Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Chemically Crazed Life Starring MCR

Chapter 51

by smokeyozzy 5 reviews

new chappy!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover, Drama, Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro, Other - Published: 2007-04-15 - Updated: 2007-04-15 - 643 words

NEW CHAPTER! Like omg, didnt i torture you with that last cliffhanger? YOU HAD TO PRESS A BUTTON TO GET THE NEXT CHAPTER! GASP!
"Oh how wrong we were to think that immortality meant never dieing." Next update dedicated to whoever can tell me what song this lyric is from and who its by

Gerard walked closer to him to see who it was. "Frank what the hell, I told you to stay away."

"Since when do I do what people tell me to?" Frank asked.

"Good point, but that was dumb to tackle him, you could've gotten hurt." Gerard said.

"Shut up, I saved you." Frank said. "It's a good thing Mikey's spider sense was working, otherwise you would be dead right now."

"Where is he?" Gerard asked.

"Home with Veronica, the babies, and the other girls." Frank said.

"So Max, Ray, and Bob are here?" Gerard asked looking around.

"Yep, Max is the getaway driver, Bob is the kung-fu master, and I don't know what the hell Ray is." Frank said laughing. Then he leaned in to Gerard's ear and whispered "Watch this."Gerard nodded. Frank got up from pinning Jalen. Then he shouted "Code Marshmallow!" Bob jumped out of the shadows and started doing karate chops on Jalen's back, complete with the "Hi Ya!" noises.

Then Bob stepped away and Ray ran out of some bushes and screamed right in Jalen's face.

"Ow." Jalen said, then passed out.

"That was, um... special." Gerard said.

"So, who's the chick and why did we just attack this dude?" Frank asked, Bob sat on Jalen's back and crossed his legs, then started "meditating".

"Her name is Chloe, Jalen here was or is her boyfriend, I don't know, and he was slapping her and yelling at her. Blah Blah Blah." Gerard said. "Im finding her an abusive couples shelter thingy to stay for tonight."

"Okay, why cant she just stay at our house?" Ray asked.

"I doubt she would want to, plus you guys would scare her. She didn't even want to come in when I called the shelters." Gerard said. "Lets call the cops on Jalen then we can get going." Gerard said. They called the police, they came and took Jalen into custody, they took statements from Gerard, Ray, Frank, Bob, and Chloe. Chloe showed bruises he gave her recently as evidence. Then they went back to the house.

Gerard showed Chloe to the living room where Veronica, Mikey, Kaitlin, and Ellie were with Chris and Katherine. Then he went to find a telephone and phone book. He walked back into the living room a little bit later.

"Chloe, how old are you?" Gerard asked her, his hand over the receiver of the phone.
"28." Chloe said.

"Woa, you look younger." Mikey said.

"Yea, I get that a lot." Chloe laughed.

Gerard left the room again. He came back a couple minutes.

"Don't make her leave Gee! She's fun!" Kaitlin said.

"It's a Friday night, all the shelters are full." Gerard said.

"Oh." Chloe said.

"Can she stay here? We have an extra room." Mikey said.

"If its fine with her." Gerard said, looking to Chloe.

"I guess, my only other option would be to go back to Jalen's anyway." Chloe said. Kaitlin cheered.
Sorry that one was kind of short, but it was funny right? I feel thats a good place to stop for now. Im sorry to say that this story is almost over :(. But then there's going to be a sequel posted soon after it though, so thats a good thing i guess. Please review! Plus try to guess what song the lyric is from, and Chloe, you cant guess it, because i know you know it. If your name is Chloe and you have no idea what the hell im talking about, then feel free to try and guess.
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