a comitment towards another. Another cat wanted to run free across open plains and beside wild seas, but instead found a great and long lasting friendship. A she-cat was born as a rogue into a world she didnt understand with enemies she never new, in a land where everything was new, all she wanted was a friend, a family and safety, instead she got that and found that she belonged to something greater. My story starts in the forest outside the mountains in a cave where a young she-cat beleives she doesn't belong anywhere in the world and is living with the loner Diamond who is taking her to the MountainClan. This young she-cat is going to be aprenticed and is soon to be known through all clans, Crystalpaw.

Crystalpaw looked out on the world amazed at everything she saw and for the first time since her parents death she felt happy and safe being side-by-side with Diamond. She felt certain that they would never be apart, sadly she didnt know that Diamond was taking her to a new home where she would be happier and where her destiny awaited her. Diamond suddenly stopped in her tracks beside a bush and stood waiting.
"What are you waiting for, Diamond?", asked the little apprentice.
"A friend", replied Diamond, simply.
"Oh", whispered Crystalpaw.
They stood there for some time before Crystalpaw scented the presence of another cat on the wind, she winced at the scent.
"Greetings, Sunshine", Diamond called.
"Greetings, Diamond, what brings you here?", inquired Sunshine.
"An anrangement was made with your noble leader a few months ago, has he told you?", Diamond explained.
"Er...I dont believe he has...You should probably come with me then", Sunshine suggested.
"Alright, come along, Crystalpaw", ordered Diamond.
Crystalpaw followed obedently after Diamond a thousand questions were rolling through her mind, who was this cat? where did she come from? what was this arrangement? why had Diamond brought her here? where was this Sunshine taking them? and her thoughts went on and on.
"Out alone I see...Does your father know you left?", asked Diamond.
"Err...No...Please don't tell him that I even left...I wouldnt want to upset him..", Sunshine pleaded.
"Who am I to get into Clan buisness?", Diamond answered, inoccently.
"Thanks", Sunshine replied.
"Thanks, isnt in order and you should be more worried about what you're going to tell your father", Diamond pressed.
"I got it covered", Sunshine replied.
The group traveled on in silence. They reached a cliff and Sunshine scrambled down, there were ledges that were easy for any cat to use to climb down. There was a clearing at the bottom of the cliff and was surrounded by edges and there were caves made into the sides of the walls used for shelter. Sunshine went to 1 cave and called:
"Battlestar, are you here?".
"Yes, what is it, Sunshine?", a voice asked.
"Diamond is here and says she made some anrangement with you..Er..She has another cat with her...", Sunshine explained.
"oh, yes of course. Diamond and her companion may enter and you may go, Sunshine. I'll talk to you letter on how you found these 2", the voice concluded.
"Yes, father. He's all yours", Sunshine said and dashed off towards a group of cats her own age.
Diamond and Crystalpaw entered the cave. It was dark and gloomy and smelt of damp air, Crystalpaw didnt much like it. They came to the end of the cave and sitting there was a lean cat with a torn ear and a scar across his eye.
"Welcome, Diamond and this must be Crystalpaw", Battlestar greeted.
"How did you know my name?", squeaked Crystalpaw.
"I know many things about you Crystalpaw. Many things that you dont know, but will happen to you in the future. Now is not the time for discussing the future now is the time for discussing the present", Battlestar explained.
(read the next "chapter to find out what happens next!)
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