Categories > Original > Drama > The Seven Sins: Envy

Chapter Two: The serpent poises for strike

by Alexandre 0 reviews

Mirond warns her sister, but stubbornly, Azmirah refuses and decides to keep on participating in the competition.

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Parody - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2007-04-16 - Updated: 2007-04-16 - 1306 words

Azmirah woke up early, just when the sun had just rizen and its rays barely touched the sky. The rest of the clan continued to sleep and dream while she went through her daily training routines by herself, leaping, turning and thrusting. Smoke rose lazily up towards the clouds from the burnt out embers from last night's fire, and occasionally birds would hop within sight, then see her and take flight again. Oblivious to the two boys who was hiding out from her sight, she went through all her exercises one by one, tediously. The boys used to detest her at first, thinking her a weakling, and in order not to give them the satisfaction of knowing that she was one, she trained long and hard secretly in the mornings. It helped, and she quickly rose to the first. At that, the boys had nothing else to say then, and they also began to accept her. In fact, it wasn't too bad, other than the fact that the rest of the clan still didn't accept her at all. She finished her routines with a leap, a turn, and stamp and a flourish, then relaxed and taking in a deep breathe, looked around at her surroundings. The air smelt of smoke, mingled with the sharp smell of morning dew, the deep earthly smell of the rich earth, and of people. Birds were warbling away unseen in the trees and the river's music was even clearer than ever in the silence of the morning. The morning seemed to belong to her, and her only, a time where she can be alone and away from all those tauntings the clan dealt her everyday. She can pretend that she was the one in control of everything for this short period of time. Besides, mornings reminded her of a new beginning in life.

'Psst!! Azmirah!!' a voice hissed.

Azmirah turned, and saw her sister, Mirond, standing somewhere not too far away from her and looking frantically around to see if anyone was near.

'What is it, Mirond? I'm alone.' Mirond was five years younger than her, and she loved Azmirah deeply, despite what others said about her sister. She didn't care, and lover her sister for who she was, and what she was.

'Come with me,' Mirond said, closing the distance between them and grabbing Azmirah's wrist, dragged her into the forest towards the direction of the river. She didn't say a single thing throughout the journey, and only stopped when they reached the river. Azmirah looked at Mirond in surprise. Everytime Mirond took her here, it means that she has something important to say and she didn't want anyone to overhear. Mirond looked quite alike her sister, though her eyes were bigger, and a black colour, as like her hair, which was tied in a braid and decorated with beads and feathers. 'Well, what is it, Mirond?' Azmirah asked.

'The competition will be held tomorrow, is it not, sister?' Mirond asked anxiously.

'Yes, it is. Why-?' Azmirah wanted to know.

'Do not participate in it! Please! The boys are up to something, i know it!' Mirond cried out.

'Up to something? Up to what?' Azmirah was curious.

'They want to deter you from entering the competition itself. I overheard their conversation, but then they saw me, and stopped,' Mirond wrung her hands together, worry clear in her face.

'Do they? I don't think that they will.' Azmirah looked at the river, at the clear water running over the rocks at the bottom, occasionally catching a ray of the sun and playfully throwing it back in all directions, sparkling.

'Please, not this year, Azmirah.'

'But i have to.'

'For my sake.'

'If they're going to do it this year, they will do the same the next year. And the next. It's now or never for me, Mirond.'

'For my sake, please. Sister. Just not this year,' Mirond pleaded behind her.

'I cannot.' Azmirah turned and looked at her sister sadly. 'I cannot. I'm sorry, Mirond, but i have to. I do not have a choice.' With that, she walked away, leaving Mirond alone by the river. Even as she did so, she felt truly sorry for her sister. Mirond knew that it was Azmirah's greatest dream to take part in the competition and win, and here she was, telling her not to participate. She should have known better. However, only a small part of her mind believed Mirond's words. The boys were indeed unkind to her intitially, but they have changed. They were friendly towards her now, and it was impossible to believe that they wished her harm. But nevertheless, she knew that she must take part in the competition this year, even if such was the case. She hoped that Mirond would understand.

Mirond watched her sister walk away, until she was swallowed up by the forest and she could see her no more. 'Why wouldn't she listen to me?' Mirond said sadly. 'Why must she be so stubborn? Oh, Karazo, Goddess of War...please protect my sister.' Mirond looked up towards the heaven in prayer, but there was no answer, other than the cheerful birdsongs by colourful exotic birds in the trees, and the clear sound of the crystal water running beneath her feet.


-That evening-

'Hey, Azmirah. Tomorrow's the competition. Are you confident enough?' Azmirah looked up to see Karo and Rerso walking towards her, arms around each other's shoulders.

'I'm ready for anything,' she replied, wondering what was going on in their minds, and whether what Mirond said was true.

'Duh. Don't disappoint us, hm?' Rerso said. 'I'll die of exhaustion before i can even finish it.' The competition consisted of several parts. They were supposed to run through the forest any direction they want as long as they can get to the other side, but there were traps in the way. Also, elder warriors would be hiding in wait to ambush any who came by. They had to get past these obstacles and the first to reach the other end would be the winner. They were also provided with horns, and if they ever got into trouble, they can use it to call for help, but you will be disqualified.

'Lazy,' Karo punched Rerso's arm playfully. 'I hope i don't run into Zandos. He'd beat the hell out of me.'

'I hope he gets you.'

'No way! He's a living nightmare,' Karo shuddered.

'He's not that bad,' Azmirah smiled.

'But i think it'll be quite fun getting past the traps,' Karo said to her. Azmirah saw the look on his face, and stopped short of her playful reply. Karo seemed to be leering at her, and the words, if her ears weren't tricking her, seemed to have a potential threat about it. Was what Mirond said true? But then, it passed, and Karo laughed. 'I hope i'll never fall into the one with the deep hole.'

'Hopefully not,' Azmirah laughed with relief. 'It would be terrible inside all cramped and dirty.'

'We should find one and push him into it,' Rerso suggested.

Azmirah continued to exchange a few quick words with the boys before she excused herself and left. She was sure that her mind was playing tricks on her after what Mirond said. Karo and Rerso were as kind to her as ever, and Rerso had even wished her well. 'I hope you win, Azmirah,' he had told her. She almost laughed at her silliness. 'I'm sure they wouldn't want to harm me,' she decided. 'They seemed to be so good to me.' It was just as well that she didn't hang around to hear what Karo and Rerso had to say, and the looks on their face as they watched her go.

'Will the plan...?'

'The plan will go as planned,' Karo smirked. 'Tomorrow.'
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